excellent points by all, tigger IMHO, once its a job there is no fun:angry: , think about it you can build any time you want or not build, but if its become a job, you have to build, meet deadlines, orders, then ship them out, duties, exchange, customs, patents(and lets be real, there are some wicked builders (as well as the big comps)that could in the blink of an eye,knock off your bait before the day was over and be selling there version even cheaper), and then what would be the worse for me, is having someone want a specific coulour/combo:mad: , this weirdo paints what he fells like, and what i want, and lets face it your not going to get rich doing it, how much are you going to charge? do you think all the hard work and time, and artistic ability you put into that lure you will get back? not a chance, guys want lures for next to nothing, unless they make them ,they have the i can go to bps or cableas, and get a lure for x amount of dollars, why would i pay (your price), of course they are exceptions, some guys do make a living at it, and i am happy for them,me i will sell the odd one if the price is right, but i am content in trading them(donate to charity fund raisers as well) to fellow builders who know what went into making them,and know there worth, and as far as the burnout goes, heres a little trick, take a lure(say you make 2 or 3 different styles) and modify/alter one completley different then what you are used to, (ex try it jointed, triple joint, plastic swim tail) just something different to get the creative juices going, and when you feel like it, you can always go back to your stand by weapon of choice, sorry about rambling, just my 1 and 1/2 canadian cents:lol: