Okay about lip design and performance I need to know if I am on the right track here. Now I know that this also has to do with body shape, size, and width and please correct me if I have made wrong assumptions.
Depth is increased on all types of lips by the angle of the lip and the distance of the line tie from the tip of the lip. The larger the bill and the shallower the angle, relative to the horizontal centerline, the deeper the bait dives.
Line ties closer to the baits body increase the potential for maximum diving capacity, the closer to the end of the lip the shallower the diving potential.
Round lips cause a wide wobble and tend to cause the baits tail to swing back and forth. This is increased by adding to the width and the length.
Square lips cause a tighter side to side motion and less tail swing. They are also exceptional for pulling through brush.
What are the benefits of coffin lips? a cross between the two?
Does the thickness of the lips have any major effect on a baits diving ability other than weight?
Are there any set rules for lip width relative to a baits width?
Or lip size and angle for desired depth of dive?