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Everything posted by jawjacker

  1. If someone gave me a 1,000,000,000 I might show them how they are done.....LOL
  2. Look on facebook at a page called wood bait nation...…...check out the ones I do...….
  3. Hughesy is correct if you just repaint it the lure is not subject to the FET tax........ now if you take a piece of wood and build a lure from scratch it is subject to a 10% fet tax.........as well as any component you produce like lips and bodies or weights wires all of that is subject as well..........I have been visited 3 times by Uncle Sam.........
  4. Ok guys I want to clear something up..........the big companys don't just screw a tailwire into soft wood.... there is a pilot hole drilled and filled with an epoxie paste........that soaks into the wood grain giving it a lot more strength than you can ever imagine........ I have never had a wire to pull out......
  5. That one is D2 Tool steel.......hardened to 60 on a Rockwell scale..........
  6. I made that one myself........I bought an end mill and a metal lathe so I could do everything....In House.......that one took a couple of dys working on it in spare time after work.........
  7. I see someone has been looking through my pics.............LMAO.........
  8. Tracy they will be available as well..........I have another way to do them as well........
  9. Guys my baits are still being made if anyone needs anything just shoot me a message on facebook......also just to let everyone know......I also build Flatshad baits now as well......Last summer when Sonny McFarland Retired he passed all of his equipment and templets to me.......I took some time off from building baits to build a larger shop to work in.......I am also kicking around the idea of selling lips ....belly weights and doing some custom flat bait Bodies as well.........Kind of a lure builders supply if you would say...Thanks Rob..."Jawjacker"..Cochran
  10. try this.....a lot of guys try to stretch the material to tight to get it to form to the bait......that is the wrong thing to do.....as when you try to remove it..... it simply smears or scratches the paint.....also try soaking the material in some sort of solvent to soften it up.....I shoot laq. paint so I clean my netting often and very rarely scratch a lure......
  11. There are no set topcoats most of us use a MCU of some sort to coat our lures...... You just have to use what works best for your system
  12. guys you can cut bodies on a cnc machine..........they will be 2 part bodies.......one will run around 3 grand for them and they do a gr8 job
  13. Socal is right..........Jawjackers machine........that's a j1 body being cut........
  14. Ok I am going to chime in on this....I don't post very often but I have built lures for 20 years and have been tought by the best builders in the country......if you are going to use MCU.....you will have to do large batches of baits to keep from loosing the topcoat.......it does have a long dry time but it will cure to the toughest finish you will get......I know someone will disagree with me but that is what I have found to be the best way to build baits and make them last......
  15. Ok guys ......those are finish nails that the baits are on......they are cut one at a time on screw machine........built by sisson........and you can shoot the netting on them that close without overspray........been doing it for close to 20 years this way........a lot of the overspray you are seeing dissolves when you dip it in the topcoat.........Dieter and I use the same system........
  16. I guess im as ready as I will get .....there is a couple thousand baits done.....but I am sure there will be someone that wants something I don't have.......LOL
  17. I have been punching my own lips for 20 years or better and never had any problems with the dies in a shop press "Crushing" any of the materials that I use.........Its all in the way the stamp is made that makes it work properly......Junebug you have seen all of my lures at the show.......I stamp all those lips with a shop press and dies made in my shop......they are not that hard to make....they just take a lot of time to get them done
  18. jawjacker

    Foil Sexy Shad

    This is the model J-1 in Foil Sexy shad...Has a wide wobble goes 3-6 ft deep
  19. jawjacker

    model Ssd sneaky

    One of my favorite color patterns to paint
  20. jawjacker


    Thought I would post a few lures been awhile since I have been on here...
  21. There used to be a company that was called Hellnor......it was in California that delt with Uv cured coatings The only drawbacks were that the equipment and the coatings were expensive.....and I didnt think that the coating adhered to the bait all that well......
  22. Everything that has been posted is very true....Take this from someone who has been through everything said.....I have been building and selling lures for over 20 years Once you take a hobby and turn it into a small buisness alot of the fun goes away and it becomes a job with deadlines as for how many baits one can make that is up to them but remember keep the quality up.......I have alot of wood working experience but also had to learn alot of other things to build lures correctly like working metals to bulid dies .....mold making to build forms to hold lures ......welding/machining to help in making the machines that cut bodies out ....all of this was to help in speeding up the process of building......So before one dives in head first thinking they are gonna get rich they better sit back and ask the ones who do or have done this before hand........Jawjacker
  23. As jeff stated you will have to have several hundered baits at a time for this to work...........one of these days he will actually make that many.......lol.......
  24. RIP..... jim you will be missed by alot of crankbait makers all over the world......
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