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Everything posted by Hoodaddy

  1. Hoodaddy


    Old favorite
  2. Hoodaddy

    Cumberland Purple

    Yeah T, It's kind of a modified version of an A.C. Shiner. Amazing what a digitizer can do......with a little editing added in. Yeah too bad about Cumberland and all the folks it will impact not to say its probably my favorite lake........was
  3. Tools are the smallest part although its a lot tougher without them. The best tool is your imagination....or catching fish on something that you created, or kicking your buddys butt with YOUR own lure. ( lets see you find one of these SUCKA ). Just fire it up and jump on in. You'll have a blast !!!
  4. I used Kilz and Pro Block by Sherwin Williams when I first started doing this and did'nt care for either one. I had the same reults as RM. It takes a longer drying period and I also had streaks and the grain raising occasionaly. I now do nothing but plastic dip.
  5. Very interesting.... Looks like something worth looking into. Great job and ditto on the sharing.
  6. a buddy and myself are looking to head south in a couple of weeks for a couple days and are undecided where to go besides FLA.( Ga. Alabama ). We want to only drive overnite and be able to get on 'em. Any suggestions ? We'll need tips on getting them too. If it aint too much to ask.........
  7. Try a musky jitterbug at nite. Big fish have fallen for a nice slow retreive for yrs. . The hooks are'nt much but its no problem changing them out. I have a freind that is always catching lunkers in the dark at numerous farm ponds around here. I believe the count is up to about 65 over 6 with several 8's in there. He has told of big fish that have jumped and just ripped the hooks right out. He's either throwing that bait spray painted flat black or the largest floating jointed rapala w/ same paint worked slowly on the surface. He crushes them.
  8. I do'nt know if the moderators will allow this or not.. or if it needs to be moved..if so Thank You. Our club has sponsored a Kids Tourny every year for underpriviliged children for the last 4 yrs. and we hold a raffle to support it. If anyone would like to donate to our cause it would be greatly appreciated. There are several bait makers here in our area that help out. Any help would be gratly appreciated. If you would like to donate I would gladly send my address in care of our club.....of course.
  9. Go to Michaels or Hobby Lobby and look for some frisket material. Cut out your own stencil and conform it to the bait then spray away.
  10. Try going to page 3 of the Hard baits posts. Vodkaman does a fine job on how to make a 5 minute rattle can. This may work for you.
  11. De-natured alchohol. Clean the brush in it thoroughly then wash it in a little soapy water. It'll be good as new
  12. Dweller, After applying the Devcon if you simply breath over the bait most of the bubbles will disapate (sp ??) RM is right though passing a propane torch over them will just about eliminate all of them also.... If I'm not mistaken you are not turning your baits. I would be a good idea to do a search for drying wheels and getting one set up. It will keep your clear coats a lot more even with no build up in any one area.
  13. Hoodaddy


    You have mail
  14. Thanks Husky, I had a brain fart and was coming back to post that.
  15. Sorry guys, I may be one of the ones that have made that comment and sometimes I fail to realize that I was new to this site at one time also. The board used to be set up a little differently and easier for some to use although there has been some vast improvements since I've joined. Key words would definitely be a help....I'll keep that in mind in the future when I reply. There are a lot of great guys here and very knowledgable...also willing to help in any way they can. It just gets old sometimes seeing the same question over and over. I truly believe that folks can learn a lot by using the search engine located to the right of the posts if in case you do have key words. So, Fire away I'm sure you will be well on your way to making the most satisfying bait you'll have in your box.
  16. You can try Stamina. I know they used to carry hinged boxes in the back of their catalog.
  17. dampeoples is right on. The search and tutorials sections on here is invaluable. You can find anything you want in there. It has helped me many times, but you will also find a lot of info you still have questions for from all on the board.
  18. I see you are using a Passche,if the dual is a VL model also make sure have matching #1 needle and spray head. I do'nt spray with 20# of pressure normally...more like 10-15
  19. Its hell livin up here aint it. I may have a contact that can help you out some. I'll get back with you.
  20. Could just be Tally.....That or just T-Totally OBSESSED:? .
  21. Your question about clear coat could open up a real can of worms around here . There are several good ones you can use. It's all in your preference. Most use Devcon, Envvironmental lite (E-tex) or Dicknites Fishermans Lurecoat. There are a few others not listed but you will just have to find the one that works best for you. Do a search for clearcoats and you will find enough info to keep you busy for quite a while.
  22. My gosh FF maybe you should open a guide service. Pardon my ignance if you already do guide. Being from Ohio......the land of lunkers:roll: especially around here you do'nt see too many like that. Good fish Savacs.
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