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Everything posted by millsryno

  1. I just purchased a new 5 gallon and they put a new lid with pour spout on it. I don't like it though because you cant mix it and the lid is near impossible to get off.
  2. http://www.turbotax.com/articles/ExciseTaxes.html
  3. I did a little research on this and I found some good info I'd like to share incase others, like myself, are new to this: Manufacturer's Taxes If you manufacture, produce, or import taxable articles, you must pay an excise tax when you sell the articles. Loosely called manufacturer's taxes, these apply to: A manufacturer: any person who produces a taxable article from new or raw material, scrap, salvage, or even junk material. An importer: a person who brings an article into the United States, or withdraws an article from a customs bonded warehouse for sale or use in the United States. The government imposes a manufacturer's excise tax when the manufacturer (or importer) sells an item. The tax rate varies according to the product being sold. For example, following are the different tax rates for sporting goods: Companies that manufacture sport-fishing equipment such as rods, poles, lures, baits, hooks, tackle boxes, baskets, fishing vests, rod holders, and fishing outriggers pay a 10 percent manufacturer's excise tax. Companies that manufacture electric outboard boat motors and sonar devices pay a three percent manufacturer's tax. However, the tax on a sonar device can't exceed $30. Companies that manufacture bows pay an 11 percent tax on the sale of any bow having a draw weight of 10 pounds or more. Companies that manufacture arrows pay 12.4 percent of the sale price on any shaft that measures? 18 inches or more. If the arrows are less than 18 inches but suitable for use with a taxable bow (those with a draw weight of 10 pounds or more), they are also taxed.
  4. Whoa...can somebody explain this Excise Tax to me? I am trying to run a legitamite business and know nothing about this...
  5. If you decide this is too much for you to chew, please PM me. I am looking for a used sta-warm pot. Thanks, Ryan
  6. Thanks Pop. Do you have a link for them? Guys, I have put out for about 20 quotes on bags since I cannot seem to find anybody who stocks a 5x4 or 7x4 bag. Most people want you to purchase 15K+ because it is a special order. However, I have found one company that is willing to stock these sizes for us. I spoke to him on the phone and told him about what we do and how these are extremely hard sizes to get and that I don't think anybody stocks them. He would be willing to stock these sizes if this is in fact something other people besides myself would be willing to buy from him. He said he would order up about 25,000 of them and stock them for us if there is a demand. Would anybody else be willing to purchase these bags if he stocks them for us? order quantity would be 1,000. If people are interested in getting some custom sized bags stocked for us, he was wanting to know what sizes would be the best to stock. He stocks some special bags for differnet industries like for cigars and jewlers. Any suggestions?
  7. Hi Guys, Is anybody interested in splitting an order of 5x4 and 7x4 4 mil poly bags? I have a price quote for $49.74 on the 5x4 and $59.80 on the 7x4 per 1000 bags. There is a minimum purchase fo 15,000. This does not include shipping. I have researched some past posts and noticed some people have tried to get a group of people together to do this and drew some interest, but never knew if they went through with it. At that price, I would take 2000 of each for myself. Anybody else interested? Anybody know where you can get 5x4 and 7x4 bags in 1000 quantities for these prices? Ryan
  8. I use Calhouns, too. It definately sounds as if you either did not mix it enough or added too much softner. I would highly recommend getting a paddle mixer drill bit and mix your plastic with it every time you get ready to use it. It will start to settle as soon as you stop mixing it ever so slowly. You might not be able to tell immediately with your eyes, but it is. It takes me just a minute of mixing with the drill and I guarantee you it is mixed better than you will ever get it mixing by hand.
  9. Hi Guys, I have a request for some stick baits in Yamamoto's #234 color. Here is a link to it: http://www.baits.com/cgi-bin/order/234 I have tried to search on the forum with no luck. Anybody have experience with this color? Please keep in mind these are salted baits and it won't be the same formula as unsalted baits. Thanks
  10. I use Del's dyes and used to use his glitter. Both are good products and I would recommend them to you along with all of his other items. I am currently buying glitter from SenkoSam because he has a huge selection and it performs very well. If you are just getting started and want to save a little money on shipping, you may want to just get it all from Del so that you only pay shipping once. If you want some more specialized glitter colors, try SenkoSam.
  11. eBay has safegurads against this. You should consider filing a complaint with them if your website is copyrighted. I bet they will remove his posts. I have filed complaints in the past and they are pretty quick to reply. Just be sure to be very thourough in your explaination.
  12. The reason for the hollow tip is that you are letting it suck the plastic down into the mold from the reservoir(opening). Overflow is a good thing. The pour hole opening is a reservoir and you should keep it topped off as much as possible. The moment you see it start to suck the plastic in that reservoir down into the mold, top it off. If it sucks the plastic down into the mold, you will have a hollow tip. I usually pour my first stick, making sure to overflow it to the point it is coming out of the pour spout reservoir. I then pour the second stick while I watch the reservoir on the first stick. When I have the second stick about half way full, I usually notice the first stick start to suck the plastic out of that reservoir. I immediately stop pouring the second stick and top of the first one again, BEFORE it sucks that plastic down. Then I finish pouring the second stick. When I am done pouring the second stick, sometimes the first stick needs to be topped off again. Continue the same process with the third stick and so on and so forth. My baits come out perfect every time.
  13. I think it may be because the mold is cold. I notice this when I first start pouring, but as my molds get hot, I do not notice it anymore. Try heating your molds up in the oven before you pour.
  14. Wow, wish my prototypes looked that nice. What material are you making thee prtotypes out of?
  15. Hello everybody, First I just wanted to say, THANKS! This website is so full of good information, I have been reading the old posts for about 2 months now and I hope to become a contributing member for a long time to come. I have already purchased a ton of glitter from SenkoSam and have to say it looks and performs great and more importantly, his customer service is top notch. We had a problem with some shipping (not his fault at all) and he came through for me big time. Del, your molds are great and I plan on getting more from you soon. So, about these 2 part stick molds. If you are new to them, you might frequently be getting an air pocket on the top 1/3 of the bait after you pull it out of the mold. I did a bunch of research on this forum and got a lot of advice here and there. Most of the advice is to keep the plastic real hot, make sure it is mixed real well and all that basic stuff. I was doing all of this and still getting a lot of baits with this stinkin' air bubble!! I kept digging through the archive and kept taking bits and peices of info from everybody and finally figured it out. Now I don't pour any with air pockets. The trick is to pour it so it overflows. As the air escapes, you will notice the hot plastic start to sink back into the mold. Keep topping it off so that it does not sink back in. Don't worry about how much overflow you have, you can trim it off and remelt it. I was always too worried about not having overflow and pouring it nice and slow, etc. Until you get really good with them, overflowing them is a GOOD thing. I just thought I would try to contribute something to other new members because I know they might be having the same frustrations I was. Hope this helps. You pros, you might laugh at this technique, but it has worked wonders for me If somebody already posted this, sorry to beat the same drum.
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