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Everything posted by millsryno

  1. BBC - I personally always like to see pictures. They are pretty insperational at times. I know the photo section is not working (any word on this), but you can still post them here. Also for anybody just getting into the swing of things, if you learn anything that makes pouring easier for you, please post it. There are countless others probably trying to work through the same things as you. ...just my $.02
  2. No problem, Mike. I'd highly recommend using the TU Search feature. This website has so much information, it is unbelievable. There are so many awesome guys here and they are all willling to help you out if you run into any problems. Don't hesitate to post your new and exciting ideas, either!
  3. ditto... I don't mean to be rude, but that post rubbed me the wrong way, too. You need to feed the fire some wood before you ask it for more heat. It would be nice to see some of Angler310's fresh ideas... I think most of us would be more than willing to welcome you with open arms and help you with any questions you might have, but c'mon man, don't you think you should contribute a little before you post something like this? Maybe I just took your post the wrong way, and if I did I apologize.
  4. Dang those look nice. I'll have to get some made from him. Thanks for the info.
  5. Thanks. I am curious as to how the two peice is consturcted. Do they have hinges or something? Are they built like Del's or Bob's? How do the two sides bolt together?
  6. jm- Was it a 2 peice or 1 peice mold? Do you care to share details as in what you got cut and associated costs?
  7. Let us know if you get anything through him. I was thinking about it but waasn't sure how the quality compared
  8. I have tried colors from all 3 places (Del, LC, MF). I found that they are all just different. There is not neccesarily a better or worse one in my opinion. One guy will have a more potent Watermelon, the other guy will have a more potent Rootbeer, etc. They are all slightly different shades, too. It boils down to personal preference to me. They each have their own unique colors as well.
  9. Isn't it basically green pumpkin with copper pearl powder?
  10. Does it have a plastic bottom?
  11. SenkoSam, Are you offering discounts on 1 pound and 5 pound quantities, yet? I love your flake, but can't afford to mass produce at those prices... They are great prices for 1 or 2 ounces of this and that, but not in bulk.
  12. borderbasser, Do you have the fry daddy or the presto pot? I have been itching to figure out a good way to hook up the fry daddy with a bottom spigot instead of a side spigot.
  13. borderbasser, I have not noticed a difference. I used to mix between every pour though so my baits were perfectly consistant. What mixer bit are you using? ow's it working for you? I'd love to see a pic
  14. Hey Tiki, I think the cencensus on the most basic stick formulas is as follows when using Calhoun's: 4 parts plastisol 2 parts salt 1 part softener So, to make that even eaiser: 4 oz. plastisol 2 oz. salt 1 oz. softener Make a few batches with that and see how you like them. Remember that they will feel softer right when you take them out of the mold compared to a few days later. It takes a couple days for them to fully cure. Fish these a little bit and see how you like them, then tweak the formula accordingly. I personally add a little more softener to mine. When using M-F or LC, you will have to adjust accordingly. They are all going to produce a little different of a worm. Also, depending on whether or not you are flouring your salt or the size of the salt crystal, you may want to tweak the salt content to get it just how you like it too. As far as coloring goes, that is all personal preference and each color is going to require more or less drops. Just cook your plastic then add color to how you like it. As far as flake is concerned, the darker your worms, the more flake you will need and vice versa. Also, the brighter flake colors, like red, need less flake than black flake. As a good rule of thumb, in a watermelon worm, I use 3/4 tsp of .040 black flake per 2 cups of plastic. I use 1/2 tsp of .040 red flake per 2 cups of plastic. If I am making a black worm, I will maybe add an extra 1/4-1/2 tsp per 2 cups.
  15. The standard size for sticks is .035 or .040.
  16. GYCB are mostly translucent in color. Opaque baits would have no light transmission at all.
  17. millsryno


    It sounds like you need to try some different mixer blades out. Something larger and more aggressive that will not push the salt to the bottom, rather pull it up from the bottom. Wish I could recommend one, but I need a better one, too. Somebody had posted a picture of one that they made that looked pretty decent.
  18. millsryno


    'cuz you need to add it before you heat the plastic.
  19. millsryno


    It sounds like you are after a clear bait. If this is the case, do not grind your salt. If you grind your salt you are going to have an opaque bait.
  20. Anybody looking to play some fantasy baseball? It just dawned on me that somebody here might be interested in playing. We have room for 1 or 2 more guys. This is our 3rd year playing through CBS Sportsline. It's a good league with a lot of participation. The cost is $100 and this includes your portion of the league fees and your $20 free agent budget. We are drafting live on Sunday at 9:30 PM EST. You can pay me through PayPal. Let me know if you are interested. Just send me a PM. Thanks!
  21. Guess I'm not understanding why people are against knocking this off and selling them when Senkos, Beavers and just about all others are knocked off without a second thought about it. It boils down to this...if you don't want somebody to knock-off your bait, you had better get a patent on it. I only pray for the day every manufacturer is knocking off my bait. 'Cuz I'll be getting rich off it just the same. Are these a patented design? I did not think they were.
  22. What is GYCB using to make Blue Pearl? I used MF blue pearl brilliant powder and that is definately not it. I also have messed with Del's pearl powder but that is not it either. Has anybody compared MF Pearl to Del's Pearl? Notice any difference?
  23. Screw the minnows, craw...Let's see a rainbow trout! JK, good work!
  24. Nice pics. The detail and quality of those look to be as good as aluminum. Can you tell any difference between the finished product?
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