WOW! You guys are too much. LOL.
I'm in sales in marketing in my real life job so I get a real kick out of these discussions. I am GLAD that Senko sells his baits for that much. It is the American system working. Good ol' supply and demand. All this will do is to allow us little guys to raise our prices a little or bring us more business because not everybody is going to pay more for his sticks.
Is a top of the line Mercedes really worth $100K more than a Chrysler Sebring? Is the leather they put in there really THAT much better? Do the top of the line Ranger boats priced out at $50K really have $30K more in parts than my $20K Stratos? I don't think so.
Gouging? That is not gouging. It's simply marketing. Gouging is when the gas stations all raise their prices for no reason other than to make more money. The consumers can't get it anywhere else, so they are getting gouged. Senkos are not the only stick bait out there, so how are they gouging? You don't like the price, there are alternatives. Now if all stick baits raised their prices to $6.49, we can talk about gouging. Most stores can't keep these things on the shelves. The demand was already higher than the supply. When this happens, you raise retail prices. Throw in the fact that costs for just about any bulk material out there has gone through the roof and it's a no brainer. And trust me, his costs have risen tremendously.
Business are out to make a certain margin on their products, not a set profit $. If they are costing him $1.50 to make a pack and he sells them to the stores for $4.50, he is making 67% margins. If his raw material costs raise and raise the cost of his baits to $1.75, well he is not going to settle for $4.50 per pack anymore. Heck he is not even going to settle for a $3.00 per pack profit because that would lower his margins. Instead, with a $.25 per pack increased cost, he is going to charge $.75 extra to cover his margins. Now instead of selling them to the stores for $4.50, he is going to sell them for $5.25. Every company on Wall Street operates this way, too. They are in it for the return on the investment. If he invests X dollars, he expects 2 times X in profits. Simply as that. That is just business.