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Everything posted by millsryno

  1. My most popular off the top of my head are below. They seem to go in spurts, though. A lot of time you get a request for one of the below with another flake color added, but it is basically the base color. Green Pumpkinseed Watermellonseed w/ Small Red Chartreuse Pepper Smoke w/ Large Purple Watermellon Candy Black w/ Large Blue Black w/ Large Red Pearl w/ Large Holographic Oxblood w/ Red Pumpkinseed
  2. Glaucus, Don't confuse that fish on that link with the one mentioned here. They are two seperate fish...one real, one not.
  3. I'd recommend searching for "bubble" or "bubbles". There is more info on this topic than you can imagine. Everybody has the same problem as you when they first start.
  4. It's too bad he has square glitter. I'm not a big fan of it. Hopefully he gets .040 hex in stock!
  5. Action may be most important, but color does make a big difference. My family has a "secret" lure we troll with in a certain body of water. It comes in a dozen or so colors. When we troll, we will usually have 5 lines in the water. There is one certain color that WAY outperforms the others. We have tried time and time again, pitting the different patterns up against each other and it never fails. This one pattern of the exact same lure will always at least double the catch rate of the other colors. The key is that you must match the hatch in this particular body of water.
  6. I have not seen it trademarked, but like DJ said you probably just want to avoid using that. I'm sure he has more money than you and could hurt you. I thought that I read when a word because universally accepted as a term associated with a product, like Kleenex, it can't be trademarked. I may be wrong on this, but I swear I read that when I was researching trademarks.
  7. Salt works just fine, no clogging issues so far.
  8. So if a guy wanted to get some custom painted hardbaits, which ones would you recommend that have the "best" action?
  9. Looking for a gift for my dad. There seems to be a real lack of striper or white bass patterned crankbaits. I don't come over here too often, I stay on the soft plastics side of things so not really sure who to contact for quality cranks. Anyways, looking to purchase or trade for $50 worth of baits. Needs to be high quality cranks. Please post here or message me with pics/links. Thanks!
  10. You'd be surprised of how well a white peice of paper does to give you "no background". For perfect pics, sunlight is a must, no flash.
  11. Craw, I think people are most interested in your molds because they are actually made from a REAL frog or craw or whatever. You can't get any more realistic than that. I think you can charge a premium over what Lurecraft sells, that is for sure. You have laid it out to us, showing us how to do it, but I'll be quite honest with you, I'd assume just buy one from you :grin: Also, keep in mind that when somethign is new, it is going to fetch a higher price on eBay. After you sell a few, the price will come down. just something to keep in mind.
  12. WOW! You guys are too much. LOL. I'm in sales in marketing in my real life job so I get a real kick out of these discussions. I am GLAD that Senko sells his baits for that much. It is the American system working. Good ol' supply and demand. All this will do is to allow us little guys to raise our prices a little or bring us more business because not everybody is going to pay more for his sticks. Is a top of the line Mercedes really worth $100K more than a Chrysler Sebring? Is the leather they put in there really THAT much better? Do the top of the line Ranger boats priced out at $50K really have $30K more in parts than my $20K Stratos? I don't think so. Gouging? That is not gouging. It's simply marketing. Gouging is when the gas stations all raise their prices for no reason other than to make more money. The consumers can't get it anywhere else, so they are getting gouged. Senkos are not the only stick bait out there, so how are they gouging? You don't like the price, there are alternatives. Now if all stick baits raised their prices to $6.49, we can talk about gouging. Most stores can't keep these things on the shelves. The demand was already higher than the supply. When this happens, you raise retail prices. Throw in the fact that costs for just about any bulk material out there has gone through the roof and it's a no brainer. And trust me, his costs have risen tremendously. Business are out to make a certain margin on their products, not a set profit $. If they are costing him $1.50 to make a pack and he sells them to the stores for $4.50, he is making 67% margins. If his raw material costs raise and raise the cost of his baits to $1.75, well he is not going to settle for $4.50 per pack anymore. Heck he is not even going to settle for a $3.00 per pack profit because that would lower his margins. Instead, with a $.25 per pack increased cost, he is going to charge $.75 extra to cover his margins. Now instead of selling them to the stores for $4.50, he is going to sell them for $5.25. Every company on Wall Street operates this way, too. They are in it for the return on the investment. If he invests X dollars, he expects 2 times X in profits. Simply as that. That is just business.
  13. I wonder why they did not raise the price of Kinami Flash baits then??
  14. I was at Sportsman's Warehouse today and noticed Senkos selling for $6.49. They used to be $5.99. When I asked the guy that worked there about it he told me that GYCB dictates pricing and required them to. Just wondering if everybody has seen this in your area. The price per bait is now $.65 each. Oddly enough, Kinami did not have a price increase and there baits are selling for $.50 each. SSDP
  15. Dang, looks nice! Hey, I was looking at your molds on eBay and was just thinking that you wold probably get more money for them if you included a pic of the finished product like you did on the frog mold. Keep up the great work!
  16. smallhedz, What is the diameter of that blade? Did you buy it somewhere? Looks like it would work nicely.
  17. I'm not going to say that what he did during the Classic was planned, but I will say that a lot of what he does is a marketing ploy. He causes contreversy on purpose. He WANTS to be the bad boy of fishing. I'm not going to say I agree or disagree with what he is doing, but one thing is certain...he is drawing new fans to the sport. He is exactly what pro fishing needs to get bigger and better. Many pro anglers may not like some of the stupid things that he does, but when they win that $500K fatty they sure will appreciate the fact that pots are getting bigger and will continue to do so in the future. All sports need a villian or two. It gives people things to chat about and makes for a side story to keep things interesting when they may get boring. Just my 2 cents...
  18. I know that mine started doing that if I don't turn the dial past 1 minute.
  19. when did he win 500K in the past?
  20. I'd really recommend testing some sticks without the salt in them. Just put on a jighead or something and see what happens. This way you can see if it is the salt you are using. Maybe you are using iodized salt or something and they are not. ...just an idea.
  21. Keeping your senkos in water overnight is likely going to bleach out any of them, no matter who's plastic you are using. The salt will do it. Also, water has nothing to do with UV.
  22. Yeah Monty, you might be right. I had thought about one like that and now that I read the description it's probably a good one. "Lower wheel cuts upward and upper wheel cuts down" I think it's probably too big though. I need to find a small one like this.
  23. It apears to be 6 1/4" wide at the narrowest spot (right above the base stand). The base is 6 1/2".
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