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Everything posted by bassn1

  1. bassn1

    Big Lure

    Got tired of looking at that rusty blue LP tank and painted it to look like a topwater.
  2. No, I was just foolin' around and came up with it. It's hard to find Powder Tempra paint in fish catching colors. If you could find a fine powdered pigment, it should work OK.
  3. I made my own with pvc pipe glue and Tempra powder paint. Thin it with asetone or MEK and shoot it with the airbrush. Drys real fast and makes a mess out of your airbrush.
  4. bassn1


    RI's Roadkill made easy 2 oz plastic 5 drops LC Green Pumpkin 1 drop LC watermelon 4 drops Dell's black Add a match head size of gold highlite.
  5. b1gf1sh1.. You Found my favorite site, welcome to the madness. I haven't had any time to work on any lures as my shop is filled up with a new project. A 1960 Ford PU. That will take most of the winter to restore it enough to roll it on to the drive and free up some space. I'll get back to the lure biz before ice off, I should be sick of rusty bolts by then.
  6. I use plain silicone, just a thin layer on the bait and stick it down. Works great for sticking small appendeges too.
  7. I agree with Travis, The only thing I do different is use vaselene on all sides of the mold so it slides out easier.
  8. bassn1

    Bluegill photo finish

    I used a photo of a actual bluegill printed on traceing paper. Ther is a tutorial on this site about it.
  9. Thanks for the info guys, I'm going to give that a try. Now all I need to do is figure out what kind of an excuse I'm going to use if I get caught in the wife's underware drawer:wink:
  10. Check out this guys work, it's great. Can anybody do this type of paint pattern? Any Idea's or tips? Heckler Custom Tackle - pattern options
  11. bassn1


    Bass Boat : 16K Tow Vehicle : 25K Catching a 4+ pound smallmouth on one of your own cranks on a rare, calm and clear 60 degree Minnesota day in November PRICELESS !!!!
  12. bassn1

    cheap mold

    Be careful when using water putty or plaster. if there is any moisture in it when you pour the lead, it will explode. Been there, done that and I'm lucky I didn't get burned.
  13. bassn1


    Foam replica of a Creek Chub Mouse
  14. bassn1

    Crappie Pattern

    another foamie
  15. bassn1

    Sunfish Pattern

    another foamie
  16. bassn1

    Perch pattern

    another foamie
  17. bassn1

    Bluegill pattern

    another foamie
  18. Try this link: Foams: Rigid and Flexible Foams from Smooth-On That's just one source, I think there is a suppliers list someplace on this (TU) site.
  19. If you add a tablespoon or two of water to the mix it will harden all the way in half the time. There was a tutorial a while back, I think it was under "clamshell mold" or something like that.
  20. They look good to me. The round stuff allways seems to lay whare it want's to. Trust me, the fish won't care. When you make your skirt, try putting the skirt coller only 1/3 of the way down and put the "short side" over the hook. If your skirts still look like they are having a bad hair day then hang the jig by the eye for a few days and let your skirt relax.
  21. I made a recipe book copied from any posts relating to color, this goes back before the crash. This was one of the recipes but I don't know who the original poster was. Cherryseed 6 oz plastic 15 dr. strawberry (MF) lurecraft strawberry won't give you the same color as zooms ( I've tried) 2 dr. black (MF) L.C. will work but I haven't used it yet so you'll have to experiment with it. 7 dr. red (L.C.) .035 black glitter I also add some .015 red to mine
  22. I'd start over with a quality dual action gravity fed brush and a large compressor. Single action bottom sucking brushes waste paint and I've burned up two smaller 2 and 6 gallon compressers. Don't waste your $ on a tiny compresser "made for airbrushing". They tend to pulse and can screw up a paint job.
  23. I use .035 SS twisted wire for my hangers and I haven't had a failure yet. I just make them as long as possible to get a good bite into the foam. I have made some thru-wire types and it does save time. Twisting SS wire for hook hangers is a PITA.
  24. That's the whole idea I'm working on. Here's a link to the site for the paint. Fish Vision, UV Lure Paint So far i've had a bit of trouble getting it to go thru an airbrush but it's do-able. I did see a demo of this paint and it's incredable. Under a UV light and camera, this stuff looks like someone lit a 50,000 watt light bulb.
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