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Everything posted by rixon529

  1. I would think that finer grit of media would potentially increase the likelihood of scratching. Being finer,the beads would be smaller and work their way between surfaces and producing scratches - essentially wearing away injectors like sandpaper on wood...Just my thoughts... Here's a visual of Glass Beads Abrasive Blasting Media Grit Comparison: http://www.andersonsmasonry.com/potters-glass-beads-sandblasting-media.html Rick
  2. http://lisa.staton.home.insightbb.com/lure_eyes.htm
  3. Hi everyone. I have been content over the years using assorted colors of my own creation without trying to match any specific manufacturer's colors. Now a friend wants to use zooom arkansas shiner and albino colors. I can wing it on the albino with a slightly off-white, I guess, but am looking for some help for the arkansas shiner. Would anyone be able to help me? Feel free to PM me if you don't want to post a recipe. Thanks in advance. Rick
  4. “It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.”

  5. Hi Mark. Hagen's has what you probably want/need. http://www.hagensfish.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=12&Itemid=26&products=1381 Sorry, no picture. Rick H. SE CT
  6. Someone on another forum stated that RI's bad shad green is comparable. Rick SE CT
  7. Anyone use the LC glow in the dark phosphorescent coloring pigment? I'm debating whether to try some. Any opinions? Any suggestions on mixing with plastic (hot/cold)? Should lures with this in it be "charged" in a bright light before being cast out at night? Thanks in advance for any input. Rick H. SE CT on LIS
  8. BioEdge has a squid potion. http://www.bioedgefishing.com/store/product/squid-potion
  9. Jerry - I would personally like to thank you for the time, effort, and energy you have invested in TU. I'm sure it hasn't always been an easy journey for you but I'm also sure that there are literally hundreds that feel as I do - truly grateful that you made this site into what it is - an avenue to make available the sharing of knowledge, thoughts, suggestions, and ideas. In my opinion you have done a helluva job with this website over the years. Curt - Welcome to TU. Nice to meet another fellow New Englander on the board. I can understand the anxieties of some about the website. I thought Ben's analogy about the boots and shotgun was very fitting. I actually had to check my own profile to see when I registered with TU - 2005. Wow... It's been fun for the last eight years and I look forward to the next eight. Rick H. SE CT (Southeastern Connecticut)
  10. "If the bait breaks down..." Over what period of time are we talking about, Mike? Would the bait break down as in immediately/after 10 minutes/after 24 hours? Rick SE CT
  11. I believe one of the "tricks" mentioned a few years ago was to get the $2/tube silicone caulking from Walmart or the like. Squirt it out of the tube and let it cure, then cut it up into small chunks and use it as a filler for the "good" silicone used for mold making. It will considerably reduce the quantity needed and thereby save you some of the expense. Rick SE CT
  12. I can show you a pic of white thats been reheated 6x. Please do.
  13. Just thinkin' out loud here - how about slightly heating a small quantity of worm oil and mixing the "paste" to blend thoroughly and then add to plastic? Rick
  14. Nova - I haven't done this before and I'm getting ready to start experimenting... In your experience would you say its better to pour at a slightly cooler temp for better "swirling" effect and less "mixing/blending" of colors? Thanks. Rick
  15. Longhorn - do the baits have salt in them? If so, I'm wondering if the salt is absorbing the worm oil? Rick
  16. A handy reference for Zoom's colors: http://zoombait.com/colors/ Rick SE CT
  17. Diablito - If you haven't already seen it, take a look at Frank's video - http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/index.php?/topic/22143-open-pour-video-vein-pouring/ You'll notice that he keeps his heated plastic in Pyrex cups on an electric skillet. You can get one of these at most stores that carry small appliances. They're made by Presto, GE, Rival, etc in a variety of sizes from 6"x6" and up. Prices will vary as well starting about $20. The key is to get one that will accomodate the number and size of cups you will normally want to keep warmed. Remember that you're paying for the electricity to heat the element in the skillet, so if you get a 12"x18" and only keep one 8 ounce cup in it, you're wasting an awful lot of heat and the electricity used to produce it... Then again, if you're only pouring once a month or less, it may not matter to you. Although I've never used one, I'm inclined to believe the hot plate method (although I know some use them) would require much more of a learning curve to maintain the proper heat adjustment. Most of these units are controlled by a knob with the "1 / 2 / 3", or "LO / MED / HI" guage as opposed to the skillet which usually has a dial incremented in degrees. Your choice will be determined by whatever you find comfortable. Rick SE CT
  18. S. Yankee: ( I assume theres a dial in for temp?) Close up of Presto pot thermostat control. Some units are closer to selected temp than others, but people that use them (for the most part) say they're reasonably close. Not like you're gonna select 300 on the dial and get 400 degrees... Time it takes to heat is going to vary according to the quantity you put in to begin with. I believe most heat in a microwave and transfer to the presto pot to make it quicker. Rick SE CT
  19. If your baits have salt, the salt may be soaking up the worm oil. Rick SE CT
  20. the bait looked like almost a fuzzy algea, that actually flowed with the water,, its hard to explain, I went across the street to a local pond and turned over rocks,,the crayfish have that fuzz Possibly a hair algae? Rick SE CT
  21. For future reference and tracking, here's the official State of Maine Legislature website with summary of actions pertaining to L.D. 42 / H.P. 37, "An Act To Prohibit the Use of Rubber Lures for Fishing": http://www.mainelegislature.org/LawMakerWeb/summary.asp?ID=280046354 Here's a link to one testimony that took place on 5 Feb 2013: http://www.maine.gov/ifw/laws_rules/pdf/LD%20%2042%20Rubber%20Lures.pdf Here's a link to the discussion of the proposed legislation on Bass Boats Central (BBC): http://www.bbcboards.net/northern-rally-x/333343-beware-proposed-plastics-ban-maine.html BBC board member Riley-Maine stated in post #10 dated 21 Feb 2013, "LD 42, ban on soft platsics, got put to a resolve today. What that means is that they will conduct an internal study over the next year and the committee will draft a new bill to be presented on Jan. 15 of 2014. 2 out of 12 voted ought not to pass. THIS NOT GOOD! There will be more info coming as to what to do from this point, but the vote has happened, and the only thing that can stop the resolve is a veto from the Governor"
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