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Everything posted by rixon529

  1. If anyone could help me out with a somewhat inexpensive way of trying it out to get the hang of it could you let me know? maybe a kit you know of or something? Kevin (NY) Take a look at these starter kits as well to help make up your mind on how to get started: http://www.lurecraft.com/catalog.cfm/kits/worm-making-kit-~-with-dvd:630 http://www.bearsbaits.com/search.asp?keyword=starter+kit&search.x=0&search.y=0&search=GO http://www.pouryourownworms.com/Soft-Plastic-Worm-Mold-Kits_c64.htm Welcome aboard and good luck. Rick
  2. From Zoom's website - Purple Passion color code 058 is a special distributor color. I couldn't find a picture of the color. Probably not widely available... Rick
  3. Thanks, Mike. I'll give him a call. Rick
  4. Hi All. Anyone willing to share a source for Mylar? I'm looking to experiment with some mylar inserts. This is just for me - I don't make baits for resale. Please feel free to message me if you don't want to make an open post. Thanks in advance. Rick SE CT Shoreline
  5. I remember reading about this before. How about trying the Strawberry Red? Rick
  6. I've never used it, but I've read on this forum that the Mod Podge will weaken and actually peel out of the mold after a while. I guess it doesn't bond with the PoP as well as other products. I've successfully used the 30 minute Devcon epoxy. 30 minutes is a good time frame to ensure complete coverage with one coat at a time. Elmer's Glue All or Elmer's Carpenter glue mixed with water in a 50/50 ratio is also popular and effective. Both the Devcon and Elmer's are usually applied in two or three coats for a good seal. Rick SE CT Shoreline
  7. I saw a corer listed in Hagen's catalog. No picture, so I can only guess its a hollow tool of some kind that removes a quantity of plastic so you can insert a rattle... Rick SE CT Shoreline
  8. They say there's nothing new under the sun in the world of fishing lures any more. I disagree. If you've got a special bait that might be worth something in the market on a production level basis, then a patent is in order. Not a cheap route, but then what is these days? Non-disclosure agreements are also an avenue if you're talking to others about a non-patented lure. Business can easily be a cut-throat affair, even when you think you're dealing with respectable, ethical businessmen or business entities. You need to be sure to CYA (cover your a**) at all times. When all is said and done, you may think that your attorneys (like Dewgoode, Befayre & Prosper) will be there when you need them and take care of you, but when they're up against the big boys attorneys (like Dewey, Cheatam & Howe), it can easily become a very different game. Chalk it up to lessons learned - the hard way. Rick
  9. Application date: Feb 3, 1997. Date of patent expiration: Feb 3, 2017 (twenty year patent term provision) Only 1,114 days to go, Mike! Hey - by the way, how'd that hand come out after the burn? Back to normal, I hope? Rick
  10. Nice bait, Rico. You've been big on the Javallon for a few years now. I'll bet you do well with it. Someone else may have more/better info, but I believe Imakatsu's Javallon came first. Its patent dates back to 2005. Lake Fork's Live Magic Shad came after Javallon's popularity/success. So my question is - did the Javallon start in Japan? Or did they popularize an earlier European bait? Rick
  11. Holy smokes, Techmaster! "implanted microchip" "waterproof speaker" "programmed" "hydrophone" "parabolic antenna" "motion sensor" "micro Lithium cell" "magnetic inductance cup charger" Seriously though, hearty congrats on the patent award! You are one serious inventor. Good luck! Rick
  12. This info is a little older, but might be useful to you. HT-Baits Henk Thielens, Sophiestraat 4, 6006 GH Weert Netherlands Phone: +31 (0)495 532409 Mobil: +31 (0)6 54280952 Website: http://www.ht-baits.com/ Email link is on website. Lureparts.nl Kraanvogelstraat 5 6921WS Duiven, Gelderland, NL Telephone: +31 (0)64 796 5093 Fax: +31 (0)84 748 3449 Web site: http://www.lureparts.nl Email: info@lureparts.nl Pear Kunstaas Haagwinde 26 3297 WJ Puttershoek, Nederland Tel: 0616958413 or 0612993396 Website: http://www.pear.nl Email: info@pear.nl Good luck! Rick
  13. This is from the Alumilite website. Don't know which of their products these businesses might have available. Alumilite Retailers in CT Manchester - Time Machine Hobbies 860-646-0619 Middletown - Amato's Hobby 860-347-1893 Wolcott - Hobby Gallery 203-879-2316 Hope this helps. Rick
  14. I tried, but apparently the Lorie Kay Bait website is no longer functional. Try: http://www.unexcelledfishing.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=6&Itemid=12&c=yellow
  15. I don't know anything about your country, but maybe if you inquired with this organizaiton: http://www.apmf.asn.au/index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage&Itemid=1 and explain what you're looking for they can help? Good luck. Rick
  16. For anyone who wants to offer recipe help, this is from Zoom's color page http://zoombait.com/2009/05/scuppernong/
  17. TroutStlkr: This was being actively explored and experimented with last year by Vodkaman and tbrinlee. The thread kinda died out in June 2011. Read this thread: http://www.tackleund...-powder-binder/ And this one: http://www.tackleund...etalflake-worm/ Hey, Vodkaman / tbrinlee! Anything else you care to share on this? Rick
  18. rixon529


    http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/topic/15793-zooms-chartreuse-pumpkin/ http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/topic/7109-cant-wait-to-start/ Post #19 http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/topic/23308-soft-plastic-cookbook/page__st__40 Post #57 Hope this helps! Rick
  19. This thread is about a member who made a hollow mouse. http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/topic/21746-moss-mouse/page__p__162018__hl__+hollow%20+frog#entry162018 Maybe you could use some of his ideas / info to create a hollow frog? Good luck. Rick
  20. Here's a couple: M-F transparent fluorescent red Lurecraft Rick
  21. You're right. Here's a quote: Polymer crystals are one of those special items that are almost magical. Polymer crystals gel very similar to a gelatin dessert. One of their major uses is by the disposable diaper manufacturers, where they are referred to as super absorbent polymers. The polymers allow for thinner and lighter disposable diapers. I checked a couple craft store sites on line (ACMoore, Hobby Lobby) and they have water gel crystals (aka Water Balz, etc) available on the cheap. Since they are designed to absorb water, would they make your bait swell up when you use it? The article you cited says, Quote 'You can't mix the Cyber-Flexxx baits with traditional soft-plastic lures,' offered Murski. 'Doing so will cause a chemical reaction that will deform both baits. And it's also not a good idea to put Cyber-Flexxx baits in a plastic lure tray that has previously held standard soft plastic baits. Unquote Following is from a Strike King web page about 3X Soft Plastics. Quote Note: Do not mix with or store in the same bag with regular soft plastic baits because the two materials will dissolve when stored together. Unquote Their warning is for cured lures... I gotta wonder what type of "chemical reaction" would happen with 300+ degree plastisol. Sounds interesting. Thanks. Rick
  22. Where are they located? Thanks. RIck
  23. Materials cost will vary greatly depending on who you buy from. Prices below are based on info from their websites today. (Not knowing your exact location, I just used Seattle, WA as destination location for UPS shipping estimate.) Here's a guesstimate of what you can expect: LureCraft item price 5gal Formula 500 Plastic 136.00 16oz White Coloring 14.75 4oz Phosphorescent (glow) 6.49 Shipping Indiana to Oregon 67.00 (estimate) Total 224.24 M-F 5gal Saltwater Plastic 133.00 16oz White Coloring 13.75 4oz Nite Glo Green 8.50 Shipping Texas to Oregon 60.00 (estimate) Total 215.25 Bear's Baits 5gal Calhoun Hard Plastic 130.00 16oz White Coloring 17.50 Glow - Not available Shipping LA to OR 64.07 (estimate) Total 211.57 Caney Creek 5gal Crystal Clear Hard 176.96 (free Shipping for plastisol) 5oz X2 White Color 8.99 Glow - Not available Shipping TX to OR 13.18 (estimate) Total 199.13 Spike It 5gal Pourasol Hard 95.00 16oz White Color 11.95 4oz Glow 7.50 Shipping GA to OR 65.75 (estimate) Total 170.20 If you make your own mold(s) from either plaster of paris, Durham's Water Putty, or Bondo, cost will be pennies on the dollar compared to a purchased mold. LureCraft does offer a couple BIG fish bait molds: http://www.lurecraft...baits/5x617:640 http://www.lurecraft...aits/5x855:1933 The above will be in addition to the items you will need for basic "cooking" of plastisol: microwave and pyrex hot plate and pan I absolutely agree with Frank, Bob, and Bill - cooling time for this amount of poured plastic is going to be very, very long. For this reason, unless you want to take several hours producing small numbers of baits, multiple molds would be necessary. Good luck. Rick
  24. A quick search will show you loads of posts about purple flake. It is notorious for bleeding. If you can keep the heat down to maybe 300 or even less, bleeding will be kept to a minimum. Purple flake does not like being reheated at all. Good luck. Rick
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