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Everything posted by cadman

  1. I've had no problems so far. What problems are you having? Below is a quote on his website: "ATTENTION: If your images are dissapearing you are using Internet Explorer 6. IE6 is a TEN YEAR old web browser and support for IE6 was discontinued long ago by Microsoft. Please visit This Microsoft Page to download Internet Explorer 7."
  2. Welcome to Tackle Underground. If you are looking to get crankbait style painting done on your jigs or spinnerbaits that have a lot of detail, then I would say yes you will need to get into airbrushing. Lacquer paint being the most durable, however you will have to evacuate the fumes. Also if you use any lacquer paint or waterbase paint, you will have to clear coat for longevity and durability. With that said, I don't know what your goals are. But there are a lot of guys here that do beautiful paint work with powder paint. From multi-color to air brushing powder paint. So don't sell yourself short. Powder paint hands down is more durable than lacquer or waterbase paint and you can do some impressive painting if you take your time and learn the process. You will get more feedback here for sure..................Good Luck
  3. If you aren't doing this then try it. Let the lead solidify and cool a couple of seconds before you take the jig out of the mold and make sure you grab the jig by the sprue, when you remove it from the mold cavity.
  4. cadman

    Heat Gun

    Yes Mark, that is all I use to heat my jigs up so I can powder paint them. Also the heat will get hot enough to melt the lead off of a jig head so you have to be careful if you use it on higher setting.
  5. cadman

    Heat Gun

    I have a Wagner digital with hi/lo and it is excellent and affordable.
  6. cadman

    Merry Christmas

    Happy Holidays to you guys and your families as well.
  7. I just want to wish everyone a Happy Holiday. A great bunch of guys helping each other out. Have a good one.
  8. I am in total agreement with LedHed. I too paint multi-color jigs and mix my own colors. I use Columbia Coatings, Sherwin Williams, Dupont, IVC, some Pro-Tech, Roman Haas and a handful more. If you follow directions the paint will not chip to a certain extent. I know many guys use Pro-Tech, and although it's a good powder paint, I refuse to overpay for their powder. I am fortunte that I have access to all these companies and buy my powder by the bulk. They all are good powder paints, and they all are durable.
  9. prairiedog, PSV is correct. I also believe it is easier with powder paint, since you get a very durable finish and you don't have to clearcoat if you don't want to.
  10. Mark, Well I'm glad your tournament guys really liked them. I don't believe they are works of art otherwise I would not sell or fish them. Everything I make is meant to be fished. Works of art are something you put on a shelf and don't use. Please fish my jigs, that's why I sent them out. If you lose some you know where to find me. BTW I don't want to hijack this thread. So thanks Mark.
  11. This is my take on this. You get a mold let's say $40 now a Trokar hook let's say $1, I will bet you can't buy them by the 100 pack (I could be wrong) add lead and let's say $1.25 - $1.50 just for an unpainted jig. If I got an order for 10 jigs I wouldn't do it becuse they probably wouldn't want to pay the price. It is too astronomical. If you expand on the Mustad Ultra-Points and make heavier Arky jigs or another jig you can sell it. I've had many guys ask for 3/4. 1 and 1-1/2 oz Arky jigs. But you can't find them anywhere. So now I have to have a custom mold made. There are many things Do-It can do with the molds they have and it wouldn't cost them anything because they only have to make the weight heavier. I hate to rant but Trokar hooks are only a fad in my opinion. What's next hooks sharpened in another galaxy???????/Come On.
  12. Orionn, Here is link of where I get my D2T(Devcon 2 Ton). Naturally the clearer the bottles the clearer the epoxy going on. But I've never had any issues with this epoxy. Keep it in a dark corner out of the light and you'll be fine. http://www3.towerhobbies.com/cgi-bin/WTI0095P?FVSEARCH=%3CB%3Edevcon%3C%2FB%3E+30-minute+epoxies+9 As far as application goes: I only use D2T: #1 If someone wants a more durable finish. #2. If I use 2D or 3d eyes. #3. If I air brush any details over the powder paint. Other then that I don't use D2T at all. Mainly for myself when I use my jigs. I don't use eyes and rarely ever use D2T. It is an excellent product. My 2nd choice would be E-Tex (Envirotex). Hope this helps
  13. I would be interested in the ultra spin mold and the arky jig mold if you still have them. Let me know.....Thanks
  14. Yes a torch will get it hot enough so you can bend it into a pretzel if you want. Also you can water quench or oil quench to harden the hook as mentioned above. The problem here is that you don't know how hard is hard. If you harden it too much it may snap when you're fighting a fish because it is too brittle. I'm not a big fan of doing this as I just mentioned. If you are a hook manufacturer and the equipment to do break testing and hardness testing than no problem. Like Toadfrog mentioned, it's better to buy hooks from the manufacturer and if the quantity allows, a special run.
  15. The last time I checked Netcraft buys it from Pro-Tec and puts their own label on it. It is good powder and you should have no problem with it.
  16. I like Do-It molds, but using a Trokar hook, I feel is a mistake. Yes it will make it exclusive, but the cost of the hooks and then to make a jig, I don't think many guys will be selling those jigs. From my experience, many guys now don't want to pay for custom jigs, now throw that into the mix and it will be tough sell and very costly. I saw that and a very interesting idea. Should be a seller but here again their own custom made hooks. I would like to see Do-it incorporate more Eagle Claw Laser series hooks or more Mustad Ultra-points. Just my own opinion.
  17. keysd If you bought the Do-It ARK-3-AFC mold you should not have any problem with it. First of all that mold takes an 1/8" diameter pin which means that it will only take an 1/8 diameter weedguard. With that said here are some comments and ideas. #1 The 1/4 oz. cavity of that mold has a very shallow hole for the base hole pin, so if your base hole pin doesn't go in very far, you will not have a lot of room to stick the weedguard which makes it harder to glue in. The other cavities are better. #2 I always pour and paint my jigs and then put my weedguard in with glue. However I pour my jigs with teflon pins which makes them go in farther because they have no collar to hold them. I also paint my jigs with the teflon pins in place and remove them as soon as I paint the jig. This leave a clean spotless hole for the weedguard to go in. #3 You can also drill out the hole if you don't want to use pins in your painting and you can also take off a few weedguard strands which will make your weedguard fit easier. #4 Finally I would not recommend pouring with the weedguard in place unless you are going to hand paint or airbrush your jigs. I have never had any luck with putting weedguards in a toaster oven when using powder paint. I believe powder paint is the easiest and most practical way to paint jigs. If you need more info on the teflon pins. PM me and I can send you pics on how it works.
  18. cadman

    Thanks Cadman

    I'm glad you like them and they got their safely. Maybe sometime down the road I'll throw another contest.
  19. Pete, Don't be so hard on yourself, that's what this site is for. To pose all of your questions and get help from everyone's experience. We all learned by trial and error and from someone elses help at some point and time.
  20. Pete, If you are talking about the vinyl paint from CSI or the one that smells really bad, than I would not ue vinyl paint. I believe it has either acetone in it or lacquer thinner. Both of these will eat away at the powder paint. Acrylic should be fine.
  21. If my jig doesn't have 2D/3D eyes I just glue the weedguard in with Gel Super Glue. If my jig does have 2D/3D eyes I just put a dab of glue or 5 min epoxy to hold the weedguard in place, and then cover the whole jig with Devcon 2 Ton (D2T) BTW when you do get glue on the eyes how do you get it off without damaging the eyes and doesn't the cyanoacrylate in the super glue damage the eyes ?
  22. Is this response to my statement above. I am confused by your statement. He is asking about glueing in weedguards not eyes.
  23. Dannyp, I never had the Devcon 2 Ton turn cloudy when using Gel Super Glue. Another thing you can try is using Devcon 5 minute to glue in weedguards and the Devcon 30 minute as a top coat after that. Only problem is that you won't get a lot of weedguards done as the Devcon 5 minute has a very short working time. I only put on a little about the size of a pea and keep on re-mixing new batches. Works very well but time consuming.
  24. cadman

    Brush Jig

    I personally don't like them. Stand up jigs never seem to stand up when they drop in the water. Take a look at them in a clear lake. The surface has to be flat and the fall has to be perfect. How often does that happen. If I were to use a stand up jig. I would modify an erie jig. Although I do sell brush jigs, one of the complaints I have gotten from lots of guys was the hook size on the 1/4 oz brush jig. The size they state makes the jig top heavy and it falls over. So you have two choices, use a smaller hook which does work quite well on a flat surface and/or file the bottom of the jig to give it more flat surface so it doesn't tople over.JMO
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