The only reason I questioned you about the Do-It mold was not to offend, but was to give credit where credit is due and that belongs to Do-It. I have spoken with them many times, and they are very easy going and easy to work with. That is great that they will let you copy their mold. I will tell you like Sdsaw mentioned Do-It molds do not machine their molds only the faces, their molds are cast, which makes them affordable to you and me for $40.00 each. You will not get a machined mold for that price. If you want to have someone copy the poison tail mold be prepared to shell out some big money, there are many multiple contours in the jig face. Also it is much easier and cheaper to use high temp pins for what you want to do then buying a custom mold.
Finally yes I would consider painting other poured jigs. However here are the criteria. #1 your jigs have to be flawless in the raw state. If they are not any gouges or flash marks will only be accentuated by painting them. I know my work and I've seen others. Some have high quality raw jigs and some are happy with sprue mark and minor defects. You can paint any jig but you can not cover up poor or shoddy prep work. Send me a PM on what you are interested in. I will take a look at your spinnerbait thread shortly.