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You know guys, I do not like change probably like most people. I love my Lee IV pots and wouldn't change them for nothing in the world. However, when you try every possible variation to get good pours in a mold and the best you can get is 30 to 40% something has to be done. So with me trying this, it really opened up my eyes as how well this works . By no means is this process breaking any pouring speed records. However like I mentioned earlier, if you're pouring and you get 1 out of 4 good pours the old way, then it is time to try something different. I'm not pouring faster, but every pour is perfect. So in essence I'm still pouring faster because I have no re-pours. Sometimes you got to put all your knowledge and pride aside and listen and expand your horizons. In this case it has worked extremely well for me . Smalljaw, I wish I had tried this earlier, it would have saved me so much aggravation on some of my troublesome molds. You seem to be one step ahead of me. Well done.
Let me know how it works for you. I like a 70/30 mix for everything I pour. I do not like to use soft lead for any of my jigs. I just like a hard mix, which I believe also helps everyone that powder paints. JMO
I spray mold release on the pull pin and it does the same thing as your sooting does. This definitely helps also.
MuskyGary, You may have better luck than I had with that mold, so try using the Lee IV pot just don't waste a lot of time if you don't get full pours. The reason I'm saying to try it with the Lee pot, because the Lee pot by all means is faster. However if you get 1 in 4 good pours than no matter how fast a Lee pot is, I would rather pour 1 good one a little slower than 3 bad ones. Also I have found out that all molds aren't made the same. I have two dentical Arky molds, and one of them pours all three cavities perfectly. The other one I always have problems with one cavity. With that said, maybe you'll be one of the fortunate ones and get the "Perfect" mold. Please post your feedback when you try your molds out
PM me your e-mail and I will send you out a list. I've done this many times and the list is very complete for the beginner. BTW ................Welcome to Tackle Underground
I wanted to cover this mold due to the fact that this mold is the hardest mold I have had to get really full and complete pours to this date. I have tried to no end to get this mold to pour correctly. Well after the next few easy steps, I now have a 99% pour ratio. Here is what I did. #1 Spray all the cavities with a mold release spray and #2 which is where this has worked flawlessly and I don't know why. #2 Do not and I repeat do not pour using the Lee IV pot. Use a 1.5 oz small pouring ladle. I bought mine from Barlow's. It cost a little over $4.50. See link http://www.barlowstackle.com/acb/showdetl.cfm?&DID=6&Product_ID=1531&CATID=59 This ladle was the key and I will tell you this little ladle was a godsend. This is what I do, I fire up my Lee IV pot, and wait for the lead to melt. Then I put the ladle in my Lee IV pot and use the ladle to fill all the cavities in the Do-It Slip Jig Lure Mold. Always leave the ladle in the pot to keep it hot. This little ladle is the ideal tool to fill the mold cavities. I also over fill them and the hot lead seems to fill all of the crevices in the mold cavity. I finally have almost 100% full pours compared to about my earlier 30-40% I used to get in this mold. Also in this mold, pour only one cavity at a time. You will never pull the rod through if you try to pour all three cavities per side. Finally in closing I have used this ladle for a few other molds that are problematic, and it solved that problem as well. I have not changed my lead composition, and I can still pour my 70/30 lead with no problem 70%hard/ 30% soft. Try it out the cost is so cheap and the results are worth it. If anyone else has done this please post up and enlighten us with your experiment.
There is a solution to this. I will start another thread as to not hijack the original thread and take the original answers away rm this thread.
Definitely the Poison Tail. Very good jig head profile and deadly in the water. The only thing to consider is if you like the EWG type hook that it accepts. Many guys have a problem with hooksets on these hooks. But I find when I fish or bass, I wait about 5 seconds when the bass picks it up and swims away with it, then I set the hook and it will always get stuck in the top of side of the mouth. If you don't like the EWG hook, it will accept a Mustad #32886 hook, so you do have another hook option.
robbor, The Mustad 32608BLN is a new hook for Mustad this year and yes they are available. They come in 3/0, 4/0, 5/0 and 6/0. They also are almost twice the price than a regular 32608N hook.
MuskyGary, Sorry for the double post didn't notice that last night. Yes a softer lead mix will solve your problem.
I believe the spout is brazed or welded onto the pot. As far as cleaning the spout, empty all the lead. Let the pot cool down. Disassemble the plunger. Then steel wool everything down, plunger and inside of pot. Take a look at the spout hole to make sure nothing is blocking it, steel wool that as well. Assemble everything together and fill with lead. This should work much better or you. Try it out and let us know how it works.
Tim I second this post. I personally believe that this is the hardest finish out there, after it cures. You have to try it out.
Musky Gary, C'mon you don't sell them? You don't want to go broke. Where is the fun in that????? Seriously, I have been pouring and selling jigs and lead baits going on 8 years. You are absolutely correct, definitely not a big money maker. I guess what keep a lot of guys like myself keep doing this is the pleasure of creating something from scratch, seeing if it catches fish, and the enjoyment I get from hearing about my customers catching fish on my jigs. As odd as this sounds this is what keeps me pursuing this hobby. It's definitely not the money. Good luck and enjoy the hobby.
Musky Gary, C'mon you don't sell them? You don't want to go broke. Where is the fun in that????? Seriously, I have been pouring and selling jigs and lead baits going on 8 years. You are absolutely correct, definitely not a big money maker. I guess what keep a lot of guys like myself keep doing this is the pleasure of creating something from scratch, seeing if it catches fish, and the enjoyment I get from hearing about my customers catching fish on my jigs. As odd as this sounds this is what keeps me pursuing this hobby. It's definitely not the money. Good luck and enjoy the hobby.
Yes it is PM sent
cz, If you were the first one to mention that here about 3 months ago, then I thank you for posting it. I don't remember who it was, but I took your (their) advice and I love to work with this stuff. Doesn't even compare to soot. Thanks again for an excellent idea.Too bad I haven't done this earlier.
Rich, PM me your e-mail, and I can send you a picture of the wire attached to the hook in the mold.
Bob, I have tried candle smoke when I first started and did not have any better results. I do know that many guys swear by it but I have had no success with it. The other thing is I hate that soot all over my molds, also it gets on your hands and everything you touch and to me it is quite a mess. This is however my own personal opinion. I have tried the mold release with much trepidation. I do not like to buy products just to buy them. But I did try this as I have a few molds that are a bear to pour and it has helped and I feel that this is by far the best stuff I tried on my molds. I would like to hear other peoples reports though as I'm curious is it just me or do others feel that their pours are much better using this product.
Ok................... Newsflash and update on Mold Release. All I have to say is that this stuff works beautifully. This is how I did some testing. I'm sure by now everyone does cold pours to make sure the mold is hot enough, and so you get full pours. Well when you do cold pours, at some point as you fill your cavity with lead (without any hooks) the cavity will fill up with lead and overpour. As I did this with a warmer mold 1/4 oz Arky Jig cavity ( sprayed with Mold release) I noticed that for about 5 seconds the lead was still pouring out of the bottom of the mold. Then when the mold really got hot, the lead continued to pour out of the bottom of the cavity as long as you held the plunger open. This tells me that the mold release is some really slick stuff. Which means that you will have less bad pours, because the cavity with the coating seems to let the lead fill all of the unoccupied spaces. This has really worked out for me, to the point that I have sprayed all of my problem molds so far. Everything seems to work better. Just my opinion. I have no stocks in any of this stuff Now as far as how long it stays on the mold. I have used one mold on and off for about 500 pours in the same cavity and it seems to still work. I did notice that after that amount of time, the flat gray coating from the spray started to get shiny. So instead of cleaning the mold like your supposed to, I let the mold cool really well, and then I sprayed more right over the existing release agent. Let dry and started all over again. Worked like a charm. I don't know what the cleaning does, but if you get lazy, spraying over the existing release agent proved to work as well. So far I am a very happy customer. If anyone else tries it please post your feedback here for everyone to learn.
E-mail to be sent shortly.
Yes, I think that would work. Can you tell me who you bought the mold from and how much. You can PM me if that would be better for you.
Does anybody know of a weedless tube jig mold that would take a 90° Aberdeen hook with a tapered body. Thanks in advance for the info.
To DungeonHawk (Ryan) I do not have your current e-mail so I can't get you any info. PM me your email. Thanks...........Cadman
Read this thread http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/topic/19319-jig-hook-sizings/page__s__0312ff007cd9e92c75262779f4eeccb3 especially post #2 and #3. Check out Barlow's for a cross referance.