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Everything posted by cadman

  1. The mold you have does not allow for a base hole pin. You can pour that mold without a weedguard, by either putting a drill bit in the weedguard hole or a piece of straight wire. Just make sure that the drill bit or the wire fit snugly in the weedguard hole, so it doesn't fall out when you turn the mold over. Once you pour it you can take the wire out and you will have a clean hole. When you go to paint it you can put the wire back in to keep the paint from filling in, or you can drill it out later. Your choice. As far as hooks go that mold is made for an aberdeen thin wire hook. I do know that the Mustad #32746 hook will fit in there. This hook is slightly heavier than the Eagle Claw 570 or the Mustad 32756. If you want to put in a heavier hook than that, you will have to modify the mold. I do not know if the L2221 hook will fit.
  2. Josh, Welcome to TU. I commend you for having all those hobbies. I wish more young adults would find something that really drives them and keeps them headed in the correct direction. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Everyone here will be more than willing to help you out.
  3. Thanks for the heads up, but I have more powder than a dog has fleas. I have heard from others that Harbor Freight has good powder. I never used it, and the store by us doesn't carry it. Let us know how it goes and post your comments here so all of us can learn.....................Thanks.
  4. They all drip when they are fully heated up. You are going to have to be more specific, so everyone can help you. Questions: Is it drip from a cold start? You said it doesn't pour, is this after it gets hot? Is the pot really hot? Is the lead melted? What number do you have it set on the dial? Is there something stuck on the bottom of the pouring hole? There are many variables here as you can see.
  5. Well that is your first problem. All jigs have to be baked . Now I'm not saying I have the answers, but I always put my weedguards in after I bake my jigs. I have had always bad luck with baking jigs with weedguards in it. Some guys like it and it works for them. I don't , so there are some options for you. What mold do you have? Also if it would be easier, we can do this via e-mail. PM me your e-mail and I will try to help you further.
  6. Did you bake the jig before you clear coated it? If not that is a must. Baking the paint cures (hardens) the paint.
  7. So you're trying to match the green in that skirt not the blue correct. What I would do if it were me is get green pumpkin powder and then some brown powder. Take a level tablespoon of green pumpkin, empty it in a small jar, then take level 1/8 teaspoons full of brown one at a time, and add it to the green pumpkin. Paint a jig to see if it's the color you want. If not add another 1/8 and so on and so on until you get your color. This is very tedious, but there is no other way to do this unless you have a custom powder made. Just remember to writ down your ratios so you can duplicate it next time.
  8. Why not just buy the watermelon color powder paint from Pro-Tec?
  9. If you use Loctite Super Glue Gel for gluing in your weedguards, here is a tip for you. When you squeeze the last drops of glue from your bottle and can squeeze no more with your fingers try this tip. Always store your gel glue upside down(covered ) in a warm place, it will help the glue flow better. Anyway take a pair of channel locks, and open them up to about the width of the blue super glue handles(See pic enclosed). Next take the channel locks and place them on the blue handles with the tube upside down. Gently squeeze the channel locks and you will get a lot more glue out of your bottle. I have gotten about 40 -50 more jigs per bottle depending on how much glue you use. I have done this to about 4 bottles of glue already. I was really surprised at all the extra glue that came out. Anyway check it out and let me know if you guys have found this out already...........Glue on!
  10. I tried that once and my grate wasn't strong enough for the lead and a cast iron pot. So I bought a cheap turkey fryer ($20) from BPS and just used the bottom half of the stand. It was already hooked up for a 20# propane tank. Best 20 buck I ever spent.
  11. Bronzeback,

    Yes I do make them and I can usually custom make it for you. Please PM me your e-mail, and I will send you my catalog. BTW my name is Ted what's yours?.............Take Care...............Cadman

  12. No it's not going to be addictive. If that's what you want to hear. But just so you know if you do get addicted don't blame me.
  13. Hey flatsrat If you are going to market your own hooks, I think a better pic of a ninja would probably sell better. This guy doesn't look like a cunning, hook wielding ninja to me. Also I find it hard to believe that this guy can jump that high and kick with his slightly large body type. Mark I understand where you are coming from and I understand that everyone is looking for the ultimate, bait, hook, crankbait or whatever. But like you stated what this could do is drive the prices up of all the other hook manufacturers. I have guys that love Gami's, some have no problem paying the price, many shy away. When you add 30 to 40 cents to a jig for a hook, many guys will not buy it. If you start adding 70-80 cents to a jig for a hook you won't be selling many, even if you associate it with a brand name hook. So like many custom jig makers, they stick with a good average bread and butter hook. Mustad. I have never had anyone complain about bad Mustad hooks especially their Ultra-Points. Granted they are not Gami's, but then again they are not priced like Gami's. Also Gami does not work with a lot of mold companies currently to promote their hooks fitting std. molds. So almost every mold that guys have, have to modify it to make a Gami work. Although this is fine, it is expensive to modify molds as well. It will be interesting to see what the future holds.
  14. Ok, I'll meet you half way. If they were made by ninjas, I would buy them, but I would like to see how they are made, and I would like to see two ninjas fight hand in hand combat in person.
  15. Ok I'm in the mood to start a debate. I'm sure this will be a good one. First of all I will say they have an excellent video and a marketing strategy. Now I will say that unless those hooks are going to guarantee me the next world record bass, they can keep those hooks. Mind you I have not tried them nor used them (so my comments may be full of S$$T) and that is fine. But when will this all end. $2, $3, $4 hooks, gold plated for extra corrosion, some supernatural metal that will stay sharp forever, never bend, never break, never needs sharpening, guaranteed to hook the fish in the top of the mouth and never break free! What next? No offense to them if they can sell $2 hooks good for them, but I will bet you don't see them around for too long. Just my opinion. Now that I've vented I'm
  16. No problem. Good Luck E-mail sent.
  17. So it's like Devcon or E-tex a two part correct? Is it expensive and where do you get it. If you would rather PM me that is fine also...............Thanks
  18. Hi Cadman would it be to much to ask you to e-mail me a copy of your plans for your fluid bed. fish4fun59@thegame.com Thank You e-mail sent
  19. PM me your e-mail and I will send you what I got. 1/8" outside diameter max hitch Hikers. I think Barlows and everybody else calls them out as (.13) diameter.
  20. Still up in the air for me. They are still trying to get the tournament schedule done and finalized. I will let you know as time goes on.
  21. There are (2) possible problems. #1......You are putting on too much paint would be my guess. If this is Pro-Tec powder paint ( yellow chart.) then to me this is the easiest paint color to apply, because it goes on very thin. Actually if you don't use a white base coat, you have to put on two coats because the grey color of the jig will show through giving the color a less vibrant appeal. #2.......Make sure your toaster oven is putting out 350 degrees not 450 degrees. Toaster ovens are notorious for not being accurate using their numbered dial. Get an oven thermometer and put it in the oven and see what temp it shows based on your knob location.Just my two cents.
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