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Everything posted by cadman

  1. cadman

    Stamina Inc.

    Pete, You make me laugh. I can't answer your question. I didn't ask about all of our members outside of the U.S. But you are more than welcome to give them a call, and post here for all of our own curiosities. Jamie, I have a good feeling about this, and I'm hopeful and optimistic as well.
  2. cadman

    Stamina Inc.

    Well I think I have some excellent news for some of you if not all of you . I have not been ordering from Stamina in awhile due to their poor inventory of stock and their overall poor customer service. This is not a bashing post so please keep all your personal grievances to yourself we've all been there. Anyway I decided to call them today for some hooks I was interested in purchasing to see if they had them in stock and possibly giving them another chance.....Well low and behold I spoke to a gal there(don't know who she was in the corporate ladder) and she told me that Stamina (Lurepartsonline.com) has been sold or is currently being acquired by another person or company. As I spoke to her she told me that there are going to be a lot of changes, and that they are going to try to get back some of the customer base they lost (I was one of them). She also mentioned that they are now operating out of Springfield,IL and that they will keep a better inventory of products in stock. Finally she said to me that till the end of November they are going to have free shipping on their products( However please verify this before you order), I am telling you what I was told, I don't want anyone to blame me later. In closing I spoke with this gal for at least 15 minutes about all the good and bad in the past, and I was left reassured that things are going to be better. So I myself am willing to give the new management another shot and see how it goes. Hope those of you who have had bad experience with them in the past give the new owner the benefit of the doubt..............Just some food for thought.
  3. Brendan, I personally like the twisted eye myself. I hate the line sliding up into the "R" bend. I know you can put collars over the "R" bend but to me it's just more stuff to fool around with. I have also heard that it is easier to tune the "R" bend wire than the twisted loop. I have had no problems with the twisted loop.
  4. Mike, I have used both as well and I like D2T better. Lacquer thinner will extend it but not by much in my opinion. I can do about {8} 3/8 oz spinnerbaits max at one time. To me diluting the D2T weakens it JMO. But lots of guys do it. I also believe that D2T is harder than E-tex again JMO. BTW if you decide you really don't like the D2T PM me and we can talk about me possibly purchasing it from you. I'm a die hard D2T user. Guys I don't want to start a debate here this is just my personal preferance.
  5. Bassin PM me, I apparently can not PM you. I may have some info for you.
  6. Thanks for everything Jerry and so far I like it. Great looking site.
  7. Jerry, I have several questions regarding old PM's and Messenger is the following info correct. Does the new folder in Messenger the same as new PM's received? Does the my conversations folder the same as PM's sent? If the above is correct that is fine. Another question about the two new folders is this. Why are the dates they came in from newest to oldest not in order? It looks like I have Oct 30th, then Oct. 20th then Sept. 3rd, then Oct. 25th etc???????????I'm confused. Final questions in Messenger. What does Deleted Member and cadman(and 1 other) mean in the ""To" column? Sorry for all the questions
  8. has not set their status

  9. has not set their status

  10. has not set their status

  11. has not set their status

  12. has not set their status

  13. 21xdc, Out of curiosity why do you rotate jigs? They have such a small profile, I've used D2T and e-tex and never rotated my jigs and my jigs are flawless. Thought I'd ask, maybe I'm missing something.
  14. Tony, The one that I'm familiar with is the one that Smalljaw has stated. I've been making them for several years and they work great.
  15. e-mail sent Try this link Jig & Lure Paint Supplier to the Fishing Tackle Industry - CS Coatings
  16. Basspro........................The free offer is closed please read post above your post. Pm me and I will reply. I can not seem to PM you..................Cadman
  17. This Free offer is now closed. Anyone wishing to purchase this powder paint can PM me directly. Thanks to all that participated..........................Cadman
  18. I was looking for a clear fast drying glue for my weedguards in my lead jigs. Epoxy takes too long to set up and dry, gel super glue was my go to and it still is so far. I tried the clear hot melt glue. It holds the weedguards really well after it dries. Then I put the jig in a glass of water for a day, and I started to pull the weedguard strands out . Not a good solution for me. I can't use that for jigs.
  19. I agree with Nova. I have several 1/4 pound spools going on 6 years I've checked them and no problem. I kept them in the original cardboard box in the basement in the dark.
  20. TaylorMan, The company went out of business was bought out and the last I heard was that they are going to start up again. I have been looking for a source for awhile. All the places I called don't have any. I even called Jann's Netcraft and they don't have anymore either. If you find a source please post it. I am a die hard Hydrosilk and Starflash skirt user.
  21. Crimsontider, You are very welcome. I'm glad everything worked out for you. If you have any questions feel free to PM me or e-mail me.
  22. Happy Birthday Pete. Definitely keep those new ideas coming. I have used a few and saved much time in the process.
  23. I have the following hooks for sale or possibly trade if you have what I need. All the hooks are brand new in box. All hooks are Eagle Claw #410 hooks. Bronze. Shipping is not included in price. Will separate by boxes only. 1/0........1000 hooks = $34.00 2/0..........984 hooks = $38.00 3/0........1000 hooks = $42.00 4/0..........990 hooks = $47.00 5/0..........992 hooks = $52.00
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