I can't say that a heat gun is any better than anything else, since I've never used a torch, candle, lighter or oven or anything else. I was brought onto using a heat gun when I first started from a member here, and I use it to this day. With that said, I personally would not use anything else, but that's me. Like PSV commented, I also don't know if a heat gun is any faster than any other process either. Maybe others that use something else will chime in and give you their comments. I can give you some help on multiple color powder painting, and so can others here. You have to find what works for you and what you are comfortable with. With my process, I can do up to 6 colors + a glittercoat + a clearcoat if I want. Now remember, that you can't do this on a 1/8 oz jig. There is not enough surface area to put all those colors on. My avatar is all powder paint, and it has 6 colors + a glitter coat + a clearcoat. I'm not going to go into detail here about how I do this, because it is too long. You can PM me with your e-mil, and I can e-mail it to you. Once you read my tutorial, you will see how to do this. One other thing, I want to stress, is that there is a lot of trial and error in this, and you have to practice, to achieve perfection (if there is such a thing). Along with that, I can e-mail you some pics of the jigs I've painted. Finally, I can tell you that you will not be able to put on 3 + colors with a fluid bed. It all has to be done manually, however you will see, that the jigs are amazing once you practice some. The only way you will get a better looking jig, is if you air brush it............