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Everything posted by cadman

  1. Calihunt, George is correct, there are so many guys that paint so differently with different applications. As far as # of jigs from a 2 oz. jar of Pro-Tec, on Pro-Tecs package, it states "Approximately 400 1/4 oz jigs"
  2. George, Yes the model number you mentioned takes 1/8" base hole pins.
  3. A quick way to find out is to try one and see what happens. If it has vinyl paint over it or an epoxy coating you can not put powder paint over it. You must strip it and then repaint it. How many do you have to do?
  4. Sorry, I didn't read to click on pic below.
  5. If that is the 30 minute, than yes. I assume you are using this for a topcoat?
  6. George, Exactly what Basseducer said, he beat me to it............Good explanation TJ, I didn't think of grinding down the base hole pin.
  7. You are absolutely right. The best way I found to see if there are any burrs on the edge of the inside cavity, is to take a Q-tip, and run it from the inside of the cavity out. As you near the edge of the cavity, you can feel and see if the burrs (if there are any) pull the fibers from the Q-tip. I know it's a very small area to work in.....As far as soft lead goes. You can easily tell, by taking a pocket knife, and try cutting/shaving a piece off of a chunk. If it is soft it will cut very easily and cleanly. You can barely cut hard lead. Or you can just buy some from a plumbing store. My pure soft is supposedly 99.99% pure dead soft. As far as shotgun shot goes I couldn't tell you, I thought it was all soft, but I don't know that for a fact.
  8. cadman

    heat gun ?

    I also have a Wagner, variable temp, for multi-colors. I bought it at Menards. Do not buy Menards brand. I got two of them and returned them both. 1 lasted 10 minutes, then overheated, and the other lasted 1 day. Also just my opinion, but do yourself a favor and spend a little more money and buy yourself a variable temp. heat gun, so if you get into multi-color powder painting down the road, you don't have to buy another one.
  9. Mattman, There are a couple of things, you can try. If this is a new mold, never poured then try some of the following ideas. If its a used mold, the split shot should come out easier because as you use it it will wear in. When I first bought this mold, I had the same problem. If you are not releasing shot on one side, take a small file and lightly break the edges where the two halves meet on both sides. Do not file or touch the face of the two halves, only the edges. Maybe an emery file would work better, since it won't cut as fast. (If you don't understand this PM me your e-mail, and I will show you, don't file your mold halves, because you will get flash and screw up your mold) You must also use very soft lead. Just a note from Do-It. Soft lead shrinks when it cools, and hard lead expands when it cools. So if you are using hard lead, when the shot cools it will be tighter in the cavity. Another reason for using soft lead, is that this shot is supposed to be removable, with hard lead you will not be able to pinch the ears, with out cracking the lead. Last thing to try. I have been using a product called, boron nitride. I got it at Grainger, its a CRC product, and it is a mold release agent. You spray it in the cavity, and the lube coats the cavity with boron nitried. This makes lead and other metals not able to stick to the surface. It's kind of like a teflon coating. This does work, but it is $15 for a 12 oz spray can. I hope this hleps. I can't think of any other thing that I would do. People smoke molds, but I found that a waste of time. Just my opinion. .........Let us know what your outcome is.
  10. Although, I do not make crankbaits, I do make and sell jigs and spinnerbaits. This is no different than what everyone here is telling you. I started this out as a hobby to make the colors I want. It then developed into making for friends and then to sell. I consider everything I sell as a hobby. I do not need a second job. This just doesn
  11. Is this mold still available?
  12. I don't kow of any molds similar to that. You could probably modify a round head mold, or have one custom made.
  13. I checked there, I checked China, I checked France, Yugoslavia, Romania. I checked everywhere. Hey maybe Italy:lolhuh:. I know they used to be Timberlake, then Picasso. Lastly my wife called and they are no longer being made. Thanks for all your help anyway Gloomisman, very much apreciated...... I thought someone here may have had some from awhile back, that they don't use anymore.
  14. Yes very good powder. The illusions are beautiful, but they take a little getting used to.
  15. Thanks, but I tried his website and his e-mail. His e-mail comes back as non deliverable. I know he was a big proponent of hydro-silk as I was till they up and closed. I know they have rolls and rolls of this stuff uncut. The key is where is it. I would like to get my hands on it.
  16. Hey akriverrat, I don't get any paint drips, but I will have to paint one really heavily and try that just in case one day I accidentally put too much paint on............Good tip. I'll try it and let you know.
  17. Welcome to TU prfishin. Like Dave above said in the wire bait section. That is where I spend most of my time.......See you there...Ted
  18. Wormy, everything MTfishingrods said is correct. The only way you are going to save any money for yourself is by doing all the leg work and maybe a close friend helping you out. Just a typical scenario. I am a designer, I don
  19. Read this thread, and in there, there is a post by J Blaze, stating how you can locate Devcon in your area. http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/hard-baits/15941-walmart-quit-selling-d2t.html Good Luck.
  20. This is going to be a stretch, but does anyone have any of these left. I know they are no longer being made. I tried all the phone numbers, Timberlake is closed, Picasso is closed. If you have any info on these please PM me or post here......Thanks.
  21. I have to admit it, Barlow's has been getting more and more of my business lately. They have always had my items in stock, and if not they send me my items they do have in stock, and then send me the remainder, all of this for just one shipping fee. I rarely if ever use Jann's, and two others I won't name, but have been lately disappointed. I know Barlow's must be bigger than the others, but I get all my stuff in three days. I just wish the others kept a bigger inventory........Oh well, all are good companies, we just have to be patient with some and plan our orders more efficiently.
  22. Terry, It doesn't matter to me, but you won't get very many responses. BTW I don't use rattles, so I can't help you there bud.
  23. I think you should start another thread, as you will get more answers entitled....."Looking for rattles" or whatever. No one will know its here under the current title. I think this thread has been derailed enough:lol:.
  24. Stagio, you are correct. Low RPM or a cordless variable speed drill, which are so comon now. Drill slow. I hold my jigs in my hand when I drill, so I learned from past experience about going slow. A drill bit will bind in lead, and will rip the jig out of your hand and imbed a hook in it to boot . Better yet to have a fixture like you mentioned. Much safer.
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