There are a couple of things, you can try. If this is a new mold, never poured then try some of the following ideas. If its a used mold, the split shot should come out easier because as you use it it will wear in. When I first bought this mold, I had the same problem. If you are not releasing shot on one side, take a small file and lightly break the edges where the two halves meet on both sides. Do not file or touch the face of the two halves, only the edges. Maybe an emery file would work better, since it won't cut as fast. (If you don't understand this PM me your e-mail, and I will show you, don't file your mold halves, because you will get flash and screw up your mold) You must also use very soft lead. Just a note from Do-It. Soft lead shrinks when it cools, and hard lead expands when it cools. So if you are using hard lead, when the shot cools it will be tighter in the cavity. Another reason for using soft lead, is that this shot is supposed to be removable, with hard lead you will not be able to pinch the ears, with out cracking the lead. Last thing to try. I have been using a product called, boron nitride. I got it at Grainger, its a CRC product, and it is a mold release agent. You spray it in the cavity, and the lube coats the cavity with boron nitried. This makes lead and other metals not able to stick to the surface. It's kind of like a teflon coating. This does work, but it is $15 for a 12 oz spray can. I hope this hleps. I can't think of any other thing that I would do. People smoke molds, but I found that a waste of time. Just my opinion. .........Let us know what your outcome is.