All I can tell you is that it takes time. Rome wasn’t built in a day. When you start painting jigs, find a heat source that works for you. If you read the threads and posts here, many guys here use different ways to heat their jigs, all with the same results. If you are swishing your jigs through powder in a container, you must constantly fluff your powder. It’s a must otherwise you will get lumps and dripping paint on your jigs, especially when you go to bake your jig. As far as tutorials go, if I were you, I would start with Benjamin’s video/tutorial on powder painting and fluid beds. The more you read about this the more you will understand on what needs to be done. BTW Benjamin also sells powder paint and fluid beds at a reasonable price. Here is his link Welcome to TJ's Tackle. I also have a tutorial, but it is a little bit advanced, it covers powder painting with multi-colors. There is also some good info in there also. PM me your e-mail, and I will send it to you if you want. Lastly, all I can tell you is to ask questions and practice. My motto is this. Practice, practice, practice, and if you think you’re good, practice some more. I’ve been doing this for going on 9 years, and I’m still learning things, and I still do screw things up occasionally. It’s all a part of learning. If you have any more questions, post them here, and someone will help you out, or you can PM me.