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Everything posted by cadman

  1. I know some of you guys pour a lot of lead like me, and well I went for my yearly lead test at the doctor's office. There were no trace amounts for the test to read, so my lead level reading is way below normal. I bring this up, because like a lot of guys we wait until it usually too late. This is not to scare anyone, but just an added pre-caution if you pour a lot of lead. This is what I've found out about the test. #1 Don't go to a lab to have it done. They will rip you off, about $125 - $200 for the test. #2 Go to your doctor, he can draw your blood and then send it to a lab, under his orders, in which he gets it a lot cheaper. My lead test cost me $30, in which I will do yearly. Like the doctor told me, high lead count is usually entered by mouth, or through your skin pours. So wash your hands often, and don't eat while you pour lead. I always wear latex gloves when I pour even in the summer. It keeps me from touching lead to a minimum. Anyway thought I'd pass on some info, and be safe out there.
  2. I have all the colors of the Spike-It Blade dip, and I like them all. I use red and chartreuse yellow the most. Eventually the color will wear off. Like I mentioned, dip the blade, bake, and clearcoat for durability and longevity. I use Devcon 2T for my clear-coat, and never had any problems with it. BTW, I used to use my fluid bed a lot more, but now I use my brush technique to put only paint on one side of the blade. This way I have color on one side and the back side the originl silver of the blade. This gives me flash and color, best of both worlds.
  3. Can anyone let me know if the following hooks will fit the following mold with out any mold modification. 1/0 and 2/0 Gamakatsu #114 hook and 1/0 and 2/0 Owner #5318. Will these hooks fit Do-It football molds FBB-7-A in the 1/4 and 3/8 oz cavities? Thanks for any help
  4. Guys you can make your own, by dipping silver nickle blades in Black Spike-It Blade dip. Bake and then clear coat. It works like a charm. You can also powder paint them gloss black, if you like the deep color. Just my .02 worth.
  5. BnC If you can't find what you're looking for let me know I get polycarb in clear, beige, black, in textured or not. Maybe we could do a swap. PM me if you're interested.
  6. The closest I have are 1/32 oz. If interested. PM me.
  7. Welcome to TU. If you can't find an answer about tacklemaking here, then you won't find it anywhere else. Good bunch of guys with a lot of experience and knowledge.
  8. Before I bought my Ranger, I was dead set on a Bass Tracker Tundra or a Avalanche. What the 21' Tundra would of cost me I got a Ranger, with what I wanted on there, not what Bass Pro was giving me. I had a very bad experience at the Bass Pro in Gurnee,IL. I will not buy another boat from Bass Pro, my personal experience and I'll leave it at that. My first boat was a BPS 17' Magna Tracker, and I loved it, had it for 17 years. Guys don't turn this thread into a bashing game. That's not the point of this thread. Moderators if this gets out of hand delete it immediately. BTW I love my Ranger, a lot different than my aluminum Magna Tracker.
  9. kingfish, I know for a fact that Do-It may have the mold still available. If you get the model number give them a call, it could be worthwhile. I have gotten certain molds that were made from the past from Do-It.
  10. I just bought a new Ranger 619 VS last year, and though I really like that boat, the gas mileage isn
  11. cadman

    Dry Powder

    heinzc I store 100's of pounds of powder in my basement. First of all I'm sure your not going to have as much as I am. If you're going to buy pounds of powder keep them in their original bag, and take what you need, then reclose the plastic bag. If you buy the powder in its original container, then just make sure you close the powder after each use. Iv'e never had any problems with powder clumping on me. But George Reeves is right if it does clump up, it is definitely useable, do not throw it away. Also you mentiond a fluid bed. I strongly suggest you take the powder out of the fluid bed when you're done. It will absorb moisture sitting in the fluid bed even with a lid on top, which in turn will give you problems. Remember every basement is different, so moisture may be more in one than in the other. Also I get a lot of humidity by us in the summer. Again keep your powder closed tightly. For all you guys that buy 1 and 2 lb lots, the best container I found to keep powder dry is an empty clean Gatorade bottle. If you look under the cap it has a silicone liner which once you screw it on it seals really well. That is how I send my powder to other people. Just my worth.
  12. Welcome to TU, what is your specialty?
  13. Thanks Mike George, I really haven't used pearl, so I can not comment. However, I do like the looks of livelybaits pearl jigs. I'll have to find time to try it. I will say, I have Pro-Tecs Gold and Silver, and I hate the color of both of them. I have no problem wih applying it, it's just that the gold really doesn't look like gold, and the silver is more like gray. I have found a substitute for both of those in a custom blend. I think I'm going to have to start thinning my powder supply, and get rid of some stuff.
  14. Welcome to the forum where you can stay wired. George that is too funny. I think I'm too wired from smelling all the powder paint I have at home. Sorry to disrupt your thread Willy, I just had to answer that from George. BTW Willy if I can help you out just shoot me a PM.
  15. cadman

    Dchodor jig

    Sonny, I just saw this today. That is really fantastic.:worship: A man after my wife's own heart. I just had to show this to my wife, and she said it was incredibly beautiful. I think she said she wants to buy a thousand of them and hand them out.:lol: I wish I had that kind of skill and patience to make flies. I am at awe, and can say no more.....Ted
  16. I can see them now. Very nice colors. What color is the body and the skirt on the second one from the left on the bottom. Whose willow blades do you use if you don't mind me asking?
  17. Definitely would like to see some individual shots. From what I can see they look very nicely done. Several of questions though. Are you using Pro-Tec powder on the white pearl and on the gold? How do you like those two colors? Any problems with the pearl powder? Keep up the good work.
  18. Hi George, thanks for the compliment. Just like you and the others on this site, I try to do my best and push the powder painting as far as I can. I by no means am an expert at this. I have a lot of colors that don't blend well, a lot of trial and error and many failures. The failures I look at as learning experiences. There are days that I just can't get things right, and I walk away, and leave it for tomorrow. Luckily I have a better success ratio than a failure ratio. Otherwise I would have given up a long time ago. dashepard, first of all I can give you some tips and help, do with them what you will. #1. I don't know how long you have been powder painting and or pouring jigs, but experience helps. #2. You are going to have to find a method that works for you as far as powder painting goes. If candles, propane torch, oven or heat gun work for you as a heating source, then use the one you get best results with. #3. If you intend to go down the multi-color highway, then you are going to have to change your way of thinking about how you apply powder paints. In order to do 3-6 colors, you have to use less heat, so you don't burn the paint. I'm going to end this here, because below there is some info for you to read, so you can get an idea on how all this works. #1A. Go to Tj's Tackle website www.tjstackle.com Benjamine has several tutorials and videos about powder painting, powder painting spoons and fluid beds. He also sells fluid beds and Pro-Tec powder paints very reasonably in price. #2A. I also have a tutorial on how I powder paint, along with some other helpful information. If you want the tutorial, PM me your e-mail address. If you are serious about multicolor powder painting, then all the people in this thread will eventually help you along. I also know of another member, LedHed, who does very nice multi-color jigs. As all of us use different powder and different techniques, we all strive for the best, and all of are jigs show our unique talent. If you would like to do a lure swap you can PM me also. I'm not here to critcize your work, but I would like to see what you make, and we can go from there.....Finally all the work you see here, is from years of experience. Don't get discouraged, if you don't get it right the first time, it take a lot of persistance, patience and practice................Ted
  19. Hopefully it will come up. I always like to see paint jobs from members. New ideas and new techniques fuel my imagination.
  20. I only see two boxes with a red "X" in each box. Have these pics been moved?
  21. Thanks guys this item has been sold.
  22. dashepard Don't give up on using the brush system, as you can see below on 1 of my paint jobs called (Hawaiian Fire Tiger), everything was done using that method. Hammered willow blades and spinnerbait body all done with powder paint. Waiting for possible red or black diamonds on blades, I'll see how it looks. Then clearcoat. Everyone on this site will be more than willing to help you achieve your goals. Just ask.
  23. I buy all my hooks from Shorty's. I'm going to wing this next statement and say you probably aren't going to be able to buy direct, because you would cut out the middleman, and the middleman wouldn't be too happy if Eagle Claw is going to sell to you cheaper then to them. On the flip side like Do-It molds does, they will sell to you, but when you buy direct from Do-It, their mold prices are high. That's why we all go to Barlow's, Stamina etc.....Just my thoughts on this. You may have a different experience. Can't hurt to call them and inquire.
  24. Sorry for the horrible picture. I'll re-post it later tonight
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