I see your from IL, and in my back yard, so I'll give you some info, along with all the other guys here. Use it if you want, if not do what you will with it. I am a sheet metal programmer and designer. I don't make crank baits, but this is what I can tell you. My first choice for lips would be stainless steel (SS) #304. If I were making baits for salt water, I would use SS #316L. #316L is stainless steel with low carbon. It is made for highly corrosive situations. Cold rolled steel is out of the question, as it will start to rust. Aluminum, also oxidixes fast if it is not anodized. Once it's anodized, it will withstand water. Only problem is aluminum is soft and will wear fast, and start to pit once the anodizing wears off. In the thin gage material that you will be buying, all the material can be cut with tin snips. Cold rolled steel being the easiest, folowed by stainless steel, followed by alum. You can use 6061T6 alum., and it will be very hard to cut, but it still wears faster than stainless steel. Cut outside the line, like someone mentioned here, and smooth the edges for final finish. If you are looking for some special profiles, PM me and we can discuss laser cutting.........Hope this info helps some of you guys out.