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Everything posted by cadman

  1. The only difference I see is the hook is not a flat eye like most of the Arkie jigs made. But molds can be modified to fit almost any style hook. It does look wider though based on the picture. Other than that, it looks like a true Arky to me. But I've never heard of the maker.
  2. If you are looking for the tech'l info on Do-It's Finesse Drop-Shot Model FDS-8-A. I have it all spec'd out at home from length to diameter to grams and ounces. I'll post it in a couple of days for everyones info....
  3. cadman

    Hook ?

    I pour these, and if you are talking about the SUB & SUJ series by Do-It, then yes these are the only hooks I found for them. If you buy these hooks, make sure you get the crimp or bend on the hook shaft. It keeps the hook from turning in the jig after it is poured. For some reason, these thin wire hooks want to rotate after used a lot in the water .
  4. I asked about the spelling, when you edit a post a little while ago. I never received an answer. Probably should ask the moderators. I too hate it when I know I mispell words, and I can't change it.
  5. chas48, I was thinhking of a jig mold, that accepts weedguards. This one I see does not. If you're worried about screwing up your mold, I would make a fixture for you jig, and drill a hole in the head. Then epoxy a tru-turn hitchiker in the hole after it is painted. Just a thought.
  6. Now that's what I like to see in a thread. Good old fashion know how on how to fix things. Also excellent info Basseducer. I hope I remember that when I have problems. Good info guys.
  7. PM sent. What is the model number of the Do-It mold?
  8. Welcome to TU. What is your specialty?
  9. cadman

    Member Numbers

    TU Members and New Members, I like many others here have answered repeatedly the same questions asked by many newbies, and I never felt that I was better than anyone else. I encourage all new members to ask questions to the appropriate forum. If you feel hesitant or embarrassed, PM me, and I will reply. If I don
  10. Welcome aboard RoadToad. You will find a lot of helpful guys in the wirebait forum. We'll get you on the right path. From pouring to powder painting. Just be very cautious when pouring hot lead. Read the sticky at the top of the forum.
  11. I totally agree with you on this. I never ever let my customers think that, I'm and idiot and don't stock enough product to finish the job. It looks exactly as you said, you either can't handle the volume, or you are very un-organizeded. To say the least, it looks very un-professional. Everything that I make, I stock a lot of hooks for. I will say that once in a while, I do have a new customer that wants something special, that I never have made. I tell them up front what I can do to help them, and how long it will take to get molds, hooks whatever. You know what, I have never had a customer, up and leave and say sorry I'll look elsewhere! You have to be prepared for anything that comes along. I believe I have a very good customer clientele relationship, and I make sure I keep them happy. You off the same customer a couple of times, and you can kiss him goodbye. I always look into any customer problems, and try to find an amicable solution. This market is too competitive, and you don' want to lose customers.
  12. Is this post directed towards me?
  13. Benjamin, I will have to agree with you totally on this. I am on a mission to find a really good white paint. I've had and used so far about 15 brands or more so far, and I'm not impressed with any of them. Yes the white is heavy, and does cause some problems.....My mission continues. When I find one, I will definitely psot it for all of the TU powder painters.
  14. My first question to you is this. What model number of mold did you buy? If it is the FBB-6-SLA, then my answer would be yes you would have to use their screw-lok, since it was made to be poured with that mold. I'm sure you can take a Tru-turn screw-lok, modify it and epoxy it after it has been painted, but that would be pointless, since the Do-It screw-lok was meant to be poured in place, so it would hold better. I don't know what you are trying to achieve, by using a different one.
  15. Welcome aboard. What are your interests?
  16. If you are looking to buy in quantities of 1000 per this is the place to get them http://www.wtp-inc.com/home.html
  17. It was not my intention to isolate you out of the crowd. It's that there are other sources out there to solve many of our dilemmas. In your case you didn't know, and that's all fine we all learn. Yes you're right, that many eyes is a big order for Stamina. Did you check out the link I posted for the 3D eyes and stick on tape? They will have all the colors you need. Only problem is that you have to buy by the thousand lot. I just think since this forum has so many talented people, everyone of us can help each other out. Just by posting our questions to the TU gurus, or doing a search on TU's site. Someone here will always help.
  18. It's a name of a company (like dampeoples replied to your post) that sells holographic film, along with supplying, Stamina, Barlows, Jann's and probably everyone else with 3D eyes. Check out their prices and their site. http://www.wtp-inc.com/home.html
  19. I see a lot of unhappy campers here, and I may some people off, but that is not my intent. First of all I see someone ordered 4000 eyes from Stamina. Why would you order that many from them when they are not the distributor? What's the matter with WTP. They make all the eyes, and they have literally 100's of sizes and colors in stock. Also they are cheaper than Stamina. Lot of you guys complain that they are slow. This must be an internet problem, cause I always get my order in 2-3 days, however I always call my order in and talk to someone. Lot of you guys complain that they are out of stock. If you call your order in, you can ask all these questions up front. I do and they always check for me to see if it's on hand. or out of stock. If they say they are out of stock, order somewhere else. I don't know how much inventory you guys stock, but I rarely if never run out of anything I need. I don't wait till I have 20 eyes or 30 hooks left, then I get an order to fill and find out I'm short on eyes and hooks. You should monitor your personal stock better. I've had items on backorder from Stamina, but it was never a problem that I needed it right now. If it was, then the first thing, I do is order more, so I don't run out. Also there is another option here. If there is something that you cannot get right away, post it on TU. I have done that on occasion, and many of the guys were willing to help me out. Trade or do whatever it takes to get you out of a bind. Problem solved. I know Stamina is not perfect, but neiher are the others. None of these places are a 7-11, walk in, and walk out. What I'm trying to relay is this, we need to take some personal responsibility, on how we handle ordering materials, take it one step further, do our homework, ask a lot of questions and don't blame anyone else for our lack of organization. Don't take this personally, I'm not here to argue or cause any problems with my TU comrads. I will continue to buy from Stamina, among the other places, that I purchase from.
  20. Happy New Years John, and to all TU members. I look forward to another year of helping out new members, and teaching all I know about lead pouring and powder painting and learning from all the rest of our current members. This site is about learning, sharing and helping each other out. I want to thank many of our active members for all the help they have given me throughout the year with ideas and product help in my time of need. This group of guys went above and beyond to help me out. You know who you are, and for that I personally thank you ...Ted
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