I have never poured with a Hilts mold, so can't give you any input. However I do have one of there molds, and I will tell you that I do not like the handles. They are very skinny and that makes the mold top heavy. As far as buying Hilts molds. Well, I have tried unsuccessfully to buy molds from them for the last 4 years. Reason why I have not gotten any molds from them, is that everytime I call them they never have the mold I want, and I have to wait for them to do a production run. Well I'm not waiting a year for them to make a production run. I've tried this several times with no luck, so mI gave up. Maybe the mold you are looking for will be in stock, or you might have better luck on e-bay. I believe the company is out of Florida and I do not believe it is the original company.