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Everything posted by daved

  1. Anybody know how all those lures have the hologram finishes put on them.Is it special paints or another method.Have a buyer wants blade baits done like that.
  2. Lead is mined & is 100% pure soft.Can't use this as it leaves holes in the heads of jigs.Also thin lures will bend very easy.Wheel weights have 2% antimony & this is what is used in most shops.Thin lures will be hard to bend & no holes in jigs.Scrap lean can contain many other metals which will affect your pouring & how lures turn out.
  3. We pour 20-40 tons a year in lead so i have seen a lot of things happen.Maybe 4 years ago when new lead was cheap we bought in lead pigs & melted the bars,very simple.Now with new lead at nearly 2 dollars a pound we buy scrap.Now your talkin lots of dangers & problems. One post i seen somebody said have a fire extinguisher near by.Never ever spray a liquid on molten metal.It will blow up in your face.Either smother the fire with a steel top as i sometimes do or pour DRY sand on it & that usually ends the fires. In our shop now i have old plumbers lead,roofing lead,pipes you name it & it all catches on fire or can go boom in a heart beat.We have a roof ventilation fan that draws out all smoke & fumes.i see some small stores that do this in their back rooms,crazy. One problem using scrap lead is the consitancy or make up of the lead is always changing & that affects my employee's when they pour the lead into silicone molds.Most times you have to make adjustments to speed,pressure or heat. One good thing about lead if you get hit by some it starts cooling as soon as it leaves the pot so burns are not that bad.We pour zinc & that stays 800 degree's for a while & it will burn you bad.Tin & Bismuth also not bad to deal with. For do it molds most guys i know having troubles is the lead is not hot enough.Might need to be near 900 degree's.Also i hear a lot of smoking your mold.When we have problems we just dust molds with talc.Very simple helps the lead flow better but just turn the heat up.When we pour small 1/100oz or 1/64 oz jigs heat must be 930 degree's... If you have questions on lead email us.There are a lot more things i can say......... One question what do you use to core out worm sinkers to make the hole.i tried wire,nickeled wire,black nickel wire it all sticks.Teflon is best but i have none in the shop........... Dave
  4. Anybody know what company makes the line tie for drop shot sinkers.Just pull the line tight without tyeing a knot. Dave
  5. daved

    silicone skirts

    Interesting board.Thanks for the answers.I have been mfging for almost 30 years now & our shop could do 100,000-200,000 jigs a week.Most supplies we buy direct..Funny every skirt you buy in the US over the years all looked the same & i always new there was only 1 mfg.Yes it's vietnam.I already placed an order.If anyone is interested i will probably sell off our other skirts...
  6. daved

    silicone skirts

    Thanks for the reply.We got a bunch in china but the quality is crap & prices keep rising,worse than north america
  7. Would anybody know the manufacture of silicone strips.I have lots of wholesale names but need the source
  8. Anyone know the manufacturer of silicone strips.Not the wholesaler.How are the strips made?
  9. daved

    gator clips

    Anybody have a source for these gator clips.We need to mfg the depth finder.Clip on your line to find bottom ice fishing..........
  10. What equipment would be needed to make 1000's of bodies from wood,maybe basswood.How do you make each one the same. Baits are up to 10" in length.How would you set up to paint.Dip or spray.Lots to figure out......
  11. Any idea's for a rack for these little things.They have #12,#16 fine wire hooks.Need to airbrush them.Jig racks are way to big.I can stick the hook in foam but they fall out,move & we have 1000's to paint. Also anybody know how to find people on the net.Old friend peter grant somewhere in ontario & old salesman Bruce napier,fireman from winnipeg.Tried yellow pages but it needs address to work
  12. We have some blue hooks in the shop but they are a regular straight long shank,eagle claw.
  13. daved

    vinyl paints

    baotnik this is wholesale.Might use 200 gallons a year.Components is 70 bucks a gallon plus hazmate fee's plus exchange,duty then a barge ride to my shop in Windsor.Let me know if you have a name or email us ddlures@mnsi.net
  14. daved

    vinyl paints

    Does anybody know of sources for vinyl paint besides components,way to much money.We used Bohning but they are to hard to deal with,pittsburg paints but that is not to chip proof.Any others
  15. We have some 1-2-3oz jigs.Also mustad 3,4,5/0 nickel plated hooks.email me if you are interested ddlures@mnsi.net
  16. We mfg molds & cast lead,tin,bismuth.We also import products for companies.We have pVC & glass rattles for about $50.00/1000pcs.Email me if you need something ddlures@mnsi.net
  17. Hydro silk is lumaflex right.We might have spools left in the shop if you want some.Do not use it any more email ddlures@mnsi.net
  18. daved

    flippin jigs

    Anybody know how to paint these in large quantities without getting paint on the weedguard.Where do you get the weedguards at mfg price?
  19. daved

    flippin jigs

    Anybody know how to paint these in large amounts without getting paint on the fiber guard.Also best source for the weedguards
  20. Does anybody have machines to do centrifugal castings.We mfg a lot of lead lures & i was wondering why do you get holes in round jigs with soft lead?Only round jigs i think as when we cast tube jigs they do not get holes.Also it comes out nice & shinny.I know you add some antimony to get rid of the hole.
  21. Does anybody know what the material is that goes on the stinger hooks eye.It's something like ready dip,type of rubber that's also used on tools for handles.Would you have a name,address
  22. Hi For salt why not just add it to the cavities then pour the plastic.I have added rattles,stingers,jigs. Just have to figure how much i have to spend to set up production & make molds. To run high volumes,say 1000 of pieces a day how many molds per lure size would you need. I poured up some lures using manns plastic i bought years ago & it is very soft.What do people look for in a plastic bait,very soft ones or middle of the road?
  23. Does anybody do any volume production with these baits?How do you make them in large numbers?Where do you buy the plastisol in 5 gallon pails,what do you use to heat up larger amounts of plastisol.How do you clean the plastic to change over to a new color.Somebody like yamamoto how do they make so many soft plastics all hand pours. Anybody buy their plastic from manns?
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