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About Slimo

  • Birthday 02/10/1978

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Do you guys sand the lure between coats of Devcon? Slimo
  2. Thank you all , you guys really know your craft! I took a bit of advice from all your answers and here is what I did: I use the bottom of a soda can to mix the epoxy, since the can was full of cold soda it kept the Devcon from reacting to quickly. Then I used a bigger brush and I finally heatgunned the whole thing for a few seconds. The bait looks great! Thanks again. Slimo
  3. Hi, It's my first post on your board and I'm very happy to be a new member. Does on of you Devcon expert have a trick to coat big Musky plugs with Devcon without making a mess ? By the the time I get to the other side of the 12" lure the epoxy has started to gell and I get an uneven coat. I guess I could make a few batch to coat the lure but I'm wondering if there is a better way. Slimo
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