Where can you get a ghost minnow jig mold or something very similar to it.Here is a picture or one thanks. http://www.barlowstackle.com/acb/showdetl.cfm?&DID=6&User_ID=3397166&st=4401&st2=65646996&st3=67309584&Product_ID=1823&CATID=111
What paint do you jig makers use to paint the eyes with after they are powder coated?Also what color of powder paint matches the flo.blue buck tail?I have ordered 2 colors of blue and neither one of them are close.Thanks Ken
Yes its the same as a feeler or spark plug gauge.Tin foil will work also that has been mention.A piece of note book paper is .002 thick try it.All you need is something between the mold plates to let the gasses out,If venting is the problem.
Pop take a gap gauge and put the .001 blade between the plate and see if it will fill out.This would give you some venting just to see if that is the problem.Then try .002 and see if it will fill out with out flash.If you want to smoke it real good get a small piece of rag dip it in kerosene hold it with a pair of needle nose pliers light it and smoke the mold.This is how we smoke the nozzles in the die casting industry
I make my on pony heads for trolling and use powder paint.How do you use 2 or 3 colors on the head and also glitter on top of the paint.Thanks for any and all info.