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Everything posted by Cummins_4x4

  1. First pours a big success. I poured a bunch of big worms 9" and 10". I had visions of smoke pouring from the microwave followed by gut wrenching stench, but it was not to be! Everything went surprizingly well. Ended up with 3 dozen motoroil camo,special junebug and black grape worms to try at Lake Fork. Wish I'd been doing this for some time. Should get my stick molds tomorrow from Del. Looking forwards to doing them also. Look forwards even more to trying them out.Thanks to alot of reading I did before pouring all went well.
  2. Sorry there is some very bad logic being thrown around here. The best example is the following quote: "Try writing an operating system copied exactly after Microsoft Windows, but change some of the colors and buttons, and add a few different functions. Then list it for sale on eBay under a new name. " Bill Gates is nothing more than a successful theif! He stole the ideas from many little guys and ground them into the dust. He has had better legal council, more business acuem, and a more ruthless personality than those whose shoulders he climbed up the ladder on. Oh and by the way, this is not from conjecture. Microsoft has had sanctions imposed upon it here, not very successfully due to corrupt courts. But very successfully in Europe. I've had several very good ideas stolen from me personally, and marketed by others. I can think up more. But now I am more unwilling to show certain people things. I won't cast my pearls before swine. And say I do stumble across another acorn, I will market it and not let others do it first. I just won't worry about people ripping off the idea, people will period. I will make a superior product, people recognize quality. I'm not pointing a finger at anyone in this post.
  3. Just won an Ebay auction. Item number: 7152830038 Is this close to the one you have Richoc? I still need those made. If you can send me a list of components I need to finish them I would appreciate it. I'll be heading north walleye fishing pretty soon. Although I use these baits here in Tx alot.
  4. Yes they do a little. Really they are good about giving out free samples with a purchase. If you get down this way maybe we could take some time out for an important "field testing" of our latest baits on lake Fork. Its about 15 miles from the shop.
  5. Mojo are you the same mojo from TFF? Well hello anyway. I stop over to the Yammie shop alot as I'm only 5 miles from it to get some ideas. They are really pretty nice folks. Just out of my price range! Good luck on that color.
  6. Thanks woodsac! I figured the truth was out there. That'll let me have a little time to decide what I really want and go from there. I appreciate the help!
  7. Will filling in the areas you don't want plastic in with modeling clay work? At least for awhile. Want to make a few worms and test them before altering the mold or making a new one.
  8. Does anyone here pour weight forward sinners simular to erie dearie? Either I need to buy the molds or find a source for poured in 3/8,1/2.and 3/4 oz sizes.
  9. Cummins_4x4


    I'm getting started pouring worms and sticks, as well as some molds I have made. I'll test all my creations in Lake Fork, Palestine and Sam Rayburn. I'm really wanting to make some crappie baits that I can't find here. I've read forums for some time, great database of knowledge here, thanks for the info to get started! And again hello!
  10. What is the best way to modify an existing mold? I want to change the tail on several, and if at all possible be able to return to the origional mold. The particular molds I am talking about are M-F molds made of a clear resin. Would RTV work? And be able to revert to origional? I figure someone out there has the answer. Thanks in advance. I'm glad to join this great resource.
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