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Everything posted by muskiehound

  1. anyone that you desire can be chowed. Some though may leave a bad taste in the fishes mouth, like Rodman.
  2. Thanks guys. Natural Perch no problem. Im having fun with it. Jim Support our troops!!
  3. Well it took some time but its up now. Jim http://www.muskiehound.com
  4. Kb I don't know if this will help, But I make Musky size lures and I place the bills in before I paint. this will give you something to hold if needed. Before I paint or epoxy I cover the lip with hot wax which hardens then will pop off after the lure is complete, paint epoxy and all. Jim
  5. Ive been using a real fine glitter that is used for embossing, what that is Im not sure. it works great mixed into devcon then brushed on. They sell many colors. I got it from Joanns fabric craft store here in Michigan. Jim
  6. Not sure where this would fall under, but I figured you guys would get a kick out of it. Decided to make my own version of a tackle box I saw a friend have, and never could find it to buy. So being a bait maker. I decided to put the creativity in gear and came up with these. One for the hard baits and one for the bucktails. Jim
  7. I hope all is well George. Also with Canadian health care, I hope you were seen in time. Jim across the pond.
  8. Dont know If this will work, but gives a cool look I use Acrliyic crystal eyes and color the top, which shoots the color to the bottom of the crystal. I buy a bag of 50 for $2.00 at Micheals craftstore in Michigan. I imagine you could get them anywhere. Also any size, and color. Jim sample
  9. Thanks for the info blackjack. Im going to give it a try on my next paint job. Jim
  10. Will the oils from your skin cause your top coat not to stick. I've been using devcon 30 min cure time epoxy. I've been having problems with the top coat peeling off. I did read some post about water getting in and swelling the wood can cause this. I was just wondering if oils would cause this as well. Heres a pic of the bait Jim
  11. I've been using Poplar that was bought from Home Depot. Most of the baits I made, I put in the screw eyes in last there by leaving an opening for water to get in then failure. What I don't understand is other Musky style baits out there on the market get chewed to hell, exposing bare wood. And these baits stay together, other then the chew spots. My steps now im trying is 1. seal with kilz white 2. final paint 3. add hardware (screw eyes, lip) 4. devcon epoxy final Letting each step that requires drying at least 24 hrs. Jim
  12. Maybe you guys can help. What im wondering is, do you put your lip in and screw eyes before you start the process of sealing, painting, and finish coat. Reason im asking is, im having tremendous epoxy crackage and peeling. I been putting them in after the final paint just before the epoxy finish. Jim
  13. I would test the bouyancy of the bait after applying the weights, then cover the hole were the weight is let dry sand then shallac. Usually with in a days time. Probably to fast eh? The shallac is (Zinsser) brand from Home Depot. Im in the process of a new batch of lures, and these im trying kilz latex. most likely I will brush on the kilz. I did dip a bait, but what a mess!! I let the sealing coat of kilz dry for 24 hours. You think that will do?
  14. Im new to this board, and I most say it is full of advice. I was hoping you all could help me. I made some musky baits that are failing after they get wet. These are the steps I took. 1. prime with shellac 2. spray a coat of white, I think laquer 3. paint desired look with waterbase model paint, from hobby shop(airbrushed) 4. top coat devcon 2ton epoxy. Could my failings be in the drying time? I would go through these steps as soon as the finishes were dry. With the lure completed in a day and half to two days. As an example of the lure that failed. The epoxy peeled off and the paint came with it.
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