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Everything posted by Muskiefool

  1. Must be a data base issue thanks bassbuster
  2. Nice bait and great fish keep up the nice work I like the shape how does it run I love the story no matter where you go in the world fisherman are fisherman
  3. Take the cheapo hobby brushes cut the bristles so they are 1" long and time is of the essence mix thoroughly and keep a blow drier handy and a propane torch to get out any bubbles apply it as thin as possible if you have brush marks from application heat with blow drier and keep an eye on it because it will flow fast and you'll need to hit it with a brush again just keep practicing I still wince when I do it so practice on junk first Good luck
  4. Looks cool I would love to see it in action
  5. Ace Hardware or Hardware Hank is where I get mine
  6. I don't know if you guys have done this or not but I experimented with coloring Devcon with transparent Createx so far it works fine not sure about the long term but it gets as hard as without I'll post a pic in a few days of the subject
  7. Trial and error what you have is a great start just build from it
  8. I just noticed this section so I thought I would post this is a combo Top-water Spinner bait that I make called the Esox Enigma
  9. I like that It looks like just the ticket for Stream Trout also they love that in-line blade and the thumper tail is a great Idea coupled with the Flash
  10. what is the bait doing rolling? blowing out I don't worry as much about the weight being low just as long as it's balanced in the water and the lip angle allows for a smooth angle of decent my weight is all in the lower 3rd of the bait horizontally and the front 1/2 if the weight went beyond the halfway point it was bad but those look great your on the right track my baits are a bit different but the theory's should apply the same Good luck John
  11. I use 30 for everything the 5 is fine internally but it has a rubbery feel and the 30 gives me more time to adjust and some days I need all the time I can get
  12. Yep I agree with you guys on the hook placement another 1 1/2 to the rear would work better but I didn't even know if the thing would swim so I just kinda kept them 5 " apart or so but it seems to swim real well so the next ones are for keeps and it seems that these big baits get hit right in the head or front 1/3rd most times so I tend to keep them up further thanks guys John
  13. Glad you like it Jed this is the final product on the May-Eye just gonna fine tune the SB
  14. A couple guys got out yesterday in IN with this bait and another the SB Derby Diver, so far they pulled it to 6mph and no blow outs or loss in action, the May-Eye 27-29' deep on one setting 18-22 feet on the other, this bait the SB derby Diver ran straight also with similar results slightly different action mainly due to body size and shape but running 25-28', they didn't get the shallow setting tested they got to cold this one is just under 20" and is 1 3/4#, the May-Eye is at 2#, I have 8/0 hooks and have been considering 10/0, thanks guys, for this bait to run right from the table to the water with no adjustments is nothing short of a miracle, and your help, the May-Eye has been a labor of love all summer getting it to that bait with the flames, to swim like a fish. Thank you John
  15. This is my new bait I re sized and worked on some trouble areas I want to thank you guys for making this alot easier for me
  16. Does anyone know a way to cut Devcon 2 ton besides denatured alcohol thanks guys Trying to flatten the learning curve
  17. I think the largest I found was 2" from stamina I use the chopper on my Enigmas if you find any larger ones please let me know otherwise like mentioned before you gotta be a tin smith
  18. Time is the best medicine for this I think, I looked for info on drying wood it sounds like time is the best way for soft wood, I'm looking for more wood now, hopefully a bit drier, Thanks for all your input guys saves me a bunch of misery, you cant rush some things, I guess mother nature is one of those things.
  19. Cedar maybe I should dry it in the oven
  20. Thanks guys I'll let em sit for a while hope we don't get rain, if I go oven you never know when she'll decide to preheat something for the first time in her life, LOL.
  21. Fishy 2 that has some sweet action do you ship to the US and what is the cost you can contact me at www.muskiefool.com
  22. Kinda afraid to screw up this wood it is one of the finest pieces I have found it is moist in spots only right in the center
  23. I cut some wood tonight and it had some wet spots here and there I always let my material sit indoors for several weeks before cutting what is the best way to deal with this I don't want to have troubles after sealing
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