well if you spell it "roll" you will get more hits. Vodkaman did a huge study on the stability of crankbaits. Search for Death roll and it should come up. If you can't get it I will link you to it tomorrow. Its on my work pc.
Well I stopped by today and the ladies were on break. The owner's name is Dan and he is going to give me a tour of the plant next week. I got 3 free poppers today. They are very nice people there. The lady that gave me the poppers said they were made in plastisol (sp) molds. I will see more next week I hope.
I don't know her name, I figured out she had a head after I sat down and thought about it a while. While the main lady was showing me around she was putting a bunch of scum frogs in my hand one was a new one that wasn't out yet. I thought I was going to keep all of them but she got them and said I could have one if I wanted one. I had to pick the one that I use on Columbus lake. I think that is how he got started. The frogs he makes are perfect for the local lakes because they matt up in the summer. I throw a Ribbet alot there and didn't use a scum frog till I got the free one that looks like a ribbet.
I'll do what I can. I don't know about pics in his shop but I bet I can get a tour and report back. It will be sometime next week though. Its tough to get out of the office anymore. I'll do my best, post a question you guys want answered, I know hardbaits. I don't know what you guys need for the plastics.
Of the mfg. process or the blond? I think if I go back one more time I will need to repent! Its a small process, I could do all of it at my house. Girl or Scum Frogs!
I wish I knew you guys were looking how to make them. I was in there plant a couple of weeks ago. Southern lure Co. is in Columbus Ms. right beside the place I get lunch. There is a sign that says enter through back and I went in and I was in the middle of their shop. I walked around and talked to them for a while. It is 6 ladies that assemble and make them right there. I got a freebe that came right off the assembly table. One solid fact is there is one lady in there that is so hot I'm supprised she don't melt the plastic. I'll try to go back and take notes but it didn't take long for the other ones to see I couldn't quit looking at the little blond. Sorry guys, priorities come first.
No, they get out. Hamilton, Ohio became a town because that is as far as you can drive from Hazzard Ky, on a tank of gas. Kentucky isn't all bad, there are some HUGE deer in those hills. If you get past the Deliverance thing the hunting is good.
I saw the exact same letter on another site. I don't remember what exactly he was trying to purchase but it was the exact same letter. It has to be a fraud of some sort but I don't know how it would work. Glad you caught it so you didn't have to give first hand experiance on how it works.
That is probably the most important quote on this thread. I'm not trying to produce baits for bulk sale. I'm just quick when I do stuff, (just ask my wife). I take my time when I work because when I go fast I screw up. I also have a 3 year old that likes to be wherever I am so I do tend to be efficient so she can have some daddy time since I do work alot out of the house. I just have fun and make baits. Last night I took two baits that I had already base coated and just experimented with colors. I took a bait that I make that had a very good paint finish on it and added some color to a different area that made the lure brighter and hopefully more visible. ( A tip from a previous thread). I had a blast doing it, had to call my club and brother to tell them they should surrender all tournament money to me now and they should accept 2nd place. The total paint process was 20 minutes and included me finding out someone took my rags out of my shop and having to go find the.
I do remember your dive bill punch now. I have been working on a design to use with the 3-4 different bills I use. Looks like another deerstand project. I have written down some pretty good stuff while sitting in the top of a tree waiting. the bill alignment jig is something I'm glad I saw. I might be able to expand on that for my needs. We need to get Vodkaman on that, he is the engineer.