Envirotex EX-74...goes on like regular envirotex and has a UV blocker to prevent yellowing. I've been using it for years. No yellowing, and you get a wonderful hard, tough finish. It ended my quest for the best clearcoat. I know, I know, everyone has their favorites, I'm just sayin it works.
Devcon 2 ton will yellow. A lot of guys who love it don't like to hear that (which is one of several big reason why I don't normally participate in clearcoat threads.) When I used and loved D2ton, I refused to believe it too, but a few years later, you look at your Devcon baits and you can no longer deny it. And the stuff is truly easier to use in a lot of ways.
Now I know yellowing doesn't bother everyone and I know the stuff is great to work with, but if you decide at some point you no longer want to compromise the colors you chose for a bait you built from scratch, you have to make a decision and move away slowly from the Devcon with your hands up.