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Everything posted by fatfingers

  1. Dear rowhunter, I always like to help out a new builder so let me give you a tip on this search engine thing. If you do a search, you'll find that there actually is a way to build your own baits as opposed to simply buying a bait and painting it. Now when you do this search, you may want to pack a lunch because the search engine is going to have to go way back to a section of the archives called "Back In The Day" and those records are so old they are written on fragile, yellowed parchment paper. I would not spend too much time reading all that stuff, because those old timers wasted a lot of time on trivial things like innovating, carving, and testing baits that they devised pretty much on their own. Some of them even made their own custom diving lips and eyes. Stencils too. Can you imagine how many plastic ready made baits you could have done instead? I heard that they even developed some of the foiling methods that are still wildly popular today. Who needs all that? Save yourself time and just order up from the newer online catalogs. Hope that helps, Yours truly Fatfingers Tungin Sheek Bait Co..."serving the fishing world since 2014"
  2. Envirotex used to offer a spray can version. I tried it once. It goes on very very thin and requires multiple coats for most scenarios.
  3. fatfingers

    IMG 20150304 194853

    Nice! Blue is an underrated color for lure building. Do you leave the belly unpainted?
  4. Sorry, I meant to say, "designed for INTERIOR usage."
  5. Envirotex lite is also "not recommended" for exterior use. It also lacks the UV protectors found in EX-74 which can have the effect of inhibiting the fading which is common with certain pigments such as red, orange, etc. I've been using the 74 for years and have had zero problem with chalking. Now I could imagine that being a problem with about any topcoat designed for exterior usage if one were to build say a picnic table and expose it to the elements year round.
  6. fatfingers

    Flat Sides

    Classic profile and three well done classic patterns. Those three would be all you'd need when the crank bite is on!
  7. fatfingers

    Marbled Popper

    I like the sort of minimalist look this has. Nice work.
  8. Envirotex EX-74...goes on like regular envirotex and has a UV blocker to prevent yellowing. I've been using it for years. No yellowing, and you get a wonderful hard, tough finish. It ended my quest for the best clearcoat. I know, I know, everyone has their favorites, I'm just sayin it works. Devcon 2 ton will yellow. A lot of guys who love it don't like to hear that (which is one of several big reason why I don't normally participate in clearcoat threads.) When I used and loved D2ton, I refused to believe it too, but a few years later, you look at your Devcon baits and you can no longer deny it. And the stuff is truly easier to use in a lot of ways. Now I know yellowing doesn't bother everyone and I know the stuff is great to work with, but if you decide at some point you no longer want to compromise the colors you chose for a bait you built from scratch, you have to make a decision and move away slowly from the Devcon with your hands up.
  9. The more I read about this stuff, the more I question its use..
  10. fatfingers

    Threadfin Shad

    Five inch, deep diver, from resin.
  11. How many baits can you make in a hour? What will it cost you to make them? How much can you sell them for?
  12. Thanks, you guys. This one was fun to build.
  13. fatfingers

    Handmade Pike Lure

    Did you build this or buy it and paint it? I like the subtle paint work you applied. Is this foiled?
  14. fatfingers

    Wart Paint

    Those are all beautiful, but I love the dirty orange and the way you faded some color down the side of the diving lip. To me, those fades look like the pitchers extending forward from the craw. Good stuff!
  15. fatfingers

    pure fantasy

    Nice clean work.
  16. fatfingers

    pure fantasy

    Nice. Did you paint it or glue it on?
  17. Waiting will allow it to thicken a bit and will also cause it to dissipate the static charge it gets when you stir it. That static charge acts like a magnet for any dust in the air, so it's probably more important than the question of viscosity. I usually wait no more that about 10 to 12 minutes or so, checking it as I wait. There are some phases of building you can rush or shortcut, but generally, applying a nice clear coat is not one of them. Patience and a decent turning wheel are key ingredients.
  18. fatfingers


    Outstanding paint job.
  19. From the description of your process, you take a lot of care in the prepping process and you want the best possible results. If so, you might consider both the potential for yellowing and the potential for color fading due to the lack of UV protection in any topcoat you choose. I know some guys don't care about the topcoat yellowing over time and that's okay. It's a personal choice, I know. But you should consider that the effects of the sun on paint and epoxy can be pronounced. The sun will have its way with certain topcoat choices much more so than others. For what it's worth, Envirotex EX-74 seems to thwart a lot of the problems and it's less than $180 per gallon.
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