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Everything posted by saint308

  1. So your saying put the power on 5 and use shorter bursts? You think that will take care of the problem? Thanks. Saint.
  2. If they are sitting 5 minutes and still coming out soft, then we have a problem. Either too much softner or you are not mixing the pastic enough before pouring. Someone else will chime in and offer some other suggestions. Saint.
  3. I let them sit in the mold for two minutes. I will let them sit longer as th emold gets hot. I am sure the plastic was gelling up but you just did not see it. If it gets clear, it is good to go. Like 152 said, about 2-2.5 minutes as an initial blast. By that point it has gelled and turned back to liquid. Saint.
  4. David: I fished Lake Taupo (sp?) once in New Zealand. We caught some real nice rainbows. That is one of prettiest countries I have ever been to. Saint.
  5. Bull***t! Tonight it looks green. Maybe it is the tequila... but that looks green. Just joking guys, I don't drink tequila anymore..........after 7:00. After seeing the top of the first pic. I might could see some smoke in there. Saint.
  6. Ok, food for thought. I decided to try to pour some white trick worms. I am using MF SS for the trick worms and regular for the frogs. Well, I was able to get the trick worms much hotter without scorching. Any ideas? Could the fact that there is some salt in the trick worms and not in the frogs matter? I am clueless. Saint.
  7. Ok, I need some help here. I am trying to pour some white frogs in Del's buzz mold. However, in order to get the plastic hot enough to fill the feet I have to put it right on the edge. MOst of the time the plastic begins to turn. This leaves me with full feet, but not the bright white I am looking for. If I do not heat it up enought it is bright white, but the feet are messed up. So how do you guys handle this? Do you use heat stabilizer? WOuld stabilizer allow me to get it hotter? Can stabilizer be used in a microwave? Obviously, I have never used stabilizer before. Thanks for your help. Saint. P.S. Bigbass14.3 if you read this, I put some sticks in the mail today for your kids deal.
  8. Someone please help me, I feel like Rosie O Donnell. I know what I am about say will P'O a few people. Either it is my monitor or I have had too many Coors lights, but that looks very brown to me. How do you guys get smoke out of that? I could not imagine how black could give you that color. Nova, this is not against you or rocky but man all I see is brown. Please someone teach me. Thanks. Saint.
  9. Ok guys. Here is what I have created so far. It is a bit rough. I need to figure the taking quality picture thing out so I can put some better pics of my baits on there. The enitre color chart page is unfinished. How do you handle color charts? Do you take close up pics of actual baits? Anyway, please give me some honest feedback. Feel free to PM if you do not want to seem too harsh in public. The site is www.alchibaits.com. Thanks. Saint.
  10. Thanks guys. Tom it has been a while since I have seen you around. I hope all is good. Saint.
  11. What are you guys using to edit photos? I downloaded photoshop 3.2 yesterday. I cannot figure out how to manually edit the pics. Everything seems to be auto. Also, is there a way to get rid of the background? Is there another program out there that is better? Thanks. Saint.
  12. Jason: it was good talking with you the other day. I hope you got it all figured out. I got a few laying around I could give you. Give me the low down and I will send them. Saint.
  13. Thanks for the answer Del. I think I am going to have my brother handle this. Hell, I had to read your post twice. I cannot imagine what will end happening if I try to follow directions on the computer. I may end up having the FBI kicking my door down. Thanks again. Saint.
  14. Anyone know anything about this postnuke site Del was referring to? I went and looked at it on the web and was overwhelmed. How do you download the software? Is it really free? Can you make a functioning site with it? Who do you use for hosting and domain registration? How much should Iexpect to pay? Thanks.
  15. Check out these three threads. Saint. http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/showthread.php?t=8860&highlight=pricing http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/showthread.php?t=9147&highlight=pricing http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/showthread.php?t=9297&highlight=pricing
  16. What recipe are you currently using? I know when I first started trying to find a good zoom junebug match, I was not able to get the deep purple. Eventually Del told me to add some red and that did it. So if you are using some red in the recipe, try it without. Other than that, I got nothing. Hope you figure it out. Saint.
  17. Or even better.....before you go to the pantry and put a bunch of table sugar in the microwave. Saint.
  18. On the same note. Does anyone know about how much pearl I should add to get a good color? I have some pearlesence (sp?) from MF I think. I will be pouring some senkos in pearl. Thanks. Saint.
  19. Roger that. He was wanting white frogs with blue and red flake. He also wanted a pearl senko with red and blue flake. I will order LC white and anise if they have it. I told him I would give him his money back if it was not what he wanted. Thanks. Saint.
  20. I have a guy who wants some white senkos and frogs. He wants some with flake and some without. I have never poured anything white. How hard is it to deal with and how badly does scent mess with the color? Also, in your opinion who has the best white colorant? Thanks guys. Saint.
  21. My first advice......where a respirator. Second, listen to Alsworms. Saint.
  22. About consignment. The only person I might do that with is the lady that owns the launch. She also works with the Nitro dealer and has been trying to get my brother to join the state team for a while. They have been dealing with each other for a while and I do not think she is out to screw anyone. Saint.
  23. Thanks for the info. Saint.
  24. Jim: Point well taken. I guess I will have to wait and see what the shops say, then I will make my decision. Kinda on the same lines as what you said. Lets say someone calls me from Lafayette (about 50 miles away where I grew up) and wants 2 packs of sticks. The price is $8.00 not including tax. However, I am not going to jump in my car and deliver 2 packs. They can either come get them, pay for shipping or wait until I come into town. There has to be some kind of price on that inconvenience. So if I sell them to a store for $4.00/pack, they can mark it up to whatever. The extra price the customer pays at the store is for the convenience of getting it right there. I believe that is what Jim was saying, and it makes sense as well. However, if I sell to the store @$4.00 and the mark it up 50% then the price is now $6.00. I will just have to see if the public is willing to pay that amount. Thanks guys. Saint.
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