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Everything posted by saint308

  1. Thanks again!!!! Saint.
  2. I was never going to use lead. Although I appreciate the advice, I did not like that idea from the start. Jim, can you please explain to me the following: What exactly are suger flakes How is it used How much does it chance the translucent nature of the bait How much do you use to match salt weight Do you use just sugar or do you have to mix with salt Where can I get it How much does it cost I have gotten a lot of comments on this, but none have really expained it to me. Thanks. Saint.
  3. saint308


    TR21x: I am having the same problem of adding weight but not losing the trans. I have a post on here titled suger flakes. From I what I understand it gives you the weight but has little if any color. I have yet to get a clear answer, but you may want to monitor that post as well. Good luck. Saint.
  4. saint308


    I am so far from an expert on the salt issue, as you can tell from all my dumb questions. A couple replies on this post mention anti-caking properties. I would imagine your salt does not have this. That is why you had the clogging problems. Maybe someone her can clarify what all this chemistry stuff means. I hated science in High School, I hated science in college and I still hate trying to understand science. Saint. P.S. Not trying hurt anyone's feeling on the science comment, I am more of a numbers guy.
  5. I am looking for something to add weight to June Bug and Red, but not make it cloudy. I am trying to make something like Zoom's June Bug. I can match Zoom's June Bug perfectly without the salt, but I need the weight and do not know how to get it. If anyone can help, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks. Saint.
  6. saint308


    One, I am trying to find an alternative to buying salt online and paying the huge shipping cost for dark baits. Secondly, I am trying to find something to add weight to my more translucent baits like June Bug and Red. Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks. Saint.
  7. saint308


    Thanks. I will give it a shot. Saint.
  8. So it is not actually sugar? Does it add weight? I don't see glitter adding a whole lot of weight, please correct me if I am wrong. I am not doubting you, just trying to understand. I am still considered a newbie to this pouring stuff. Where did you get it, and how much does it cost? Thanks. Saint.
  9. saint308


    Thanks for the replies. I am in a time crunch so I guess I will go buy a grinder and some table salt tonight. Do any of you know how long I should grind it, and how much to grind at one time? Is it possible to over grind? Just curious, I have never done this before. Thanks again. Saint
  10. I am interested in getting some sugar flakes. From what I understand it makes the bait sink, but does not distort the color. Is this correct? What exactly is it and how does it affect the pour? How much do you need to equal the same as 50% salt in weight? How much does it cost and where do I get it? Can you grind regular suger and get the same effect like salt?Thanks. Saint
  11. saint308


    So, for someone not able to get this alb. salt. What is the best way to go. I was about to buy some from Del cost was around $7 but shipping was $11. I want the most transparent bait I can. Do you recommend buying regular salt and grinding it? If so, how long do you grind it? Some of you mention popcorn salt, can you buy this at Wal Mart? Thanks, for your help. Saint.
  12. Here is my take on the heating issue. It sounds like you are in a similar position as I am. You have not been doing this very long. If you do not have very many cavities to fill, then put about 2 oz. of plactic in a pyrex and nuke it. That pours about 5-6 5 inch stick baits from a Del mold. Once you get the hang of that, you can increase it to 4 oz, and so on. Just remember once you double the plastic you must also double the color, salt and anything else you put in. Good luck. P.S I have a Del brush hog mold that was used only once. I do not use it any longer, any suggestions on what I can do with it? Thanks. Saint
  13. saint308


    I know this has been covered almost as much as the salt question. However, I did a search and could not find what I was looking for. I just bought some Avery labels #8163 as recommended here. Now I need some bags. I see people saying veripak and other brands. I looked on veripak but don't really know what I am looking for. Can someone please give me the item number or description for what I need (maybe sizes)? I am packaging sticks with worm oil on them. I guess I want the 4 mil. but what material should I get. I know this seems pretty simple but I have no clue. I am not really selling these yet, but want them to be packaged for give aways. As always, thanks for your help.
  14. I added some Chart. lure dye once in the the plastic. I used it like any color I got from Del. The color was good and stayed that way. I was told it would eventually become dull, but I have not seen it. I am not sure how cost effective it would be. I have not put the pencil to the paper because I do not really use those types of colors much. Let me know how it turns out.
  15. I will give it a shot. I also wanted to ask another question. Do you know what kind of salt Yam. uses? It looks like his grains are larger than the Del salt I have. It could simply be because he has more. It is not real important, but I was just curious. Thanks again. Saint.
  16. I am having some trouble with salt content. If you bite a senko, you can taste and see the salt. However, I put enough salt in mine to get the sink rate I looking for, but cannot taste the salt when bitten. I currently use 7 dashes of salt per 2 ounces of plastic. I am not sure how much that is by teaspoon. Should I use more salt, and much will it increase my sink rate? Thanks. Saint.
  17. My recipe for Watermelon with a more translucent tint for watermelon seed is: 2 oz. MF super soft 7 drops Del light watermelon 1 drop Del Black 5 dashes salt 2 pinches black flake You can darken this up by adding more black or more salt. To get the closest to Zoom watermelon red I use: 2 oz. MF super soft 7 drops Del light watermelon 2 drops Del Black 2 drops Del Red 3-5 dashes salt as much red & balck flake as you desire The watermelon red recipe is off of the top of my head. It may be a little different, but I don't my recipe book with me. Hope this helps. Saint.
  18. Del: It is not a big deal. I do not consider this a problem or concern. They just do not look like the finish of a store bought product. They still catch fish, and that is all that matters. I am sure a little worm oil will do the trick. Thanks. Saint. P.S. I will be more than happy to send you a sample, but I don't want you to waste your time. Thanks for your help.
  19. What about if you are using an alum. mold form Del. My baits seem to become dull looking after they sit for one day. If I put worm oil on them after they dry for a day will they stay shiny? Thanks. Saint.
  20. Like basskat I use Del's light watermelon and some black. If I am looking for some darker watermelon I will add more salt to give it an opaque look. Dark watermelon with purple flake on a carolina rig, that is the stuff right there. Good luck. Saint.
  21. I tried it once. I put it in just before my last zap in the microwave. When done, it smelled a little burnt. I have not tried since. I guess if you add it after the last zap it might work. Let me know how it turns out. Saint.
  22. Anyone have a decent recipe for Zoom's red bug? How about Green Pumpkin? Thanks. Saint
  23. Jim: I ahve about 1 gallon of useless plastic left as well. Herre is what I am doing with it. I am using it to test new colors. I try something on the calhoun's, and if I like the formula I use it in MF plastic for fishing. Just a thouhgt. Saint.
  24. Just a little info: I just spoke with the boys over at M-F. I got to tell you, they are some nice folks with a good product. I know where I will be getting my plastic for now. Saint.
  25. Jeff: I sent you a private message. Please get back to me ASAP. Saint
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