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Everything posted by saint308

  1. I saw a pic of a 16" worm made by Darryll (sp?) over at Hurricane worms.
  2. Here are some names. Saint. http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/showthread.php?t=9972
  3. saint308


    Laminated bags. I would go with at least a 3 mil. thickness. Saint.
  4. saint308


    Oh yeah, and don't add any water based scent to hot plastic. Saint
  5. saint308


    Either way. I do both and some do neither. It is up to you. Just nake sure you have the right bags if you are adding it to the bag or you will have a smelly mess. Saint.
  6. You need to figure out how much your raw materials cost for certain baits. I would imagine it takes more plastic to make a 6 inch vs. a 4 inch bait. That means your cost is higher so the price should be as well. One piece vs. two piece is a time issue. If you are pouring the laminates in a one piece mold then it shouldn't take that much extra time. Therefore, you can sell them at the same price as single colors. Two piece molds take extra time and could be sold for more $. Once you know the cost to create the product, then you figure out how much you want to make for your time and effort. Hope this helps. Saint.
  7. Thanks bro. I am happy with the colors page. I just want to be able to get better detail on the other pages. Saint.
  8. Awesome pics from both Franks and Chad. One day I hope to be able to do the same. Saint.
  9. When you guys are pouring black with any color flake, how do you get the flake to show up? It seems no matter how much flake I add, only very few pieces are noticeable in the bait. I assume it is because it you can only see the flake on the surface, but is there a trick to make the flake stand out more? Zoom and others don't seem to have this problem. Thanks. Saint.
  10. Right on. I do not know anything about pneumatic solenoid springs moving up and down. However, I put mine about 1/8" from the bottom and go until I run out. Everything seems to work fine that way. Saint.
  11. saint308


    Welcome. Enjoy. Saint.
  12. I was messing around this weekend and decided to try this. It was a lot easier then I expected and will offer them on my site soon. Saint.
  13. I use a cheap variable speed drill from Harbor Freight. I think the brand name is Chicago, it is bright orange. It works like a charm and was around $20. Saint.
  14. Welcome brother. Great group of guys here. Saint.
  15. Your best bet is to find someone on here that pours what you are looking for and ask them to send you a few. I know I asked for and also provided samples to and from other TU members. The mold makers seem to have a lot on there plate and never get around to sending them. That was not a stab at Del or Bob. What exactly are you looking for? Saint.
  16. They can sue me. All they will get is a roll of quarters and my wife. I will give them two weeks and they will offer me two rolls of quarters to take her back. Just kidding, I love my wife. Saint.
  17. I pour my trick worms with and with out salt. I like salt in the worms I will fish wacky stye. The added weight eliminates me having to insert a nail. The worms I fish floating or c-rigged do not have salt. Saint.
  18. Yeah, and when you take your bait company public, you can list the aluminum molds as an asset on your balance sheet. Seriously, go with the aluminum. Saint.
  19. This is a topic I am very much interested in. If you have ever looked at my site you will notice my pics are terrible. Sinbad, your avatar looks awesome. Did you take that pic? Saint.
  20. Wow, this must be a record. BCBaits, I like beer too. In fact, I think I will have one. Saint.
  21. I like them to have a little back bone to the color. I do not like really clear baits. That is just my personal taste. Saint.
  22. Thanks Del. I was thinking about that last night. Saint.
  23. That brings up another interesting question. Once you get a formula in 4 oz. of plastic. Do you simply multiply that number by 8 for 32 oz? I am just curious to see how others are doing it. Saint.
  24. I have a questions for you guys. Let's say your are pouring a stick with salt in a particular color? You have a formula for so many drops of one color. Now let's say you are pouring the same color but without salt. Now how many drops of the same color do you use? I am trying to get an idead of how many drops you can cut out or add. I have been using pretty much the same formula for each, because I do not want it to be too translucent. Geaux Tigers. Saint.
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