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Everything posted by kbkindle

  1. kb here you said it they real bad uglies one guy said they might look better in the water yeah about 150" of water. and i did put 3-4- coats of white createx first the bad thing i painted 5 more cant wait to put them on tu site you know when you get a guy down take advantage kb
  2. kbkindle

    Eye Size

    kbkindle here i use #6mm i make the eye hole with a fostner bit that is 5/16 in size that matches #6mm eye a #7 is 1/4" hole kb i found some eyes the other day that have some red in them and also have eye lashes. would like to find some cat eyes in the 6mm size
  3. kb here i have a little bit of ebony wood and a little of mesquite wood from when i was in texas . i dont have much but you are welcome to a little enough to make a couple lures of each. i have made some stuff on the lathe and the 2 woods sure has a nice grain to it kb
  4. kb here: beleave it or not that has a coat of devcon on it kb they do look better than the pictures but still not as good as i thought kb will try some pic on the next batch of flourescent lures i painted
  5. kb here made about a dozen baits and painted them all flourescent colors here is a few rest in drying box not impressed with colors
  6. kb here they dont break as easy as the plastic lips we have a lot of creeks that come into my home lake and when i try to skip under the concrete bridge i miss some times and hit the concrete and they dont break and when the water is clear and you can see your crank hit a big rock or iron post on a boat lift they bounce farther away from post when this happens i will stop cranking for a couple seconds and seem like i get more strikes this way maybe just me but i like them better kb
  7. hey riverrat kbkindle here janns has some circuit board bills there 035 thick has about 5-6 different sizes they cost about $1.99 to $2.89 for a 10 pack have used them pretty good bill kb:teef:
  8. thanks rollo: for the info on painting white base coat was going to paint over what i prime with and that is lacquer light gray primer kb
  9. k b kindle here just recieved some createx florescent colors bought 8 different colors man i cant wait to paint some lures with these colors. going to paint some solid florescent with a black back. have not even got those lures i made in primer yet. my wife has found a lot of honey do jobs when you get 72 years old it takes a little longer to do things and some things you cant even do.but i do have the" ranger" ready for water. there is just to many things to do , how did i use to squeeze in the work thing. kb
  10. kbkindle here a wallmart unit
  11. kb here got a few lures ready to prime and paint they are all red cedar and the tags you see on them are the amount of weight and bill size . i have tested them in a tank but need to paint and try in the lake and see which ones have the best action and run the best trying to find a few good ones kb
  12. kb here was asking about what colors you guys thought were the best for fishing for smallmouth in stained water and some one said copper color as in a new penny how would you get this color mix what ??? thanks kb:twocents:
  13. hey fat fingers yes i did carve the eye holes but did the rest of it on the lathe and i just painted them black i got a can of fine spray from wally world and wanted to see what it looked like on a lure kb i like working with red cedar iam going to cut some more lures out of it and paint them with all different florescent colors kb:eek:
  14. kb here cut these out of red cedar on my mini lathe. put a lot of glitter in the black
  15. kbhere ia'm a old man of 71 years old just startrd making baits about a year ago and have a lot to learn iam retiered and have been asked to sell some of my baits but i will not make it a business i had my own business for 40 years and this is a hobby it feels nice that some one else wants to buy one of your lures but better than that is when you catch a fish with a lure that you have made out of a block of wood . thats precious kb kindle:wink:
  16. kbkindle here when you say you seal with lacquer product from sherman williams are you talking about a primer or paint . i have found a fill and sand gray lacguer primer from ppg paint co sound about the same deal i did not know whether to spray or dip primer if you dip do you sand in between coats being it dryes quick you can sand in about a hour between coats that is when you spray . i just ordered a guart it was $62.00 a quart but of course mix a quart and you have 2 quarts. kb
  17. kb here having good luck with a lacquer sandable primer made by plastic-coat auto body lacquer primer in a aresol can from wall mart. since you cant buy the old type lacquer primer. there is not much primer in a rattle can. just cut out about 20 flat sided cedar different styles cranks and useing a rattle can is to darn slow i prime my lures at least two times want to get them as good as i can before paint any great ideas out there. wish i would have saved a gal of the old dupont lac. primer #131 is there any co overseas where you can buy the old lac primerskb
  18. kbhere i take a large saftey pin open it up and stick the point in where split ring end or starts push pin down the saftey pin is tapered and will open split ring up real easy kb
  19. kb getting ready to band saw out a few different styles of cedar flat sided crank baits 1/2' thick want to put in as many rattles i can. i think glass rattles make the most noise. but cant find any thing big enough .the only way i know how is to drill hole from the top of lure toward the bill at a angle and insert. would like a glass rattle only about a little smaller than a 1/2 in' i could drill a hole completely through eye hole and put rattle and then the eyes. any suggestions kb
  20. kbkindle here dan that is some outstanding paint work the 3rd from the left , to good for words not that took some time and professional talent kb
  21. kbhere one of the guys said to cut a 2x4 with a v groove in it lay bait and then cut slot . havent tryed it yet but iam going to .i cut my bill slots when lure is still in a square block on band saw and then cut out one side of profile and lake the two pcs. and re glue them to gether again just enough to hold them to gether and then cut on band saw the other profile as you would in making band saw boxes or candalerbo table leg and then finish with a sander and hand sand i wish i could get more rattles in my wood baits fishing here in stained water i think it helps i know drill hole in back and insert a glass rattle wish it was louder kb looking at the lures in jans they were $1.80 in balsa no bill cut in netcraft they were $2.29 with a bill cut i bought a couple of each so i can make some jigs. does anyone of you guys us a lathe duplicator to make lures i have a full size lathe and also a mini lathe think i will buy a duplicator attachment and play with that kb
  22. hey dallas great idea i get it think it will work for me and with all the info frome the rest of guys i will be able to do the bill cutting thanks to all kb:wink:
  23. started making lure again been in hospital for a week these golden years are for the birds had a ruptured colon and was bleeding inside but the got it healing with out the knife treatment. kb
  24. started making lure again been in hospital for a week these golden years are for the birds had a ruptured colon and was bleeding inside but the got it healing with out the knife treatment. kb
  25. started making lure again been in hospital for a week these golden years are for the birds had a ruptured colon and was bleeding inside but the got it healing with out the knife treatment. kb
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