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Everything posted by kbkindle

  1. kb here how can i post pic's on vertical thumb bar and if i can how often and how many as i make lures kbkindle
  2. kbkindle here what do you guys meen when you say you have to heat seat your createx paint kb dont understand
  3. kbkindle here glad to see tu back up i was about to have a heart attack. question in making wood crankbaits i have been useing mostly basswood and a little cedar and balsa but most basswood if i use a polyurathane sealer( by the way what is the best brand) wipe a couple coats on and then paint with waterbase createx paint and top coat with devcon. what if after i put sealer on i see a flaw little tiny hole or scratches in lure and want to make it a perfect as i can is there a sanding primer i can use that will not affect the sealer or the createx top coat could you put on a coat or two of a lacquer base primer sand and then top coat with createx. thank you and merry christmas kb kindle
  4. kbkindle

    lacquer thinner

    kbkindle at one time about20 years ago cars and trucks were painted with lacquer paint. so the use of thinner was to thin the paint the goverment in usa banned lacquer for sale. may be in greece they still have it. t would get in contact with a shop that paints cars and check it out. but i did see in our local wallmart lacquer thinner for sale. it was $12.00 a gal. thats about the best i can do kb
  5. kbkindle those are some great lookers i love the red ones. i have made a few my self but not smart enough to post pics on this site kb
  6. kbkindle danny i dont quite understand vinyl masking tape. that would come in sheets. where do you get it thanks kb
  7. where or how do you put this kind of line tie on my home made micarta circuit board material. kb this is the only site i cant get a pic to come up
  8. kbkindle

    wood filler

    kbkindle here i use auto body filler the water prof kind a guart is about #8.00 will last you about 10 years its real heavy bodied and you mix a paste like hardner to it. will not come out and easy to sand kb
  9. kbkindle here i also tryed his system works great for me my guess to many cups for the amount of thinner. just a guess kb
  10. hey bobp kbkindle here where do you buy circutboard material thank you kb
  11. kb thank again some times ia'm a little dumb but i just want to get it correct thanks kb
  12. coley kbkindle here copeyed your info on making your own bills understand about all except where you put eye after you bend wire and into hole in bill do you glue it to bill also i assume after wire is bent and goes under bill to back of bill the wire is exposed and then glue with bill to bait. kb thanks
  13. kbkindle thanks guys you got me straight now. i understand what i need if it was not for your help i would never get in figured out. great site and great guys kbkindle
  14. kb again thank you for your info. my local wallmart does not handle any thing other than 2and 5 min looked up on www site and devcon makes a 1 minute 2-3-4-5-10-20-21-25-30-35-40-45-50-58-60-75090-120-130- etc what do you mean by " long cure" thanks again kb you da man with the answers :-D
  15. kbkindle first question ia'm getting some bubbles in devcon top coat. not thinning it brushing from front to rear useing 3d eyes on some baits do you go over eyes with devcon or just up to the edge just looked at package and it is not devcon called versa-chem got it at wall mart but do use devcon two ton for bills this versa chem says 5 min epoxy system 5 min. set time is the devcon top coat have a longer set time. kb thanks for help
  16. i hope some one answers you i have been asking for 6 months and have yet to get a answer kb
  17. kbkindle also a new lure maker have made a few flat side cranks 3/8 thick out of basswood and cedar dont know where to put rattles
  18. kbkindle

    wood filler

    are you talking about guick wood epoxy putty stick?. kbkindle
  19. kb here what brand of sandable primer is the best to use on wood cranks some one told me to try kilz but it stays to rubbery. when putting on devcon 2 2500 lb stuff how hot should it be in box with drying wheel the last couple i done it wants to run. maybe i put to much on at a time or do you brush it the second time, leave lure on wheel how long? kb
  20. kbkindle here what order do you make a woodlure here is what i do maybe wrong #1 cut out profile #2 drill holes for belly weight, rear wire hook hanger front wire hook hanger if i use them , cut slot for bills and glue in belly weights and wires #3 sand out lure to my likeing #4 prime , sand primer if any inprofections re prime #5 paint #6 glue in bill #7 devcon two ton #8 put on drying wheel what am i doing wrong i have not had any problems but i only have done about 6 lures so far. just want you experts to check me out. thank guys kb
  21. kbkindle finally got drying box finished pic useing kilz #2 white latex primer i dipped a few baits and then hung them up. as thick as primer is do i just dip them once. when dry i assume you sand primer before painting do you wet or dry sand with what grit paper. then paint
  22. kb here where do you guys buy your ss twisted wire for hook hangers in balsa wood other than lure hardware kb
  23. kbkindle probably not the place to ask but is lure hardware still in business have e-mail them twice with a order with no responce? kb
  24. kbkindle here: have been off site for about 3 month been pretty ill. but i think the dr. are getting me better. when you are 70 years old it takes longer to get well any way i still want to make wood cranks. there is one bait that works great on my home lakes and that is acotton cordell big o in the 2 1/4 " by 1/3 oz and dives 3-5" i want a bait that size, but to dive 5-8' because i think if my crank dont hit the bottom and hit stumps, rock etc it does not work as well. how to get it deeper with the same tight wiggle as big'os any help kb
  25. coley kbkindle here thank you for info just what i needed.. kb
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