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Everything posted by rico.29

  1. i'm affraid there is no such a place around my home, that's why i will certainly buy a good protector on internet but i don't have any idea of good model, that is stopping dangerous vapor of soft plastic. so why not make a special thread "post-it", listing good respirator mask?
  2. yes i've already done this research but may be it would help many of us to know exactly wich brand and model of respirator we should buy to protect ourself .
  3. Hello, i am looking for a good protection for pouring, do youhave any brand or model of respirator to recommend? is this model secure? : 3M US: OH&ES - Online catalog of 3M respirators, hearing protection products, air monitoring devices, environmental safety products, training programs, more thank you for your advise.
  4. i think you will recognize original:whistle:
  5. great result and technic, about technic i guess that you dip them after painting and putting eyes but i'm not sure
  6. great shad. did you use a 2 parts mold or are they dipped like basstrix?
  7. Everything is in the question, i'v found senko poured by "One sock", there may already be a thread on the technic he used to pour this great senko but i can't find it so if you know how to get this great color effect, thank you for helping:)
  8. Hi, as i'm about to buit my first paddletail, i would like to know what kind of cup di you use to dip paddletail knife, with the microwave method. i have pyrex cup but they are too large and i would have to heat too much plastic at once. so what's your experience? Thanks.
  9. Hello everybody, i'm looking to buy 5 gal of soft plastic to make swimbait like javallon. 'till now i was pouring with calhoun Formerly CPC 2101 ( is Calhoun 1207 the same formula?). as i'm pouring in mold with thin part i need to heat plastic pretty well and i've found that calhoun is turning brown, but i like the consistence of the bait with this plastic. so, to your advice is MF or LC formula would be better to pour swimbait like javallon? are these plastic as soft as the CPC 2101 from calhoun? i've also read that LC smoke very little and does not burn but it does separate bad . i know there is a thread about best plastic , but it's pretty old now, thanks for helping.
  10. thanks ; ) , they are 4 and 6 inches long.
  11. Hi, here are my last hand pour lures: i use a 2 RTV part mold.
  12. Here is my last perso creation: POP mold, i just have to make it swim (hope it does well) and then i will pour nicer color...
  13. you should find plastisol from "lureparts", it's a good product,not cheap about 25
  14. nice copy... think i was one of the first to make a copy of the javallon, it's been a while now: http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6297, i've posted pictures in the gallery but as the website was "reboot" lots of pictures and messages disapear from the forum so here are my pictures... once again: i've made mold for javallon, 110 , 140, 160 and 200 also lipress 95. the mold for the javallon 160 was my first mold ever.
  15. thanks for the link, do you know if they do international shipping? Thanks.
  16. Hello, i'm trying to glue eye on soft bait, i'm using super-glue but it doesn't work very well , it's not durable at all. has anyone have any idea about wich product to use to glue eyes ? thanks.
  17. rico.29


    they are 16cm long and 26 gr.
  18. rico.29


    I love this lur, it's so....real, thank you all for helping me answering my question about pouring. now, i only fish with it, it's like if i was fishing with a remote-controlled fish .
  19. in France we have lot of anis "oil" it's called Ricard, Patis, Anisette or Pastaga, it gets trouble when you had water it's the favourite drink of Marseille inhabitants
  20. welli, if i get it right i've to put "oil" in my mold so the plastic won't stuck to my mold, can i use oil for cooking to do that or other grease?
  21. hello, i would like to get a gloss effect for my lure i pour in a rtv silic mold, but don't know how to do. do i have to add worm oil or something else? vaseline? Thanks for helping.
  22. at the moment, the only way i found to use glitter without get them burnt is to spray glitter in the mold before to pour , but glitter stay on the "surface " of the lure and not in the body lure look like the one on the photo i post on "plastic lure" album.
  23. in fact, i' ve also heat for twice 1mn before adding glitter and... it also burn. should i heat for 30s only? Thanks for your reply.
  24. hello, i tried to pour glitter i've bought in a special lurecraft place, and it burns when i pour them in plastisol before to heat 2mn at micro oven (at 800wt), it also burns when i pour them in hot plastic after 2 mn heating. so what happens? are my glitter not made for pouring lure? costumer said they are. or i'm doing something wrong. i've very thin part in my mold so i can't heat less than 2mn. Thank you for helping.
  25. Thank you all, in fact i've tried to heat my silicone mold to micro hoven, it seems it heats easilly. i've also order plastisol from nl lure, sure it's not cheap, but it's the only seller i've found in Europe . i guess next time , i will order to US, even after paying (huge) shipping it shoud be worthy. Let me know esoxlucius if you find any dealer (by the way, great lure . I see other advantage of pouring before to heat: you use exactly the quantity of plastisol you need. i'll post again when will receive my plastisol. Eric
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