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Everything posted by rico.29

  1. i've had the same problem when pouring thin part with old lures, to me it's not a question of t? but it's due to kind of plastic, raw plastic shoud be more liquid when heating.
  2. can you tell me more about this offer, does it work for europe? thanks for answering it's helpfull. as i've never use liquid plastisol (i heat only old lure to pour) i don't know how liquid it is, could it be as liquid as water? if so i think i could pour in every part of my mold without heating it.
  3. In fact it is made with silicone to pour hot lead, i think it will support heating in microwave but i would prefer to be sure. is cold plastic liquid enough to be pour without heating it?
  4. Hello, i'm wondering if it is possible to pour cold plastic in a silicon mold and then to heat it in the microwave. as i have a mold with very thin part, it's hard to pour hot plastic in every part of the mold . so i was thinking of doing the opposite. do you think it' s possible? i can't try because i was only using my old plastic lure to pour, as i'm new to this technic. and i'm thinking about buying plastic to pour. Thank you for answering, rico.
  5. Action is likle the original javallon, i've just make a swim test with it, haven't fish with it yet, but i guess fish will "like" it. in fact the best way to use it is with a slow retrieve and changing tempo, stop, acceleration... i think my version is more durable than the original, 140 javallon is very fragile, it doesn't deserve price. i'm looking forward to make my own color for pike and seabass but first of all i need plastisol... lucky US' fishermen.
  6. Thank you, have you ever tried there products? if yes, what do you think of it? Thanks.
  7. Hello, here is my first try of javallon 140 et 160, see original and mine on the picture, what do you think of them ? the swim is the same, it's a great lure to fish with. i'm looking for plastisol to poor it, here in France i can't find any, can anybody recomend me a good site that can ship to France with low shipping charge and good product? because i've used all my old soft lure to make them. Thanks.
  8. I've made a 2 part mold from a javallon that a friend gives me. for my first attempt , i think the mold is rather good even if there a few bubbles (next time it will be better). i didn't find anywhere to buy soft plastic to pour, so i tried with old soft lures. i heat the plastic on a hotplate and i pour it (a few part burned). the result was awfull only the half of the mold was filled by plastic. how should i do to pour correctly, as the mold has 3 sections of 2mm large. i think my plastic was not hot enought, is microwave technic better to get a very liquid plastic (plastic i poured was rather thicky)? Thank you.
  9. i have found RTV/HB silicon, i was thinking to make my mold with it but i'm wondering if i can pour hot soft plastic in it? will the lure extract correctly without adding any product for a better extraction? if so what kind of product is the best? Thank you.
  10. Thank you Matt, so i guess i've to buy soft plastic instead of silicone : i've been told that if i pour my mold with talc it should work? is it true? Is there other product i can use instead of silicone (and soft plastic as it is difficult to buy it where i live) to make soft lure (as shad)? Thank you.
  11. Hello, as i'm a biginner in molding an pouring, i would like to know if i can use the same RTV silicone as the one i've made my mold of. do i have to had something to extract the lure easily? I don't know if it's possible but i would like to make lure with RTV silicon, i think lure should be more resistant than with plastic, but how about swimming? Has anyone of you ever try to make is lure with RTV silic.? If so let me know your advise. Thank you, Eric.
  12. Thank you for that answer, i'm going to train with some other lure. can you suggest product for the mold and for the kind of plastic i should use to pour? Thank you, Eric.
  13. Hello everybody, i've been looking for a site to learn pouring and molding (as i'm a beginer) and i find tackleunderground.com, it's the place to be, very great. here is my problem, i would like to mold javallon plastic lure from imakatsu, you can see them at http://www.imakatsu.co.jp/products/pro_a018.html they have incredible swim and fish love them (since i get them i only fish with it) as i get a very few (very hard to get) of them i would like to make a mold to pour my own but as i say i'm a beginner and i would like to know the best way to mold it. i was thinking of a 1 part mold, would it work? Please let me know your advise. Thank you, Eric.
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