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Dave V

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  1. I am just getting into rod building and I have been really happy with my BPS Extreme rods. I want to make a rod similar with the same action. Does anyone know what blanks they use? I am looking for a 6'6" MH Casting rod blank. I guess I'll use Fuji ceramic guides, foam handle, etc... Kinda playing it by ear right now. Dave V
  2. Dave V

    Salt Again

    I haven't used Fine Flake Alberger Salt yet, but I am very happy with the results I get from using popcorn salt. non-iodized Table salt and floured salt is out. I have used sugar flakes as well. They are ok, but for the budget conscious like myself, popcorn salt is the way to go. If Fine Flake Alberger Salt is better and the price is cheaper than popcorn salt, then I'll be looking for that. Dave V
  3. I'm strictly a microwave guy (until I finish my pouring pot this weekend). With M-F Super Soft plastic and no softener. this will put your 5" sticks a little heavier than a senko. a senko weighs .3 oz. this will put your sticks at .4 oz. 4 oz plastic 2 level Tbsp fine salt Regular table salt will make your worm stiffer than the fine salt and sinks in the cup much faster. a quick stir at the beginning of your pour with fine salt and pour all the way through with none left on the bottom. Dave V
  4. M-F SS is really nice for sticks. If you use popcorn salt, it doesn't stiffen up much at all and the action is awesome. you can really feel the bait wiggle on a wacky rig. Dave V
  5. I pour the 3.5" and 4.2" model. Great bait and very versatile. I use them on jigs, t-rig, Carolina rig, dropshot and even as buzzbait and spinnerbait trailers. They keep the buzzbait up and are great when slow-rollin' a spinnerbait. Dave V
  6. Some flake bleeds more than others. You shouldn't have any bleed with the first flake application if you add it to the heated plastic. It will usually bleed on the reheat. I find if I reheat at a power level 6 setting then the flake won't get hot enough to bleed and the bait colors remain consistent. I don't use pouring pots, only Pyrex in microwaves so i can't help with that kind of application. Your bad bleeders are emerald, purple, orange, gold, teal blue. you can manipulate the flake to bleed to get original colors as well. Some produce a nice effect. Using different sizes of the same color flake produce nice effects as well. try using .025 and .040 blue in your black and blue senko and compare them to just the one size and you will see what I mean. Dave V
  7. all M-F products 4 oz. SS plastisol add salt to taste 6 drops indigo 2 drops red 1 drop black 3/4 tsp .025 emerald green flake Zoom loads up the flake, compare with the zoom u-vibe speed worm and you will not be disappointed. Dave V
  8. I have recently started tying bucktails. i have dozens now with many different sizes and patterns. What kind of box do you use to store them in for fishing? Dave V
  9. If a fish inhales a bait, it will still survive if you cut the line 12 - 18 inches from the hook so it can be digested and the hook wont turn around in it's system. Sounds like a load of bull to me. I just hope these Nazi's don't get to any of our lakes!!! Dave V
  10. Those are made by injector Dave V
  11. Spending 4 hours pouring some great looking laminates and 3 pour creature baits and coming home from work to find your kids used them as monsters for their action figures and they are in pieces on the floor.
  12. What do you use for a releasing agent when making a mold from a hard master like clay? I would think it would adhere to the hard master. Thanks, Dave V
  13. Read pouring 101. Great tutorial. Don't sweat the "Diseased" look.just gives the bait texture. I've began by melting on my BBQ burner in an old stainless pot into Plaster molds. I was using 1 sided molds so when i made them, I let the plaster set for 10 minutes and pressed the master into the plaster and there wasn't any bubbles at all that way. also gave the plaster a lip around the bait so over pours were few. Now I'm ready to purchase a couple aluminum molds and 5 gal of plastic. My technique has improved dramatically since i started about 1 month ago. Keep at it. Dave V
  14. Congratulations on a great finish. Awesome!!! Dave V
  15. I've been having good success with the 2 part epoxy with a couple drops of rubbing alcohol. Don't thin it out too much. wait an hour before pouring. Use an oil release agent (I use Fish Formula shad) some use Pam. I'll start using that when I buy the garlic Pam. That will help with anything sticking to the worm and give it a nice glossy coat. Dave V
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