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Everything posted by chas48

  1. Im sure its on here before but the search engine didnt find what Im looking for. When I dunk my jigs in the powder coat, they come out with too much paint on them.........is this a heat thing?
  2. Well to end this story...........the key (I now know) thanks to you all, is to poke a wire through the eye RIGHT after the powder coat dunk. That makes a hole that will dry w/ smooth edges..........thanks everyone!
  3. Reeves Now we are getting some where! I will try that. I have had jigs run when I put them in the oven......how does this fit into the equation?
  4. What the heck are you suppose to do w/ jigs you make at home? The monument will be for the PROCESS of figuring it out. I fish 3 times a week and tourneys every weekend. Ive tried every knot and 3 diffrent lines. I believe its the stand up jigs motion. If you have any paint on the eye. First.....after the powder coat cures, I cant get ALL the paint off the jig eye( the paint is too hard)1a... (I cant powder coat without getting some of that dust on the hot eye).......2nd, If there is any paint on the jig eye, the line will break because the knot will slide on the eye. Third...If they made the mold w/ the eye going the other way you wouldnt have this problem. NOW........any body actually make and fish stand up jigs so I can compare notes? ps (1a) If you know of a way to powder coat without getting dust on the eye fill me in.......
  5. How has your hook set gone? If I get any paint on the hook eye, it seems the line will break on the hook set. More so than other jigs.......any one else?
  6. Well out of 70 jigs Im throwing away about 45. Most of them stand up jigs. I ran mono through them back and forth, if it snagged I tossed them. My thinking is you can get away w/ a little paint on most jig eyes because the knot isnt going to move much on the hook set. But on a stand up jig its gonna move about 45 degrees on the hook set. If there is any paint chips there, the line will break. Im gonna start a new thread and ask that question...
  7. 8lbs fluro on spinning tackle(3/16thoz),last year no problem this year (new jigs) problem.....switched to 12 lb fluro on baitcaster(1/4 oz) ...problem (both w/ stand up jigs, 10 break offs) then went to 14 lb mono on bait casting and arkie jig(up to 1/2 oz). Last year no problem, this year at least 2 breaks............12+ breaks in 3 tournaments. I think Im gonna run braided line through all my jig heads to polish out the paint............its just that I didnt have this trouble last year (my 1st year at making jigs).
  8. Im beginning to wonder if I got some bad hooks from Gamigatzo (sp) I have looked at them under a magnifing glass and there is paint in the eye to...?
  9. So how do you put powder coat on w/o getting any on the eye? I used to heat and dunk but that gets in on the eye.
  10. 3 diffrent rods/reels, 3 new lines.
  11. All the lines are new. At first I would get the paint out w/ an old hook or 1 of those "hole punch" type tools for jigs if it was paint or a knife blade if it was powder coat.
  12. I spent all winter making Arkie jigs,stand up jigs and shakie head jigs. Ive been fishing 4 times now and broke off 6 times !! I have not broken off 2 times in the last 3 years on a hook set. At first I thought it was bad line, but it has now happend on 3 diffrent reels w/ 3 diffrent lines. The only common factor is, the breaks are all on the jigs I made.... Now, I have gotten paint on the eyes of the hooks and have tried to clean them out. Could this be the ONLY thing it is?
  13. You know how they say use a black spinner bait at night. How come ya never see many all black crank baits for night use? Im thinking about making 1. Any body have any info or ideas........
  14. Hot Pot............so its ok to let it cool then stay in the pot untill next time? ps I just got that new Do-iT Tip up jig mold w/ keeper and I love it.
  15. leaving your un-used hot lead in the pot to cool? Then I can just plug it in next time. ps. after it cools, can I get it out?
  16. How do you feel about putting clear paint over powder coat?
  17. I was wondering if any one had modified a mold themself w/ any success
  18. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_90060_100011003_100000000_100011000_100-11-3
  19. Has any one had any luck adding a slot in there shakie head molds for a wire keeper coil? I would hate to get out the Dremil tool and mess up my "Do IT" mold. thx
  20. The "Do its" from Bass Pro. I see they now make molds w/ the screw slot in them now. I was wondering if any one has modified there old molds? And how. (then I wouldnt have to buy the new one)
  21. Has any one had any luck adding a slot in there shakie head molds for a wire keeper coil? I would hate to get out the Dremil tool and mess up my mold. thx
  22. I got that part down. I need to get it on the jig.
  23. Is there an easy way to put that rubber band on your jig that holds the skirt? I believe there is a tool out there for that but it is $$$.
  24. Any drawbacks to using old worms to remelt ?
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