A table-monted router is probably the fastest way for rounding lurebodies, but certainly very dangerous. Machining handheld lurebodies with a table-router is asking for an accident to happen. At work (a plastic machining company) we have several table-routers with custombuilt safetydevices, but routering small handheld lurebodies is deffinately abit scary anyway. Am planning to machine some sort of device to secure the lurebody when routering it but I need to get some sort of non-slip rubber so that the lurebodies easily are securely fixed without too much force needed.
For handmade lurebodies a japanese radius plane could be of use, Iv e recently ordered a small one, 160x26mm with radius of 18mm. It will be intresting to see if it works, Ive read that radius planes like this are used when building custom music-instruments and stuff like that.
Heres a pic: