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  1. welcome The only advice i have is don't be afraid to ask questions. There is a wealth of knowledgeable people here so you shouldn't have any problems getting help.
  2. BRYCE

    Wood Sealer

    I used a 24oz. Pickle jar. Five cut up 16oz. Solo cups. The kind of clear ones. Not white not crystal clear. That ratio works good. Its a little thin but its good because It coats evenly. I dip balsa baits about 8-10 times then give it a light scuff with some 400 grit. Paint then fish.
  3. BRYCE

    Plastic coat

    I used regular old paint thinner and the Solo cups and it worked great. After it sits for awhile in the jar the plastic settles in the bottom but I just shook it up real good before each coat and it dissolved back to the mixture again. Sometimes old thinner will lose its Octane I guess you can call it.
  4. I went to my local thrift store and bought a microwave that had a turn table. It was ten bucks. Its only a four rpm motor but it works well for me. I just took the motor out spliced a plug end to the motor contacts and I got a ten dollar drying wheel.
  5. Thanks for all the advice guys. I am using the 2Ton 30min epoxy. I think I need to make a drying wheel. It was thick in some spots and thin in others. Can I wet sand the coat to try and even it out, Then reapply?
  6. I just finished putting the devcon on my first air brushed lure. This is also my first time using Devcon. It came out all lumpy and uneven. How do you guys get that smooth uniform finish? Is it better to put on a few light coats, or one thick one? If someone could clue me in on how to use this stuff I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks -Bryce
  7. Coley, I only use water based paints for now. But you are right Ill need to get different fans for other types of paint. Thanks. LaPala, Good links. Thanks. I wish I had them before I started mine. Yours should be pretty bichin when its done. Where do you paint now? -Bryce
  8. The two fans are 4'' 120VAC electrical panel cooling fans. The front is a lexan sheet that I cut about 6" off the bottom. On the top is a 24'' fluorescent light. I sealed the whole box except for the bottom 6'' Where your arms go in, and the fan ports. I was wondering.... If I put a filter element on the opposite wall of the fans will it even suck any air through? Should I bother putting a filter on the box at all?
  9. I made a spray booth this weekend. Anybody got any Constructive criticism
  10. Yup!! Good 'ol Wally World had it. Thanks apb.
  11. What is a Drying wheel for? Do I need one?
  12. 2ton got it. I can't find it anywhere. Do you order it ? I have looked at home depot, lows, and about four different craft stores.
  13. Where are you guys getting the 30 min stuff? I can only find it in 5 min?
  14. This explains it all buddy. http://tackleunderground.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=6759
  15. Dude those are killer. They look better than my first one.
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