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  1. When I can't find any free lead I go to your local Home Depot or Lowes and buy the lead flashing for chimneys. It comes in 50lb rolls and is very soft and pretty pure. For free lead go to the local roofing contractors and ask them for their scraps. Most are happy to get rid of it because it is considered a hazardous waste at the dump. I do not like using wheel weights the aloys in the lead make the melting proerties change. You have to really crank the heat and it doesn't pour well.
  2. Let's put it this way. I have ran my own personal tests while fishing for stripers. I proved to myself that scent really works. Fish do have the sense of smell......
  3. Patrick, I use that pot and stir it by hand. go to your local cooking utensil store and buy the hi temp (600 degree) silicon spatulas, they are soft and do not scratch at all. I bought mine at Linen and things for $4.
  4. Delmart molds, he has made me some!
  5. I'll be darned if I can find the video? I bought your fliud bed this spring and several of the extra cups. It is very easy to use and after curing the heads the jigs can take a beating. I'm sure I have it down pretty good after painting hundreds of heads, but I would like to make sure I am not missing anything... Thanks for making a great product.
  6. I would also be interested..... keep us informed.
  7. I like using the lead flashing used around chimneys. You can buy it at Home Depot or Lowes. It is very soft and pretty pure. I also go around to roofing contractors and mansons and ask them to save the scrap pieces.... recycling is great!
  8. Yes it is a Delmart 2 piece aluminum mold. go to his website and you will see it on his front page.
  9. Saint I do plan on it in the near future. thanks for sharing
  10. Here are some of my 7" shads I pour and use for striper fishing up here in Maine. I used the new 2 piece aluminum mold from DEL.
  11. First do not use Anchor cups in the microwave just pyrex cups, Del mentioned on his website that the Anchor cups may break. I have been using hot plates and the pot for multipours. it takes a little longer for the plastic to heat up but you can keep the plastic at temp by turning the hotplate down just a little in between pours.
  12. I just bought a high temp 600 degree spatula at Linens-N-Things for $2.99, should work great to stir and not scratch the teflon lining of the "pot".
  13. Nice looking setup. What is the end of your paddle made of? Did it scratch up the teflon liner of the pot or do you have the height set just off the liner?
  14. 1) I have the presto pouring pot... I was using a wood spatula to stir with but just found out that it causes air bubbles. So what can I use that will not scratch the teflon lining? 2) when using glitter I add it just before I pour then stir it occassionally, but I still have alot of glitter on tht bottom left over. The first few tries I used way to mch glitter. Any tips on glitter?
  15. Thanks for your replies..... so what can I use for stirring, I don't want to scratch the teflon liner...
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