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Everything posted by rjbass

  1. You definitely have that old style bait look down.....awesome work...I love old baits and have a collection myself. Rod
  2. Fatfingers, Really nice bait....love the look. Where are you getting the stainless if I might ask? Rod
  3. Happy "B" day......did you catch a fish on your birthday??? Rod
  4. rjbass

    Foiled again

    I have been working on some different (for me) foiling techniques...got to give credit to Fatfingers and Tigger..... These are cedar, through wire musky size cranks. Rod http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g225/rjbass/foiled.jpg
  5. By the time your done you are going to have one awesome paintbooth..... I think it's as much fun building these type of things as it is using them. Rod
  6. Fatfingers, Just fyi, I added these to my paint booth and it made a world of difference. They are 30 watt daylight flourescent trumpet bulb lights used for photo booths, check them out... http://store.tabletopstudio-store.com/shtwoliset.html Rod
  7. rjbass

    Blue Gill

    Is that a photo finish?
  8. Those articles are from "Musky Snax", he is a TU member and has posted in the gallery. He is an awesome baitmaker. Rod
  9. Welcome to the insanity.... Rod
  10. FYI, I used flexcoat for sometime, nice finish and flexible, but it will not withstand fish with teeth. So if you are going after anything other than bass, you might want to consider something tougher like Devcon 2ton, Crystal Sheen or something like that. Rod
  11. Americana makes an avocado color that you could start with. Here is a link where you can get it. http://www.pearlpaint.com/shop~ocID~6400~parentID~6392~categoryID~6389.htm Rod
  12. Now that's cool, something very different.... Rod
  13. Skeeter Jones, You really need to ditch the cup....go with Tally's suggestion and use the tin foil or the bottom of a pop or beer can. It is easier to mix and you won't have nearly as many bubbles. Rod
  14. Looks good, how many cfm is your blower? Rod
  15. Skeeter Jones, I use Createx retarder with all water based paints. I have some 1oz. jars and mix about three drops per 1oz of paint. Here is a link... http://www.misterart.com/store/browse/001/cat_id/79/Art-Supplies-Airbrush--Mediums.htm Rod
  16. LaPala and Fatfingers hit it right on the head.....I know I have gained knowledge or ideas from just about everybody who posts at one time or another and I have been building baits for years. That's what this is all about....I don't think we want to put people on pedistals, but that is only my opinion. Rod
  17. If you are having trouble with clogging when trying to do fine lines, try some retarder in your paint. It will stop the paint from drying on the tip and will make it easier to do detail. I also use polytranspar paint from Wasco (water based) and never have a problem. I top coat with Devcon, works fine. Rod
  18. Do yourself a favor....go to the Dixieart site http://www.dixieart.com/ look and read all you can about the Iwata line of airbrushes, pick the one that will suit your style, and buy it. You will not be disappointed. Iwata brushes are what's happening this day and age. I have owned just about every make of brush out there, and once I used an Iwata I never looked back. True story! Super quality, easy to clean, easy to adjust and very little clogging. Rod
  19. There are two ways that I know how to do it. Use a stipple effect with your airbrush, or use a toothbrush. The toothbrush method is easier and with practice comes out nearly as good. What you do is dip your toothbrush in the desired color for your spatter and use your thumb to bend the bristles back and let them go toward the bait. The spray from the brush will give the bait the spatter. More paint, more spatter, less paint, less spatter. Practice on some paper or cardboard before hand and it won't take too long to get the hang of it. Rod
  20. Fatfingers, I have only tried Flexcoat as I had heard it was really good. Here are the problems I had..... You have to mix it for two minutes and it has to be very exact or it will remain sticky. It is not near as hard as devcon or as glossy. It takes several days to get hard enough to fish. It may be allright for bass, but for toothy fish it will not stand up. I fish mainly muskys and they basically ruined all my baits with Flexcoat. I had problems with some baits getting water under the topcoat and I talked to Skeeter about this and I think it was a combination of the Flexcoat and my sanding sealer. At any rate, I have never had this problem with Devcon, not once. So to make a long story short, I am a Devcon advocate until I find something better. I am like alot of us always trying to find something better and stronger or easier, but I have tried just about everything out there and haven't come across anything yet. Rod
  21. rjbass

    Foil Bluegill

    Really, really nice.... Rod
  22. rjbass

    Musky Rockets

    Here are some of the Musky trolling baits I make....
  23. rjbass

    Musky Rockets

    Here are some of the Musky trolling baits I make....
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