I have the 797 unit.I have had it for about 1 year.I love it.The only thing is the smaller screen size.I hope that helps.I have found things like foundations that are not on any map that I would never have found with my lowerance unit.
The roadkill i use is 10 drops LC grrenpumkin,5 drops LC watermelon and small amount of copper powder.Add black flake amd done.Best color ever made for smallmouths.Hope this helps
That is great looking are you airbrushing the paint on or painting it on with brush.Any help would be great.I just got some of the plastic paint from L.C
I just got some of the LC plastic paint.I tried putting it on with a brush,worked ok but was wondering if anybody has tried an airbrush.Any help would be greatly appriciated.Thanks as always
just wanted to try new digital camera out.This is bob's grub roadkill body,pumkin black fleck tail.Just wondering what every body thinks.http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h64/mbreuning/Pic004.jpg
I am intrested in the 10 inch power worm mold but I don't have a injection sysytem.Iwould need a pouring hole put in the mold.I would also be intrested in the 7 inch power worm mold.Thanks for the info.