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Everything posted by Green_Fingers

  1. Green_Fingers

    Baby pike jointed

    Simon: Great looking bait, is it molded resin or PVC body? Are you going to add it to Peak Baits seélection on Oscars website soon!? I look forward to seeing some big Dutch pike attached to it in the photo gallery soon.. if your fishing season is like here in switzerland the pike are just stating to move in to the shallows,and with the warm summer, so far, let the fishing begin! Caro: The eyes are Dutch molded eyes from lureparts.nl if I am not mistaken! Cheers, Simon
  2. I have never seen an aluminium mold liek that, as i was looking for something like this a year or so ago but looks like that would be an easy one to make a POP or RTV one sided mold from! Just my 2 cents Simon
  3. Green_Fingers


    Love the baby bass in the middle especially but all nice baits! Simon
  4. Flawless Creation..yet again!
  5. I am with zaugrishak5150 on this one, black or black and red combinations has been most productive for me with pike, weather fishing soft lures, hard lures or spinners. So I must be a wierdo too! Cheers Simon
  6. Green_Fingers

    8 inch big bait

    Cool video, that bait sure does have some great action but that little yellow car at the bottom of the pool kept distracting me! ;-) Simon
  7. Green_Fingers


    Took me a second to figure out which one was the lure and which one was the fish! Amazing paint job! Simon
  8. If memory serves me right anther Aussie asked the same question last year and I think he found a source in OZ, but I can't remember who that was! maybe try searching through some of the older threads!? Simon
  9. You have the greatest quotes rixon! I might have to borrow the golf one, and the lawn one too!


  10. Green_Fingers

    spook repaint

    I would add fine flake like you use for pouring soft plastict mixed in to your top coat and apply as normal. Looks like that would be a great lure/colour scheme for our european sea bass! Simon
  11. Isn't that what you americans call a pan fish? If so you must have seriously big frying pans! Cheers, Simon
  12. Very nice paint job Tom! Not only very well painted but its a different pattern from any I have seen before. Cheers, Simon
  13. Green_Fingers

    Swim baits

    Really clean and uniform looking baits Frank...now you got me wanting an injector! Simon
  14. Green_Fingers

    New swimbait

    Thanks for the Info D.J, I will look into getting one of them! Cheers, Simon
  15. Green_Fingers

    New swimbait

    Great looking swimbaits really like the rainbow trout and the blue backed ones. If you don't mind me asking what mold is that and how long are they? Cheers, Simon
  16. Green_Fingers

    Rocket Shad

    Great bait, really like the way the eyes pop out of the bait! Simon
  17. Green_Fingers

    Re - Paint

    I thought it was chewing gum! Lovely colour scheme by the way! Simon
  18. Green_Fingers

    Old Timer

    Can't go wrong with white! Classic! S
  19. Green_Fingers

    Alumite Topwater

    Bob, That's a really special little lure and fantistic paint job! I doubt any predatory fish in the world could resist the temptation of taking a bite at that one! I don't suppose that either, you Bob, or Boon would consider selling 5 or so of those topwater bodies by any chance? As I haven't seen any thing quite like it for sale commercially before and although I do mold and pour my own soft plastics and have carved 5 or 6 hardbaits in my life, I do not have the skills nor tools to make such beutiful blanks! Feel free to pm me or send me an email (lemanlures@hotmail.com) if your interested! Cheers, Simon
  20. Green_Fingers

    Manson vs Legion

    My vote is with the Purple one!! Great looking lures as usual Stampe! Simon
  21. Hi Mark, I live in Switzerland and order my plastic from MF in the US, good quality, good price and good service, the shipping works out ok (aprox 40$) if you order at least a gallon and have it shipped by US postal service by sea (NOT AIRMAIL!) but it takes up to 8 weeks! I tried the plastic from Lureparts.nl which I found pours just as well but boy does it stink!!! (IMO in comparison to MF plastic) As for VAT and customs duty etc...it hasn't been consistant for me, once i paid an additional charge (aprox 25£) but the other two or three time I never paid any import duty or VAT! Both lureparts.nl and the French site Bricolure sell rtv for making molds, however I only use POP to make my molds and also have a few aluminium ones that i got from the TU classifieds. Good luck and look forward to seeing soem more euro pours in the gallery! Cheers, Simon
  22. Going to my very first Thanks Giving dinner with the expat US community in Geneva! Happy thanks giving all!

  23. Going to my very first Thanks Giving dinner with the expat US community in Geneva! Happy thanks giving all!

  24. Going to my very first Thanks Giving dinner with the expat US community in Geneva! Happy thanks giving all!

  25. Going to my very first Thanks Giving dinner with the expat US community in Geneva! Happy thanks giving all!

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