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  1. Thanks guys, I ordered some bags from Lure Craft.
  2. Where do you guys get the bags for your hand pours???
  3. That is one of the best looking worm pours I've ever seen!! Awsome work!! :yay:
  4. Thanks guys, I'll be ordering a kit soon. I've already checked out all the color formulas, even printed a couple of pages out so I won't forget them when I start. Thanks again!!
  5. I've been reading this site for a while now, lots of great information!! I'm pretty sure I'm ready to attempt to make my own lures. Just wanted some opinions on what to start out with. I know I'm going to start out with stik baits, but would it be better to get a kit or just get the material separately?? I saw a great kit on Del-Mart that includes the mold. I like that one, but it's $93. Is it good for beginners? Thanks for any and all responses.
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