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Richard Prager

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Everything posted by Richard Prager

  1. Mike for what you're talking about......the black x's, just drag a toothpick to make the line. Dip the end (unbroken) in a drop of paint for each line. This way they will be consistant. Same thing with the dots
  2. I would use a fluid bed for the base coat and then "tap" the different colors on with a brush. No waste and comes out great I used "cadman's" method and easily do 4-5 different colors that way. One brush is allot cheaper.
  3. I use the HB 1/5hp compressor. the one that comes with the airbrush. I love it and is quiet. Are wanting it to paint blades?
  4. Look for round cabs in the size you need. http://www.ebay.com/sch/condan/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p3686
  5. you can download Gimp2 for free. Works well
  6. The GSP 200 works great for me. Just don't use the white
  7. I don't know how it works, myself but I saw this from an accomplished carver/painter on another forum For the glitter, I like to use Folk Art Extreme Glitter because it can be sprayed through an airbrush with a little thinning. I do know you can order really fine flake from TCB and other places like .008 but it is not cheap.
  8. highlight powder with also stiffen it up a bit. I guess it does the same as the powder paint would but with the added effects
  9. There are allot of groups on facebook that you can join and post your work. Best of all there are no e-bay fees.........just paypal.
  10. Before making jewelry models with computers, we hand carved them. I used dental tools heated slightly with a flame. You can also add wax to a model the same way. I guess whatever works best for you is the key.
  11. Make sure the second color is nice and hot. If it is an RTV mold, you can take a mini torch to seal the cracks. I think that was Nova's idea. if it is an aluminum mold, just pour it on a presto griddle and turn the heat up for a few seconds or so. Just takes some practice. If the tail fell right off, then the second color was not hot enough.
  12. I still don't understand why any body would want to use powdered salt? Why bother putting flake in. You can control the size of the flake you like. Also, a blender does a great job and holds a heck of allot more salt than the grinder. Feed stores are also a great place to buy salt cheap! JMO but I value it greatly!
  13. I used Morton's Kosher(green box) Pickling Salt. Right out of the box. If you powder the salt, sure it suspends better, but the baits look like crap in my opinion. I prefer a translucent bait that allows for light reflection and refraction. If you powder the salt then the only flake you will see is what's on the outside of the bait. Stir every two sticks if you hand pour or get a Presto Pot with a stirrng system. Like I said above "I prefer"
  14. worm oil is DINP. Last I bought some Bear's was the least expensive by the gallon
  15. Yep, what he said! Start making your molds now as there will be some do overs, I'm sure. Besides once you get your plastic what are you going to do without having any molds? You can use crayons, pastels, etc for coloring as well. Welcome and get going! Just a thought......take that gas money you keep pumping in to drive around and go buy some plastic!
  16. That's how I mix my epoxy except i use a drill. Works great but have to use a round mixing cup or container.
  17. I use to get mine from these people http://stores.ebay.com/sandpartyandmore
  18. I've never seen theirs, but I've always used equal amounts of watermelon and green pumpkin a drop of black and a touch of copper highlight. There should be a few in the archives. Earthworm77 had the best I've seen
  19. Just google the model and look at the schematics
  20. No problem. Why don't you like the screw type in stainless steel........other than being a pain in the butt to put in?
  21. You never mentioned swimbaits, Mister Twister or Mustad. You said plastic, easy and not screw type. This is what came to mind...............shrink wrap.
  22. I could be wrong, but I think all it is is shrink wrap.
  23. That stuff looks great and you painted right over it! Looks like another learning curve coming! Thanks for sharing that.
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