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Richard Prager

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Everything posted by Richard Prager

  1. I have used Parma Liquid mask #701. It work pretty good and peels right off. Hobby shops carry it. To tell you the truth it is a PIA and a heck of allot easier to just pop the eyes off and replace them with new ones.
  2. Now, that there is funny! what did I do with that pom-pom gif?
  3. I just go over them with a piece of fine steel wool. I only use water base paints. I've tried Mark's acetone dip and that works just fine. I can't take the fumes.
  4. Wouldn't you be better off with a stencil for each side?
  5. It's the camera and the light box! But thank you! I really do fumble around trying to use a stencil.
  6. 5mil Laminating sheets make decent stencils and you can print right on them as well. I've fooled around with some on Photoshop. The only problem I have is..............I cannot for the life of me use an exacto knife. My only other option is to learn how to use the airbrush...........damn learning curves!
  7. Good to see you here!Richard
  8. Grind up some fresh Columbian coffee beans. No scent needed!
  9. That's one thing that sucks about this business/hobby................anything new that is a potential money maker is copied without being thought twice about. You make your 300 units and it will be copied and for sale before you even sell them all to break even. It's a shame but that's reality. You might just have to take it to the grave!
  10. It does sound very interesting and I know you don't/can't give out too much info but it has become more of a riddle to solve than anything else. At least to this guy who needs pictures for every explanation under the sun.
  11. Yeah, once you don't thoroughly mix a compound that hard packs, you're kind of screwed. I've always been partial to M-F which, with a few rockings back and forth of the 5 gallon jug and you're good to go for the day. It's been a while and do believe there are others out there now that don't hard pack. For swimbaits (of course depending on size) I always went with their medium. That's what worked for me.
  12. Call jeff at M-F. I'm sure they will send you samples if you pay for shipping. Their super soft is a floating compound and the soft is a sinking. Both are great for salted sticks as well as others. The sinking requires about 30% less salt and a touch of softener. The SS requires nothing but salt. What type of baits are you making? Call these places and ask pint size samples and ask questions. Most are very willing to help.
  13. There is nothing wrong with the products available now. Yes, they are constantly being tweaked. You need to market your product. That's a full time job right there. JMO
  14. You can buy waterproof, smear proof pens at Michael's for less than $3. I bought one the other days and epoxied right over it without a problem. Just a thought
  15. you can make those with baby spoons or similar......just snip off the spoon part.
  16. I had one of the original blades that Del made. He got way overwhelmed with orders for them and stopped making them as he said they were too time consuming to make. I remember when they were so hot on e-bay, that one store in Texas made you buy $100 worth of other tackle in order to get a pack or two. I didn't have a knack for making them and quickly gave up. I'm better at instigating and being argumentative lately............carry on girls!
  17. Just using the regular laminated worm bags for packaging. Usually cured the baits for 24 hours or so. I used M-F plastic so really can't speak much about the others. Sticks with salt I used very little scent as they will tend to swell. For my own use, I never bothered much with scent. I never saw a bass sitting at an Italian restaurant munching on garlic rolls. It's really for the customer in my opinion. Put a shoe string on a hook and you'll catch fish!
  18. Put your baits in a gallon zip lock with some scent. Shake, bag and get rid of them. Scent will always get absorbed into the plastic. Worked for me
  19. No wonder I always get lost driving through Iowa.........It's all coming together now
  20. I use the hard as nails for the knots on hand tied skirts. If you use D2T for the clear coat on the lead, you should be able to use them within 24 hours or less.
  21. The transparency film is probably the same as laminating sheets.
  22. Have you tried the 3-5mil laminating sheets.......office depots, etc.
  23. Obviously the link didn't work and I couldn't find it in the archives. If you use 2 clothespins separated a bit, it should work.....or something similar https://www.facebook.com/152ndStreetBaits Scroll down on the page
  24. How is the odor when applying and after curing?
  25. I'm not the handiest so mine is fairly crude. The lures are held with the hemostats I use when painting then placed on clothespins. Got the idea here on TU. The hemos I got lucky on e-bay for dirt cheap. https://www.facebook.com/ajax/flash/expand_inline.php?v=466721433342267&target_div=umqnfd_4&playertype=permalink&max_width=403&max_height=403&context=timelineSingle Works for me!
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