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Richard Prager

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Everything posted by Richard Prager

  1. It looks good to me. The right side is darker because the bait tapers away at that point.
  2. You should be able to pour hot plastic in clay that has be high fired and glazed. Also, if you are using clay for your model and you want to put it aside for the next day, lay some strips of wet paper towel directly on the clay. Then, lay a plastic bag over it. It might even be easier to work with when it firms up a bit. Be careful when letting the clay dry. It will tend to crack if it dries too fast. Allow about 15% for shrinkage.
  3. Someone send the little extortionist a mold and some plastic. He'll never have time to hack another site!
  4. I'm set up in a very large air conditioned garage. I have a floor fan set up about 6 feet away on the left of me. This is positioned to lightly blow the fumes out about the 10 inches I have opened in the sliding glass door to the right of me. I slowly exhale as I'm pouring. I really don't get much smoke at all unless I get the plastic too hot or remelt scraps. I use M-F plastic and it doesn't smell or smoke too bad. When I first started pouring, I was getting bad headaches. The pastic I was using at the time both smoked and smelled pretty bad. Drinking lots of water helped, but the headaches completely stopped when I switched plastics.
  5. What molds were you looking at? If I have it, I'd be happy to send a couple. If I don't have it, somebody else might.
  6. Buy her a new car, Del. I bet she'll pour a few!
  7. Cut up some scraps and throw it in the pyrex. Then from a previous pour, peel out what's left on the bottom of the pyrex and place that over the cut up pieces. Heat that up fairly quick and you should get plenty of bubbles.
  8. Nice work! They look like they have an attitude!
  9. Count me in for a flat rate box full of assorted plastics. Please remind me 3 weeks prior as I tend to forget. richard@152ndstreetbaits.com
  10. If you do get the 5 gallon container from M_F, a good idea is to get the spigot that screws in. It can be used over and over again. It's about $3.00. Also if you need color or flake, order it with the plastic. They will toss it in the same box so you can avoid extra shipping charges. They will also send highlight powder samples along. Sometimes they send it automatically, sometimes they don't. But you can send a little note along when you order to make sure.
  11. You can get 5 gallons for $100 from M-F
  12. Call Bob and ask him. I'be seen the molds you are talking about. Id actually like to get a couple my self.
  13. http://www.fishingworld.com/M-F-Manufacturing/Default.tmpl?Cart=11972897166397373
  14. Send me the molds and I'll pour the baits, I'll send them to a friend in Japan and he'll forward it to your buddy. Then delete this thread so there is no paper trail! Sorry, Jim I just had to do it!
  15. Apple pie and ice cream sounds great............isn't there a patent on that?
  16. Go to the freezer section and buy a bag of crinkle cuts, let them dry real well and dip! Pick me up a blueberry pie while you're at it.
  17. I believe it was Zoom's Horny Toads that the comment about being flawed was made. Although it is a great bait, it IS hit or miss whether the feet will work right.
  18. Certainly will, and another slice of pie, please!
  19. I also design and make jewelry. I've had 5 pieces flat out copied by two of my competitors. They just made a rubber mold much in the same way we make copies of baits. I know both of them becuse we have a captive audience and have met up with them in different parts of the country on several occasions. I've confronted each of them once. It made me feel a little better, but not much. Not much else I can do. I have over 200 original pieces and even if I were to copyright them as a collection, there's not much I can do. My sister in law is a copyright attorny and can send a letter. But then what?? I figure what goes around, comes around. Some people tell me I should be flattered and I tell them "flatter this"!! I really don't know where I'm going with this other than to say, "I've been there". Hey Nick..............I like blueberry!
  20. If it is wrong to copy a bait and sell it, it is just as wrong to copy it for your own use. If copying a protected bait is wrong, then it is wrong, period.
  21. Hi, This is Richard. I'm writing from rehab. With these intensive therapy sessions, they say I am making great progress and should be home in a few more weeks. I have to keep this short because I'm not allowed on this site anymore. If they catch me, they consider it a relapse and will keep me here another 3 months. They sent someone to my shop to clean out my supplies ( I hid all the good stuff) as this is a program of total abstinance. I think I got them fooled and will making my new shop in the basement well hidden. I think if I limit myself to 2 molds and basic colors/flake, I'll be ok. I hear them coming, I've got to go!
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