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Richard Prager

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Everything posted by Richard Prager

  1. How about having your local potter/college throw some on the wheel to your specs? Just have the inside glazed and it should work fine in the microwave.
  2. I bought a set of plastic measuring "scoops" at Target for about $2 The set has about five sccoops from 1/8 tsp to 1 tbl
  3. Great idea! Are these electric?
  4. I like Matt's idea. I made a pouring pot from a Presto. It might work fine for others, but it isn't for me. By the time I got it going right, I could have had the order finished. I like my pyrex! Start pouring!
  5. Salt will firm them up. Adding flake will firm them up a little bit also but not quite as much.
  6. spray with Garlic Pam each time and gently wipe the excess.
  7. I use Gorilla glue and put crazy glue on top of that. Works well
  8. I bet if you post a pic somebody will tell you exactly what it's make up is.
  9. I'm looking for someone to weight the shanks of hooks for me. If interested please shoot me an e-mail at: richard@152ndstreetbaits.com Thanks, Richard
  10. ...and they ship out on the same day. I've never had to wait for my merchandise from M-F
  11. Does the tape stiffen the bait and impede the action?
  12. Falcon Hooks. We've been using the 5/0 with the 5 inch size swim baits and 6/0 with the 6 inch baits in the 3/32 size. The seem to work well.
  13. Great job on the tutorials, Brett! The pics are great as well. Thanks for taking the time to put that together.
  14. I stumbled upon these awesome pours
  15. Don't know if this link will work, but you can try Spike It at Bass Pro Shops http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/SearchResults?storeId=10151&catalogId=10001&langId=-1&searchOption=products&hvarSearchString=spike-it&hvarAID=google&cm_mmc=Google_AdWords-_-Brands_Fishing+-+Spike-It-_-Broad+match+search+768240325-_-spike%20it%7C-%7C100000000000000083672
  16. A good suggestion is to read EVERY thread in this forum. There is a wealth of information here that is priceless.
  17. The bait really looks great! Did you use acetone or laquer thinner with the powder like you mentioned in an earlier post?
  18. My buddy bought some rattles at BPS yesterday. The glass rattles sank and the plastic rattles float.
  19. Somebody mentioned in a previous thread, covering a wooden mold with JB Weld, then sanding smooth. Great input, great thread!
  20. I really don't understand what the big secret is about, with copying someone else's bait. NOBODY posted any pics (because there weren't any baits made) until Delw posted step by step instructions, with pics on how to make these tube swimmers. It's a shame because he does nice work and could have alot to offer. Oh well, it's his ball, I suppose he can go home if he chooses so.
  21. Looks great, Jim! The tail looks a little thicker?
  22. I've never used this product before, but what about "Spike It" instead of paint and then clear dip over that?
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